Why are Americans this pathetic?

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Literally nobody is listening to the USA anymore lmao.

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mash'allah corona-chan will destroy us soon

>we tried to invade your country, assassinate your leader, and blame you for false flag attacks
>but we have the moral high ground because muh gommunism

The Cuban charges for it and the government takes 80% of the money off of their overseas medical operations, effectively gyping their medical workers

>Cuban Doctors

>American healthcare

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they are spies


Aid can only go to Israel.

Getting CORONA'd in Cuba would be much preferable to America

Don't you have a neoliberal induced civil collapse to be attentinding to, Jose?

Yes, fuck Cuba.

Maybe if you're a yuuuge poorfag

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how can americans fuck up every single thing related to this virus

pathetic cope

Well, most of you shall be poor after the epidemy

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>one of the richest countries in the world has hospital staff wearing garbage bags as PPE during a virus pandemic

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After Cuban doctors discover what it's like working in a hospital with 24/7 running water, they won't want to leave.

>flatten entire countries, killing millions of civilians in the name of freedom
>pretend to care about the working conditions of cuban doctors

I get that Cuba isn't exactly a great place and it does a lot of bad shit, but the USA really shouldn't try to claim moral superiority with all the incredible illegal and immoral shit it does on a regular basis.

>saved $30000 to leave US forever
>quit job in february
>brother gets sick and goes to jail
>go bail him out and pay his bills
>down $10000
>this shit happens
i am living my dream in a way i just wanted to be surrounded by drunk people who i cannot communicate with

America seethe

>We did accept their help

Is uncle Cheeto going to punish us for this?

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Cuba has a better healthcare system than the US. Perks of communism.

I honestly can't tell if this social media account is a parody account or legit. Reading through it is like a roller coaster of stereotypes and stuff that people get mocked as conspiracy nuts for accusing the US government and their allies for being involved in.

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The U.S. outsources most of its international aid to Protestant missionaries with limited medical and/or field training who use the opportunity to preach the most extremist doctrines of Christianity. Ever wonder why Uganda executes gays when it's so tight with the U.S.?

not in this case.

Anyway even if you have the money, no country is sending doctors right now.

>american teen

Probably morbidly obese, borderline diabetes t2 and vaped non stop

live fast die young.

Live fat die young

Holy fuck good one Pierre

What happened is that the teen showed up to an Urgent Care Center with severe symptoms and was told to go to a hospital Emergency Room instead for both of the following reasons (though it's unclear which of these was told to the family first): 1. Urgent Care clinics require payment up front and are not required to treat, and 2. This and most Urgent Care clinics are not equipped for intensive care/critical condition cases.

The teen died in transit from the UC to the ER.

Now, most people in America don't know all that shit. I only learned it all today from reading two full news articles of that story. I live within walking distance of an Urgent Care, and 30 minutes by bus in city traffic of an ER, so my plan was always to go to the Urgent Care. Also if you're paying out of pocket and don't want to ruin your credit, Urgent Cares and local clinics are always an order of magnitude cheaper than an ER or hospital. ERs are simply unaffordable to actually pay full price out of pocket, and they will bill you as soon as you walk in the door, whether or not you consent to treatment (and whether or not that results in you even seeing a doctor).

Yes, American healthcare is third-world. But what this teen went through was *not necessarily* due to a staff heartlessly refusing a dying patient -- they genuinely (almost by definition) were not equipped.

Is it actual help or are they sending them out to learn 21st century techniques/internal propaganda? Of what help could a dozen of doctors be to a whole country

I dunno, ask MSF (Doctors Without Borders) if they would like a dozen field-prepped doctors ready to work right now. Then ask them that question?

How inhumane, they should aspire to have an ethical medical system like the USA then.

>sending them out to learn 21st century techniques
Shouldn't that be viewed as a good thing by any country?

Why are we still so butthurt about Cuba?
They haven't been a threat to us for 60 years.
And the leader that caused all the trouble has been dead for 4 years.
Literally just move on.

Doctors Without Borders isn't in short supply of doctors. I bet they would like 12 dollars more.
Agreed, and I wouldn't complain about giving Cuban doctors free training, but not now, and not pretending like they're doing us a favor. In Spain's case I'm pretty certain you're not allowed to practice a profession with another country's license without going through a bureaucratic nightmare that takes years and many trips across the country.

>but not now, and not pretending like they're doing us a favor
>doing us a favor
Again, what?

The news is that Cuba is sending doctors to Italy and Latin-America as an humanitarian gesture. My point is that in civilized countries like Spain and Italy, or most of Latin-America, you can't just send doctors and expect them to be of any help because them practicing medicine without going through the legal hoops and barriers required would violate the rights of patients and other doctors. I'm all for Cuban doctors coming here and learning things, but it is a favor from us to them and this is probably not the time for master lessons. For example, the 120 Cuban doctors we have now, who can't help because they're not legally allowed to practice medicine.

>the 120 Cuban doctors we have now, who can't help because they're not legally allowed to practice medicine.
sounds more like a problem with your system not them

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We typically smuggle in CIA agents under the guise of NGO workers.
Also, were not gonna allow the Cuban government to use this as a PR stunt to somehow demonstrate the woes of capitalism and democracy.
You can argue whatever you want all day, but that's what it is.

>My point is that in civilized countries like Spain and Italy, or most of Latin-America, you can't just send doctors and expect them to be of any help because them practicing medicine without going through the legal hoops and barriers required would violate the rights of patients and other doctors.
That doesn't sound civilised at all.

>were not gonna allow the Cuban government to use this as a PR stunt to somehow demonstrate the woes of capitalism and democracy
The response to this virus pandemic by western governments is already more than enough of a display of the complete failures of capitalism and democracy, desu.

statians only save the world in their movies

>democracy is the reason.
Thank you for your opinion.

So did the cartels come out with like...gold and platinum jewel studded face masks yet or what?

It isn't a problem, and it isn't just our problem even in those Cuban doctors' I just mentioned case, since there is some level of coordination on an European level, and each country is responsible for deciding who is what outside of its own borders.
Could an American use his open carry license in Australia to walk around with a gun around his belt?

so did you come out with like deepfried covered in melted fake cheese face masks yet or what?

Why are Iranians this pathetic?

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>Cuban doctors
bad meme as they're barely above level of an RN here. By off the boat Cubans/communist retards they're touted as a miracle though.

To be fair it makes sense, would a doctor from Botswana be as qualified as one from Germany?

melted cheese?
sounds like a Mexican mask.

Btw, Are the narcos jealous that the virus is now killing more Mexicans than they do?

idk, are school shooterss jealous that the virus is now killing more statians than they do?

>bad meme as they're barely above level of an RN here
A nurse is better than no medical care at all you fucking retarded leftist.

Hopefully, the virus has killed them.
Is the CJNG gonna kidnap and rape the viruses daughter?

>brazilian doctors are the best at nip tuck
what are cuban doctors best at?

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corona has literally driven all the posters on this board insane especially the canadians get your fucking obsession under control

What's nip tuck, plastic surgery?
If so I doubt anyone can beat the koreans.

Pretending to be doctors while collecting information about your country's critical infrastructure.

Cuba exports around 19k doctors annually

Intel and propaganda. I'm not an le epic right wing reactionary but I've seen first hand what the Cubans do and their doctors do.

and youre right for face plastic surgery
but brazilians are best at boobs and ass

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Imagine being frightened by fucking Cuba. It's like being afraid of fucking Romania or some shit. Just stop.

Plenty of cuban doctors in this shithole.

I was seen by one once. They're good as general doctors, not out of the ordinary as specialists

This. Cuba used their intel that they gathered in Iraq to invade Iraq in 2003. Same with Afghanistan a couple years prior. They then used that same intel stream to overthrow nationalist governments around the world. Cuba is an extremely dangerous rogue state and should not be complemented by any one who believes in Judeo-christian civilization.

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Not frightened, just aware of their incredibly snakeish behavior all over the western hemisphere and SEA.
This whole campaign is that they want the blockade lifted.

>but brazilians are best at boobs and ass
So they're good at making the parts that you only see 1/100th of the day in barely-lit rooms look nice? Gee, good for them.

They also sent advisors to Hanoi to torture and ultimately kill US POWs.

Now they claim to have a wonder drug called Interferon Alpha-2B Recombinant.
I don't buy it. We will wait to see what Italy has gained from its cooperation with the doctors.

How do we stop cuban imperialism?