Whats your favorite food Yas Forums ?
Mines a benis with curry
Whats your favorite food Yas Forums ?
I unironically really like cauliflower. *tips white sauce*
Based I like vegetables too my favorite is cucumbers
Cauliflower wings are one of my favorite foods now. I like normal cauliflower, so breaded and fried with hot sauce is like heaven.
Spicy meatballs and mashed potatoes with meatball pan sauce
Along with onion salad
I cant just say beatballs and mashed potatoes because everyone would think only meatballs and mashed potatoes, no sauce, no salad, no kajmak on potatoes to melt, no idea how good meatball pan oil can ve made into sauce, no idea what onion salad is
Question isnt fair and nor is there room to describe how much love and effort i put in making my meatball ,and mashed potatoes and salad and sauce i the pan after meatballs are done and what kajmak is, how i make the salad with onions, vinegar, mayo and sour cream and idk what the name of the spice is but it makes it far better and whatnot
I cant explain
Try onions
In what context? Raw?
Can you make your own if only buns were store bought and rest you need assembling
I actually made a photo of my dinner today. Witloof (Belgian endive/chicory/whatever) in ham and cheese. With cordon bleu. I also had some potato slices, but those were still in the pan.
It loops a bit sloppy made by me, but that doesn't stop it from being tasty.
Italian beef pizza
No, deep fried with the dip thing before frying
I dont know what the dip thing is, but i are dipped fried chicken and i noticed there is a lot of stuff going on in the skin, the gold/orange skin of chicken or whatever you want deep fried you dip in
I know bread crumbs and maybe egg, but rest i dont know
Or just eatraw onion, cant go wrong with it
nothing wrong with cauliflower and cheese sauce
or cauliflower peanut curry which is like the only decent vegan curry you can get
Oh yeah, onion rings are a huge thing here. Every appetizer menu has them. Delicious.
The standard sauce for cauliflower is bechamel
sauce desu.
?.. borger
I have an addiction to cheese so I'm slightly biased
How do i make the dip thing and what happens with rest of onion that isnt ring
I would try onion ring to make it at home
comfy gyro
>what happens with rest of onion that isnt ring
The "dip" is flower, cayenne pepper, salt, and water. If you slice the onion properly, each layer should come out as a smaller and smaller ring. The very end can just be thrown out.
Dont throw food away
It's not a poor choice as long as it's not McDicks.
Well yeah, I assume so.
Do they make brioche buns where you live?
Where is the curry in that picture you nigger?
I mean the VERY end. The root of the onion. If other cultures have a use for it, I'm sorry for not knowing.
That was my go to drunk food in Germany. Good shit, wish we had it here.
MCD is the finest quality of borger found in the US.
I guess if you have to feed a short bus full of window lickers.
Based and red pilled.
I have never seen such a pizza before.
paprikaschintzel und pommes
>t. patrician
brazilian rice balls
Tri tip.
Get your ASS out of here, you non american
user, a raccoon broke in and took little shits all over your """""pizza"""""
it good
"Chicago style" is the culinary term for "holy shit nigga what are you doing?"
Huh, not sure why making fritters out of rice has never struck my mind. It looks and sounds pretty good. Gonna try making some next time I got some leftover rice.
you mean the olives? do americans really not know what olives are?
메밀쌈(north korean taco)
yup, i think it was created as kind of a leftovers food.
it's simple and delicious, please try
Don't call me a nigger bro
that's overcooked
Absolute chad.
Boiled coliflower can be a bit bland but eaten raw or seared in a pan it's delicious every time.
works great in the oven and on the grill, too
It was rare.
But what so I know, I just smoked and ate it.
Based, dont forget to boil them first
Make a siracha mayonnaise sauce to go with the onion rings.
A nice medium rare steak with some veggies and taters or maybe just some mac n cheese on the side.
Causa Rellena.
Very easy to make and it's delicious.
Your mom's pussy
Damn son.