The Chinese virus

>the Chinese virus

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the wuflu

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Why can't they just call it Coronavirus like the rest of us?

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The corona-what? Oh, you mean the Chinese virus.

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>two very big words

>kung flu

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It came from China. It's THEIR FAULT for threatening doctors in Wuhan and covering up every trace of it until it blew up and chinks spread the virus around the world.

>Sorry, I think you mean Chinese Communist Part bioweapon.

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>It came from China. It's THEIR FAULT for threatening doctors in Wuhan and covering up every trace of it until it blew up and chinks spread the virus around the world.

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>CIA virus

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Literally every coronavirus did come from China, all 5 known strains are animal borne originating in their wet markets

Attached: Guangzhou.png (1455x974, 2.54M)

>Literally every coronavirus did come from China, all 5 known strains are animal borne originating in their wet markets

Shouldn't you be on an emergency private plane back to China?

Why are Chinese so disgusting?

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>Shouldn't you be on an emergency private plane back to China?

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Zhang, your dad is waiting. Get on that private plane and never come back.

Not their fault your country’s healthcare is so shit it can’t handle a flu.

>anyone who doesn't take my position is a chink shill

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I read this in Pepe's voice, lol

did you not see that I was lampooning that post user?

Shouldn't you be at work right now?

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Fuck all insectoids, they consider animal literally objects

Please move to Canada with the rest of your people. I eagerly await the great firewall reaching your home.

Fuck you northern shitalian. Im glad no terrones are dying.

Please stop bullying us. The disease wasn't our fault.

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I wanna die everytime I'm reminded he said this.

But also I don't actually wanna die

It's American Virus now

your countrymen are shilling so hard for ccp it's annoying chang

America is the only country actually calling out the CCP. Every other nation, especially European ones, are siding with the dystopian Chink menace.

>How could he possibly think Trump's awkward attempt to force the Chinese Virus line is missing the forest for the trees? He's obviously gotta be a chinaman!! No American Patriot™ would ever disagree with le based Trump!!!

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Any "American" even remotely pro-China is obviously a Chang. It's just too simple.

It did come from China but literally everybody knows it as Coronavirus or Covid so why all the faffing around over the name?

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>He thinks the demand that we call it the Chinese Virus is retarded, therefore he's pro China

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>nooo you're supposed to throw a childish tantrum about the name to cover our responsibility like we do!

As if they’d gamble their whole economy if it turned into a worldwide pandemic, that thing was going to be nipped in the bud by the chicoms immediatly

For political reasons. Most countries goofed big time, but instead of taking responsibility, the potus decided to try and shift all blame to China.

>from China
>not Chinese virus

Yes. You welcome Orwellian power over your people, and I laugh. I hope you do get your "Chinese century", because you deserve it.

It is the Chinese virus, it originated in Wuhan and the Chinese have started a propaganda campaign to blame the US, Those retarded gooks didn't get it under control and now we all have to suffer.

we gotta pump those numbers up

Pretty much this and a FOB, the old school Chinese hate the PRC.

America should have nuked China off the face of the earth in 1949 tbqh

>if you don't gobble up every braindead smear campaign against China and chinese, you support authoritarian regime and want to go full 1984
Are all americans retarded, or is it just you?

Have fun.

>If you're not with us you're against us!!!!

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>utterly fails at handling the virus (like everything his entire Presidency)
>"C-C-China virus. I take no responsibility!"
thick as pig shit

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Enjoy the experimental torture devices that upload the subject's mind to a digital hell.

nigga what are you even on about, unironically kill yourself for being such a braindead shill

Fear is a typical response to danger.

Everyone here calls it "corona" or the "corona virus." Everyone.

There is no demand to call it the "Chinese Virus."

Just posting this in case other anons are retarded enough to believe that the posts I'm responding to were actually true.

He pulled us out of the middle east which is based

Nothing in this story indicates that there is a push to brand corona as the "Chinese Virus."

If you're not afraid of future tech, you'll be one of its first victems.

900 dead in Italy last night. over 40 docters dead. FUCK Corona and FUCK china

>call Chinese virus in game
>people telling it’s not and correcting me
I was playing league so I expected pro Chinese defending it

why do they keep meat out in the open like this
are they so retarded that they dont know that food spoils?
rabbit meat doesnt sound bad, people hunt it all the time, but for the love of god keep it in a freezer, and dont just have live animals, atleast slaughter them first

Dude, it's just boomers

makako i....