/balt/ + /ausnz/

Attached: christinclouds.png (800x600, 381.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nu nachui

Kas buvo?

Pareidolia edition


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hello russians

hello vadim


Alright cunts, you know what time it is.

Attached: sleep.jpg (540x405, 25.47K)

thread theme



>online exam because uni is closed
>this is a closed book exam
do they really expect anyone to follow this?

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shhh it's time to go to bed now

Still Awake, at a severe cost

hello :>

remaking album covers from original photos is fun

Why is Latvia so alone?
Is it because Estonia focuses North towards us while Lithuania keeps eyes open for South?

Attached: Balticducks.png (720x525, 750.56K)


Latvia is alone because latvians deserve nothing else, Latvia is a shithole thanks to them.

A long time ago on Yas Forums I saw a post made by a Latvian. Throughout the course of him talking about how corrupt the country was and how you can get away with all kinds of shit if you just bribe the police a little bit everyone in the thread ended up thinking that Latvia was a pretty based place to live if you have some money saved up.
Is there any accuracy to that take on it, or is Latvia a bad place? I'm not corrupt or anything, I just want to know.

You can see those flags evereryday you gaynigger
id just tell you not mix into something you doesnt completely understand.

I was asking the Latvians.
>id just tell you not mix into something you doesnt completely understand.
Like you and the English language?

Russia, We better know what they might be planning

I love New Zealand, Australia, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania

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No i have trustproblems for latvians

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good taste

bumping to save the thread

Peak doomer morning

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>no fat chicks: the sport

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It's so peaceful

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looks comfy. how much of Latvia looks like that?

Also, this is industrial district, so not much

Do you get much traffic in Lithuania?

is Subway pronounced the same in Lithuania as it is here?

Been sleeping all day.

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>tie sovietiniai šaligatviai
Blem gal ir kiti sakys kad nesamone bet pasiilgau.
Kai baigsiu plaut pinigus Australijoj ir baigsis koronavirusas iskart grysiu!

Kaimymas is virsaus bildina muzika nuo vakar vakaro
Kaip ji nubausti, jei esu bailys?
Ismatos jo pasto dezuteje?

morning lads

Send the nuke already

it's not working anymore, it's too rusty

How do I stop being a naive and idealistic brat?

just change yourself

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if seriously, no one can change your personality but you

Why would you want that

who the hell wants to be naive idealistic brat?

I imagine people to be better than they actually are as I project my own values and qualities onto them and then end up being disappointed in the long run. That is not an efficient way to live, as I end up wasting a lot of time on good for nothing pieces of SHIT.

>last Saturday of the month
>star citizen 3.9 is not released yet
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

morning, chaps

it's a self solving issue, just takes time


not sure what you mean, "subway" is english translation of a completely different word in lithuanian

Fuuuaaackk just woke up from my slumber, had one too many stubbies

another restless sleep

Are you saying that eventually I will end up having learned something from all the disappointments?

just close your eyes and sleep bruh

i keep wakin up nigga :(

I was going to say that if you interact with enough people eventually you'll learn to read people better
but then who knows, maybe you won't
probably shouldn't have said anything

why? it's too noisy?

nice dubs