Uhm, basado?

>[Trumpets and horns ring as the puny indio is paralyzed and struck from fear at the mere sight of the tall, well-kept, bearded and unusually pale Spanish Conquistador, who begins to read the Requisition]
On behalf of the King, Don Fernando, and of Doña Juana I, his daughter, Queen of Castille and León, subduers of the barbarous nations, we their servants notify and make known to you, as best we can, that the Lord our God, Living and Eternal, created the Heaven and the Earth, and one man and one woman, of whom you and we, all the men of the world at the time, were and are descendants, and all those who came after and before us. But, on account of the multitude which has sprung from this man and woman in the five thousand or even more years since the world was created, it was necessary that some men should go one way and some another, and that they should be divided into many kingdoms and provinces, for in one alone they could not be sustained.

Of all these nations God our Lord gave charge to one man, called St. Peter, that he should be Lord and Superior of all the men in the world, that all should obey him, and that he should be the head of the whole Human Race, wherever men should live, and under whatever law, sect, or belief they should be; and he gave him the world for his kingdom and jurisdiction.

And he commanded him to place his seat in Rome, as the spot most fitting to rule the world from; but also he permitted him to have his seat in any other part of the world, and to judge and govern all Christians, Moors, Jews, Gentiles, and all other Sects. This man was called Pope, as if to say, Admirable Great Father and Governor of men. The men who lived in that time obeyed that St. Peter, and took him for Lord, King, and Superior of the universe; so also they have regarded the others who after him have been elected to the pontificate, and so has it been continued even till now, and will continue till the end of the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>[The indio understands shit, but the man continues]
One of these Pontiffs, who succeeded that St. Peter as Lord of the world, in the dignity and seat which I have before mentioned, made donation of these isles and Tierra-firme to the aforesaid King and Queen and to their successors, our lords, with all that there are in these territories, as is contained in certain writings which passed upon the subject as aforesaid, which you can see if you wish.

So their Highnesses are kings and lords of these islands and land of Tierra-firme by virtue of this donation: and some islands, and indeed almost all those to whom this has been notified, have received and served their Highnesses, as lords and kings, in the way that subjects ought to do, with good will, without any resistance, immediately, without delay, when they were informed of the aforesaid facts. And also they received and obeyed the priests whom their Highnesses sent to preach to them and to teach them our Holy Faith; and all these, of their own free will, without any reward or condition, have become Christians, and are so, and their Highnesses have joyfully and benignantly received them, and also have commanded them to be treated as their subjects and vassals; and you too are held and obliged to do the same. Wherefore, as best we can, we ask and require you that you consider what we have said to you, and that you take the time that shall be necessary to understand and deliberate upon it, and that you acknowledge the Church as the Ruler and Superior of the whole world, and the high priest called Pope, and in his name the King and Queen Doña Juana our lords, in his place, as superiors and lords and kings of these islands and this Tierra-firme by virtue of the said donation, and that you consent and give place that these religious fathers should declare and preach to you the aforesaid.

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>[The man is joined by a menacing priest who looks at the indios the same as dogs. He continues reading]
If you do so, you will do well, and that which you are obliged to do to their Highnesses, and we in their name shall receive you in all love and charity, and shall leave you, your wives, and your children, and your lands, free without servitude, that you may do with them and with yourselves freely that which you like and think best, and they shall not compel you to turn Christians, unless you yourselves, when informed of the truth, should wish to be converted to our Holy Catholic Faith, as almost all the inhabitants of the rest of the islands have done. And, besides this, their Highnesses will award you many privileges and exemptions and will grant you many benefits.

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fuck that made me wet. So did my ancestors

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Fuck the """""""""""pope""""""""""""" and the Vatican

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>[The man points at his sword, then goes on]
But, if you do not do this, and maliciously make delay in it, I certify to you that, with the help of God, we shall powerfully enter into your country, and shall make war against you in all ways and manners that we can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of their Highnesses; we shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their Highnesses may command; and we shall take away your goods, and shall do you all the mischief and damage that we can, as to vassals who do not obey, and refuse to receive their lord, and resist and contradict him; and we protest that the deaths and losses which shall accrue from this are your fault, and not that of their Highnesses, or ours, nor of these cavaliers who come with us. And that we have said this to you and made this Requisition, we request the notary here present to give us his testimony in writing, and we ask the rest who are present that they should be witnesses of this Requisition.
>[At this point, the priest hands a Bible to the indio cacique, who proceeds to throw it on the ground as he doesn't know what its is.
The men charge and decimate the village and they're later hailed as heroes]

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my glorious ancestor :)

>You will never enter Rome!
Yes, I will

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¿En cristiano?


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The mighty Italian military. God I wish I were Spanish.

funny how spaniards and their hispanic descendants see themselves as the greatest thing to grace the earth when everybody else sees the spanish empire for what it is : a corrupt, zealous entity that crumbled under the weight of its own corruption, ending in pathetic failure

it's really sad to think that the small country of spain, after finally ridding itself of the moorish yoke, went on to create the largest empire at the time, amassing huge amounts of wealth and territories... only to have it collapse as a result of sheer incompetence, losing all of it and squandering all of the plundered gold in a matter of decades! and then its previous territories went on to become the most crime ladden, poorest shitholes on earth

would you really have delusions of grandeur if this were your national history ? certainly not, but that's just how hispanics are. a truly vile people

Sounds like cope, but that's ultimately been the fate of any traditional empire that ever existed. If it weren't for incompetence and corruption it would've been for something else.

>that flag
>this entire post

I love Spain!

lmaoing at ngubu

jelly much?


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Hey guys, France still has an empire!

and it's composed of the richest countries in Afri...., ahem, the world

what distinguishes a great country from others ? not the size of its territories, but the brilliance of its leadership, of its administration
in the case of a colonial empire, that translates into fair treatment of the conquered peoples, clever use of obtained resources... spain did the exact opposite, it conquered people out a misguided sense of religious rightneousness, which led the spanish empire, despite its size, to be ultimately less successful than later protestant colonial empires. spanish zeal led to corruption, it justified the plunder of innumerable resources from the american continents, and yet those resources didn't contribute to spain's well being in any way. they were squandered or lost, because the spaniard is, by nature, an extremely incompetent being.
in other words, the spanish empire only ever distinguished itself by its size, it was never a paragon of virtue, but of corruption, it never distinguished itself by its control of trade routes like the dutch empire, by its influence on world politics like the british empire, by the soundness of its institutions like the first french empire, by its military might like the german empire, nothing

i am honestly proud that my country contributed to the demise of this sad empire

>An interesting retort was given to conquistadores by the caciques of the Sinú river valley, in present-day Colombia, as a conquistador recalls in his memories
>"When he [the chief conquistador] said that the Pope was lord of the whole universe in the place of God, and that he had given that land to the land of Castile as a gift, they [the natives] said that the Pope must had been drunk when he did it, since he had donated what was not his, and that the King who had asked for and received that gift must have been a fool, since he had asked for that which belonged to others. And that he should come and take it, the land, and they would stick his head on a pole, as the head of the others who already had tried to take it from them.
lol based too. Imagine saying that to someone who's already taken over half of the continent.
Too bad they were probably killed.

>but the brilliance of its leadership, of its administration
oh I'm laughing at least put a German proxy before embarrasing yourself didn't read the rest btw

>no u
literally pathetic lol
even france had several periods where they had exactly that, a brilliant administration

imagine thinking your empire is the new rome when it's one of the most institutionally backwards entities ever

>subduers of the barbarous nations
That shit was half-Visigoth anyway. It's ooga booga german nignog vs. ooga booga injun nignogs.

>a corrupt, zealous entity that crumbled under the weight of its own corruption, ending in pathetic failure
Lel just like the french revolution and french "empire"

how can the french empire be zealous if it removed the clergy from politics ?
not to mention that it was the least corrupt state at the time

the real corrupt, backwards thing is how the spanish inquisition managed to last almost 400 years from 1478 to 1834

Go back to your African wasteland Abdul

not an argument hernandez

I won't argue with the fact that the administration was bad, nor against the fact that French lands saw more efficient and egalitarian models applied to them. But the notion that all empires eventually fall is confirmed by history. Sure, the French didn't commit large-scale, genocide-like atrocities that the Spanish did through conquest (even though we're speaking of different time periods).
But with regard to what I said, despite your better treatment of subjugated "non-white" people, and the very efficient ways of government that came after Napoleon, you too committed acts of violence to keep those subjugated peoples as they were, and those acts are even more recent than what the Spanish did.
Moreover your epire fell too, even though it nowadays still lives through economic leverage and military ingerences in the Maghreb.

What did any of the Muslim empires retain from their wealth?
Street rats eating bugs and drinking sewage.

Saudis serving oil, turkey a backwatter of poverty when they conquered taxed and plundered vast stretches of land and held trade goods in Monopoly

see this is what i dislike about Yas Forums, you immediately assume that i care if you criticize my country
alright so :
1. you're right
2. that still doesn't excuse spain

my argument is that i find it cringe to worship the spanish empire because of how backwards it was. it had none of the things that made rome great, and yet reading the posts itt i almost feel like it may have had, weird isn't it
but then i remember that i'm talking with paradox interactive babbies who probably think the spanish inquisition was cool and the size of an empire is all that matters. cringe lol

>Muh Iraqi empires

Empires in history work to enrich a minority and a house or individual not for some general quality of life improvement of residents.

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>French lands saw more efficient and egalitarian models applied to them
lol have you seen Haiti? or Laos? or Chad? even South Americans see French Guyana as a 3rd world shithole

>It had none of the things that made rome great, and yet reading the posts itt i almost feel like it may have had, weird isn't it
It gave 5000 years of technology to apes leaving them.in the 1700s with something their primitive selves would never have achieved.

Yes the Empire is gone but the Hispanic world is still young

the dutch could have done that too without the other backward aspects of spanish rule. the dutch empire, now that's what i call great

>Muh ottoman empire

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>backward aspects of spanish rule.
Tell me how french colonies are more successful than the monkey Latino ones.

see :

Tell me which colonies aren't backwards from superior french colonization?

you're really desperate aren't you ? i'm not defending french colonization, i'm criticizing the spanish empire

it doesn't matter to me if french ex-colonies are shittier, i'm an individualist without a ounce of nationalism

Why focusing on the Spanish empire if the British, french, Dutch and every European colonizer that didn't exterminate natives and colonize had those regions full of retarded natives?

>Why focusing on the Spanish empire
what's this thread about ?

The same reason those empires didn't create oranias or Australia's everywhere they went is the same reason that the Spanish empire wasnt utopian.

the average height was 160 cm

>you immediately assume that i care if you criticize my country
Not really, I thought you were making an argument for France and against Spain when you said you were proud that your country played a part in ending the Spanish empire.
I believe it still retains much historical significance as they were pioneers, along with the Portuguese.
I don't find the comparison with Rome to be fair either as the Roman empire was built for a different purpose and more than one millennium before.
Those cases fall under the second half of my post, when I spoke of violence (and I'd add injustice) to keep the autoctones subjugated. Not that this matters that much anyway. France's empire peaked like two centuries after Spain's. The ideas regarding "non-whites" and colonial administration had changed.

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If you want to see a semi successful Spanish colony look to the Canary islands which were conquered in the late 1400s

That was irony.

The average gross salary of Canarians is 20,000 euros a year compare that to nafris and middle easterners.

>and against Spain when you said you were proud that your country played a part in ending the Spanish empire
i said that to anger the argentinian babby going >no u
but for example, i definitely am proud of french institutions during the napoleonic period, they remind me of rome
this is the kind of thing i look for in historical countries, and what i consider great. spain has never had anything of the sort, therefore it isn't great to me

Better than 99% of the world.

You're lucky you live in a country your ancestors had no part in building, because your own countries are slums of filth and poverty.

>i definitely am proud of french institutions during the napoleonic period
you are a cancer to God's eyes
>they remind me of rome
I'd like to beat the shit out of you it would be a dream come true

ok babby

Great post Monsieur Mamadou. You really showed those medfris who is boss by reverse-colonizing your continental mainland.

your seethe is showing from the namecalling

Tell me why Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi.Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Syria, Lebanon are poorer and less developed than Spain?

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Keep croaking, mon brun amie.

no SOY uno moro, mi amiga

Based and redpilled, no matter how much the shitalian wants to larp as a conquistador this is the truth.