
Sixtus Dominic Boniface Christopher edition

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racism outside Yas Forums

Jeffrey begging you to take finasteride if you have the slightest worry about balding pls

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is that his wife or his mum?

ah yes the ol' 'pression and 'xiety

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Watch Kill List by Ben Wheatley
intriguing film

just posting again for safety purposes

Uhh yeah? Duh

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having several chinese fellows over to my house to cough directly onto my bollocks



Can you stop thinking about sex?

looks like i'm voting rorke again

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Racism outside b? Like no shit
Must be an abo

>bad anxiety
>has a gf
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah nah


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disgusting WHORE

No, Ireland in the 1700s was a shitty place with an outdated agrarian economy and the Anglo-Irish engineered their own demise through their unwillingness to reform that defunct system. Presbyterians in the North were irrelevant, they’ve never done anything worth a shit. Yes, however, the Anglo-Irish are quite an accomplished bunch in the areas you mentioned. They’ve contributed very well to Ireland’s national character, Yeats is a personal favourite of mine.



what movies has this been used in?


chav gf vomiting up 16 cruisers and a munchy box

>'INCEL' BOMBER UK’s first ‘Incel’ bomb-maker who moaned about having ‘no hope with girls’ and wanted to ‘massacre this place’ is jailed

>A SELF-PROCLAIMED "involuntary celibate" bomb-maker who admitted stockpiling explosives has been jailed for 20 months.

>He spoke of launching a mass casualty suicide attack, like the spate carried out in the US by the group calling themselves "Incels."

>Followers of the cult see themselves as too unattractive to find a partner and unleash their bitterness by targeting women – called "Stacys" - and good-looking men – termed as "Chads."


What are the chances he posted here? Is he even too ugly to get a girlfriend?

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Gonna stick it on now

Is it as good as shutter?

"assimilation" don't really care if the ching chong speaks english and watches the footy

Straya politics is fucking weird

Serious question though why do niggers smell of either shit or coconuts

better looking than me

sounds like a super mario level
on a ship with bullet bills attacking you

yeah im more of a secular man too tbf
why do all the rorke parties always come with religious bullshit attached?

He’s really not that ugly. He’s clearly been hitting the tanning beds which is pretty funny.

Which one is the third meme party that never has a chance.

genuinely on total lockdown now, can't even go outside the fucking house

I have no anxiety, and I would gladly escort her back to her home wherever it may be, wither from here to Canterbury.

He'd definitely be a regular on one of the Not4chan splitter boards

Not as good, lower budget but a similar element of chaos to it

mogs me to oblivion

greens, they're basically labor's little brother, thick as thieves
conservative party is a meme though, it doesn't really exist

w-what is this

lmao where do these deranged weirdos come from
get a life
just have sex
it's not difficult
Iv'e only had sex with like 5 people but toyou've just got top ut youself out there and it jus happens and it surprises you at first and theey're so soft and squishy mmm
haven't had sex for a wee while though so I'm getting to that horny deranged point where I'm drunk on horniness and I try and pay women on onlyfans but my bank refuses the transaction so it doesn't happen
thanks bankers

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because atheism is nihilism

You don't have to be ugly. Normal looking men don't have sex when roastoids have access to tinder

>like the spate carried out in the US by the group calling themselves "Incels."

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i don't have to believe in jesus to hate muslims and jews

Greens aren't a third party anywhere, they're about 12th.


top 10% of men get all the girls???


Anyone remember the fatcam meme?

all women shall be arrested

define "nihilism"



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just put yourself out there bro

anyone remember the cuckio meme


Just realised how proud my mum must be, my sister is a medical dr and I'm studying for a STEM phd at a top 5 uni, so she'll have two doctors as children in the family, of both types

You are quite literally speaking for yourself there, I’m very much normal looking and still have sex.

I made a pof profile for him using this exact picture, couldn't get him a shag though.

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I did it lads
I got drunk

I've hit that angelic point #
brains brrring at high speed haha

ask me anything

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i am quite literally locked into the house. absolute disgrace

they are here

favorite internet game is cuck.io

Anyone else remember the Plymouth meme?

>Weirdo Anwar Said Driouich, 22, a follower of the "Incel" cult, bought chemicals and downloaded terrorist manuals.
State of The Sun's reporting.

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US President Donald Trump says Boris Johnson asked for his help to secure ventilators during a phone call between the two leaders.

Speaking at the White House as he signed the $2tn coronavirus stimulus package into law, Mr Trump said he spoke with the UK PM on Friday to wish him a speedy recovery after he was diagnosed with coronavirus.

"Before he even said hello he said, 'we need ventilators,'" Trump said of the call. "I said, 'wow that’s a big statement.' Hopefully he’s going to be in good shape."

boys in the hood are ALWAYS hard

Was Teddy crazy in shutter island or was it a CIA glownigger psyop to engineer the perfect super soldier?

Mad how christians believe this

Shouldn't it be the yellow party cause Ausland's environment is a desert haha.

much prefer Yas Forums's version of Chad, where the man is obviously handsome and strong and good with women, but still loves and respects his less handsome and confident friends and will try to build them up where possible, or simply sit and enjoy some more virgin activities with his virgin mate instead of trying to turn him into something he's not

>Driouich had also downloaded five bomb-making manuals and al-Qaeda magazines - although he was anti-jihadist and a supporter of Tommy Robinson.

bloke was proper mental

ah yes let me just pop down to incel headquarters

it was a documentary about ted kaczynski

wow that’s a big statement

Their problems are mental. He's not too ugly to shag at all

The Right Stuff I think.
Also, Zimmer's Gladiator score borrows heavily from it.

Collectively they are a big bloc in the EU Parliament

Not wrong though.

In Germany they hold a bit of influence but only because they are economically much closer to the centre than in other countries. They are basically an alternative liberal party with some green policies.

ah, you're one of the atheists who reads as much as "you get to wank and dont have to go to church" and that's the end of it

>boyfriend has anxiety
he must be swimming in dosh

USA went from 4,600 to 102,000 cases in 11 days

This is quite literally my best mate. He got me my first shag. He’s the most handsome guy I know and he’s tall and he’s built as fuck. He’s done so much to improve my lot in life that it’s making me tear up thinking about. He’s such a good friend.

Aren't the liberals very conservative in Straya? Are the Conservatives even more conservative, or are they neoliberal kekolds like here?

any fraudman on?

ex gf's messaging me
reckons she wants a sex wee haha

So are facists.

Tell him.

>a follower of the "incel" cult
lmao. behave.

One of the many boards made up of autists that "left" Yas Forums because of some drama. They keep getting their whole site taken down because of their extreme sperg outs, then come back here to cry about SJWs and black dicks.

My girlfriend borrowed $100 from me. After 2 years, when we separated, she returned exactly $100.

I lost Interest in that relationship.

should be lucky she isnt arrested

the problem with never having a gf/being an incel is that no matter how otherwise successful you are in your life, you know for an objective fact that on the most basic primal level (eg sex/mating/breeding/reproduction) you are a failure and inferior to the vast majority of the population

youre a living breathing example of natural selection in action, and thats impossible to reconcile. you can try to make up copes, for example i say "im 26 and never been in a relationship, i wouldnt like to be in one now im too used to doing my own thing, i wouldnt enjoy losing my freedoms or changing my single lifestyle." theres an element of truth to it, but as you can see its an absolutely massive cope for the inescapable reality; i have been consigned to the evolutionary scrap pile and nothing i ever become, or do, will make that horrid truth any better

How are they wrong? It is cult like thinking with the "roasties" shite

deaths went up by 180 in one day here, we're about to hit exponential deaths



Go to Yas Forums or Yas Forums and tell me it's not.


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If push came to shove, would you suck his dick to retain your relationship if it was vital?

Got well bad depression and anxiety me also I'm going backpacking around the world with my bf teehee

what the actual fuck

No. I’m not a faggot.

laying the groundwork for the potential shagging of a 20 year old

Don't EU banks have negative interest rates now? You made gains, technically.

Just took a gargantuan pooey and now my whole hallway smells

well put fren

I had a mate like this
Despite me being a bit of a gimp at uni he made an effort with me and took me under his wing a bit


>a 20 year old
why is this pertinent?

yep. a life alone isn't worth living. i'm just going through the motions before i top myself.

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Better than I was expecting but still not Dave In Charge tier

Don't you feel like shit when girls flock to his side and barely acknowledge your presence?

The reason you don't have gf is because you refuse to change or improve yourself
Anything else is a cope

i'm 44

kek this is me (ktim)

Mates like this are a blessing
they were wise beyond there years as well and generally hounorable at all times

never asked if your were, answer the question

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the solution to the incel is just the gaypill
a big pill to swallow (lol!)
but it works
since I came out of the closet I've had a much better life

until till this corona virus malachiy

It's actually >anxiety that's the problem

MSM don't even understand what "incel" is. Look at all those Guardian articles written by mongs who throw it around as an insult.


how did you meet her

Ah yes love a good intellectual debate where you pull an entirely irrelevant out of context argument and claim Im making it to make yourself feel superior

tfw first beer of the night

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Too much alcohol and nicotine
Feel sick
Think this is the end

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If you're worried about it then you're on to it. I had a friend warn me when he looked at my hairline while swimming

The side effects are NIL
The only reason I still look like I still have hair is the fin and ABSOLUTE TOTAL AVOIDANCE OF CARBS
Raw milk kefir devoid of carbs is okay if you can find it

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How is it? Walk outside you see fat people with gfs. Some of them unironically fit. Incels want a model gf while being a flat neckbeard slob then they blame women for not wanting them
>i'm just going through the motions before i top myself.

Spacious and great location, yours for 1200 a month

reckon I missed my calling in the armed forces
a high functioning autist like me would've done quite well

Dad's not letting anyone go to the shops lads.

i got 15 haircuts in 6 months and still didn't go on a date. i've been going to the gym for 6+ years

I am a leading figure in the Incel cult movement.
If you need to know anything, ask.
I'm here for the next 15 minutes.

With the finnasteride I shed a ton but if anything I have more hair because it's still growing faster than I shed.

look at this tit!

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Your problems are mental not physical

Yeah, I met many people who had no time for me at all and took advantage of my lack of confidence but he was so sound

Are there gfs in the afterlife?

triangulating your position and sending the coordinates to mi5 as you type

is there an House MD episode where he is shown up by someone better than him

too much vodka hahahahahah

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someone post a pic of their dick so i can mog it

It’s literally possible to overcome anxiety, or at least get to a point where it doesn’t ruin all aspects of your sex life. Not bothering to do anything about it is pure laziness or a total rejection of reality.

would rather go bald than give up on carbs