You cannot persuade me that America is a real place

You cannot persuade me that America is a real place

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Lmao he's based as fuck.

im from where he is


That guy was so fucking lucky he got a mob boss instead of just some random dude.

What is he looking at?

staten island

Italians are still mafias in 2020 WUT

why do you make so many threads about the US?

>They knew he had HIV and takes medication. They knew it was violent vomiting. The pain is so severe that the questioning is tantamount to keeping him in a coercive environment against his will. It all adds up, not only the physical illness, but the paranoia that renders the statement involuntary. It is the totality of the circumstances.

How is this retard having sex but not me?

He's not Chinese


>When Comello arrived at Cali's home, according to the filing, the plan was to stage a citizen's arrest of Cali, not shoot him. But after a heated exchange with Cali, Comello says the alleged mob boss made a "furtive action with his hand," which made Comello afraid for his life. He then reached into his pickup truck, grabbed a gun and fired at Cali, killing him.

Imagine how fucking weird this was to the mob boss

Italian Americans are NOT human

Seems that he was a Qanon fanatic who 'believes the CIA has infiltrated the mafia and carried out the killing because the victim was part of a plan to undermine President Trump'

Attached: killer.jpg (1600x1200, 253.08K)

Something is deeply wrong in America.

Sounds like a lie...
Isn't Comello a italian name too? I bet the whole deep state stuff is just a excuse

He's probably half Irish half German and half Viking.

This is what happens when a country becomes entirely rootless. Bring back the fucking Wild West

>got hiv from a stripper
He had sex because he wasn't poor

I wonder that too, just some desperate attempt to get of on an insanity plea. But it may be legit
>Comello had a history of bizarre stunts, according to the filing. He attempted to arrest New York Mayor Bill de Blasio at his official residence, Gracie Mansion, but was thwarted by police. In another instance, Comello went to a federal district courthouse in Manhattan, believing that U.S. Reps. Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff were there. His lawyer said he planned to "arrest and detain" the two Democrats from California. He then went to a U.S. Marshals Service office nearby "but was unsuccessful in securing their assistance in his attempt to arrest both representatives."

literally the CEO of based

This is why Trump won't lose the re-election.

Nah a guy like this is going to get the book thrown at him simply because he's a schizo who is a danger to important people.

This. HIV positive shizophrenics are a powerful demographic.

do you think he can beat the case? or that they'll let him off easy because it was a mob boss?

He will get thrown in prison for long time if this recent development is any indication. Vigilantes are not well regarded unless they are women who kill rapists/child molestors/etc.

>black and white stripes
Is this the 1950s?

This is your mind on Yas Forums

Attached: 1585048025874.jpg (1057x1320, 443.52K)

>staten island
Pure spaghetti

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>these are the people calling you soyboy and cuck

Are americans even for real

>"It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under any Federal statute that, at the time of the commission of the acts constituting the offense, the defendant, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts."

>all organised crime is connected to state and corps
>used by state and corps to do illegal shit on their behalf which is why it's tolerated
well he's not wrong but it's more like killing him would be working against trump lol

It's interesting how their brain works, Comello alleges that he was only armed when he attempted to detain Cali(the rest of his attempted detainment's he was not armed), because he believed him to be an exceptionally dangerous person. Just weird that people can be so rational and irrational simultaneously.

Well he did confront and then kill a very dangerous man

Jesus are we really gonna have this conversation again

Yeah, not wrong. Trump's real estate business dealt with organised crime syndicates to illegally source cheap cement, for example. The sperg killing off a Mafia boss is not exactly art of the deal, lol.

Explain to me why it's illegal to kill somebody who's in organized crime

QAnon believers are, indeed, VERY based

Attached: u6wrjy850rb31.jpg (750x542, 48.29K)

>black and white

Attached: black.png (1125x1125, 1.25M)

>tfw color blind

what number do you see?

He would get mad respect here in Brazil among the criminals.
We had a serial killer that started his "career" by murdering the local drug lord

Because they bribe judges and politicians


Ah, a fellow educator.

Attached: 1486993546310.jpg (2964x1896, 2.19M)

Iv been thinking about this sort of thing for a while, (no not doing it, but how people get to doing this) this is a sort of media induced psyhosis, now maybe this particular individual was allready mentaly unbalanced, but that just makes him a sort of lacmuse test for whats comming, my point being that the online induced mental state, the continuous state of echocamber multithink, manifesting explicitly in excessive violent acts, is present and latent in our whole population, that in a sense these are initial, localised occurances, of what is a mass, mass media facilitated psychosis, of which every which individual merely holds a bit off, but toghether the entire population presents a whole image, of one wast homicidaly psychotic mind, getting crazier with every tweet and every upload, just waiting and thus preparing and thus seriously rediing for a final helterskelter

And i dont know how other to tell you this, but dont do that, ne izgleda ljepo, izgleda ko šleperi leševa, ne izgleda ljepo


Its 74

oh no no no Brazilanons won't like this, not one bit


Sače ovo obrisat

Sorry just noticed it's green. Looked like faded formerly black/gray cloth in the thumbnail.


color blind

Poor people buy strippers/prostitutes too user.

Life is about saving up for what's important.

He thought when Trump said "Drain the swamp" he actually meant it, even though Trump explicitly said he didn't.

Explain to me why it's illegal to kill someone who shuttles illegal immigrants across the border. And the person whose house the immigrants then stay in.

It says "FUCK YOU"

I can't tbqdesu

my wife wholeheartedly believes in QAnon stuff. she's been building a giant fence around the yard for the last week because she thinks a civil war is starting on april 1st

Because it's illegal to kill the president and other leftoid cuckolds.