
FUCK /v4/ edition

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Gotta go fast, whyboi



Românii, la mine.

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Museum directors are making pretty decent money while having a cozy-ass job

get fucked :)

alo boss ce se aude

government jobs are given based on nepotism, not degree

you're all retards


That's gonna be a cringe from me frankly

hmmmmmf oooomffff vmmmmmffff this flag feels so good against my ancient skin

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tell me if you like this


Can you guys give me some kind off magical advice that will solve all of my problems?

shit idk if I posted the right one I mean this

apreciez esteticul de gta vc, dar muzica e cam naspa

stop giving a shit by involving yourself in situations which require you to give too much shit

not really the same vibe but I can dig it

can't your familly hook you with some dead-end but stable job?

People in your country beats gypsie trannies?
at least we used to

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hey what the FUCK

>zoomerii nu știu de OTV
trebuia să fii acolo ca să vezi

I don't want to humiliate myself by having to work for my uncles company. And the money there is shit so i kinda want to avoid that.

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pacat ca nu se mai da la tv, mare pacat

das right, so what?

Your LARPs fall on deaf ears, Mini-Rus. Your identity is as fake as your flag and your nation.


Era o țigănie ordinară care băga poporul într-un obscurantism mai mare decăt era deja băgat


I don't care about nations, cultures, or race, they are all made up bullshit

their cunt is as fake as yours

it's called a noose

da ma dar era amuzanta emisunea

tell me your problems, and I'll give my real thoughts
if you do it before i fall asleep, tho

Fact: Slovakia is the most BASED country in e*rope

Don't even @ me

No need for late night rudeness, you have bigger fish like monkeydonians

I just realized monkedonians are the moldova of bulgaria


10cm and thin
it's over

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not even trying to be rude my dude

suffering is a bliss

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Is some turkish pinus enlargement method?

kaf e smisala da ti e 18 cm ako nema da go polzvash

>would lick a public toilet but not you

who gives a fuck. Don't fall into the mass hypnosis, you don't need to spend more, have a bigger dick, drive a faster car. It's sneaky, it has a way of worming into your mind, but you know that it's all bullshit.
You have an opportunity, more than any of your ancestors, to realize you absolute potential, and the one major obstacle you can think of is that a specific part of your body falls within one standard deviation below the average? On a standard of beauty that is subjective and culture specific? No, I don't think so. It doesn't matter man, I'm telling you, and if thats your biggest obstacle, you're happy.

I'm performing bad academically
Whenever i try to study i panic and start playing games and watching anime. I don't want to drop out. How do i dedicate myself to studying?

oh the cope

ne ma razbra
na mene mi e 18 ama kaf e smisala kat nema da vidi bel den

how is that not cope?

haha bugarski incelcugi

I want you to vividly imagine a possibility. You continue playing games, you continue watching anime, and you drop out. I want you to literally take 10 minutes, by the clock, NOW, to imagine every single part. The cold sweat when you realize it's past salvation, the ugly shame, the burning head. Avoiding old friends, in case they ask you what you've been up to. Not talking to strangers, in case they ask you what you do. The self-negotiations, the way you talk to yourself- oh, it's all bullshit, I don't need it anyway, I can get a job without a degree...

All done? 10 minutes by the clock past? It is all very real, I just described 3 years of my life. I can guarantee you that it will happen to you. The mind flinches from unpleasant thoughts, but you have to dwell on that particular eventuality, because it's very real.

When you're done, take 10 minutes to also reflect on all the amazing good you can do if you're exceptional in your chosen path in life. The most beautiful buildings an architect can make, or efficient machines, or clever code, and how much satisfaction you'll get from getting to your limits.

it's not something in his control, not something useful to dwell upon, and not something that is really meaningful. Again, who gives a fuck?

nigga quitting uni gelt great. The only problem was my boomer parents. I never felt ashamed or avoided talking about it.

He does if he cares enough to mention it. Not that he should.

didn't uncle pupi quit his technical university and become a programmer banking 4k/mo anyway

for you, maybe it did feel great.

It really did. The only reason I signed up was parent pressure. I never gave a fuck about it. Once I got their boomer asses to see things my way it was the best thing ever.

We (nato) need to nuke china once this corona shit ends

>the noose around his neck tightens

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we were supposed to join nato in 2009 everything was finished and then greece had to sperg, even defied america's orders
afterwards grujo went full #ancient

literally who?

literally who?

I don't even remember us baiting the gypsies back in the days. Why do they have such a hate boner towards Macedonia?

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I dare you, I double dare you to nuke Xi's brothers c*mskin!

Can you blame them, who doesn't?

nobody wants to die nigga lmfao
it'll be fun to watch comfy moralistic soys get BTFO by bloodthirsty dushmani from the 3rd world

Inferiority complex

transsylvania is rightful romanian clay

Obvious truths need not be spoken off