
Night edition

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/nightwalk/ here

echt lekker met corona, alles leeg

Hemel op aarde

arabier zat achter alle anti belg palen trouwens



premier wilmes heeft een grote clitoris denkik,
ik ben heel benieuwd naar de geur

Ik krijg in nederdraad normaal toch wel meerdere haatberichten binnen de minuut lol

ik wil marc van ranst echt in elkaar rammen

met je penis?

waarom wa doet ie?

I’m litterally walking on macadam

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based i'm too lazy for a nightwalk today

Die hoerezoon spreekt zichzelf altijd tegen. Dries van Langenhove heeft voor één keer gelijk

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ok dit wist ik niet, volg het nieuws eigenlijk niet meer

ik de crem

ik wil maggie knuffelen

waarom? is tege de regels

Met haar vetlaagje voelt het waarschijnlijk heel zacht om haar te knuffelen

Heeft iemand betere Maggie pepes?

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ik ben al verbaasd dat er 1 bestaat


Onze politiekers kennen precies maar twee opties tegen corona: het is maar een griepje of ALLES DICHT COMPLETE LOCKDOWN

Ze ziet eruit als een zacht knuffelbeer
Ik wil ook een Maggie knuffel

>tfw you’ll never feel Maggie’s strong sausage fingers on your chest performing a cardiac massage

love belgium
love visiting there
love the comfy atmosphere in belgium cities and towns
love belgian beer
love belgian chocolate
love belgian fries
love belgian waffles
love flanders and wallonia equally, i don't pick sides
but i still don't think belgium should exist as an independent nation
the region of europe which belgium sits in is my favourite region of europe but it's still not a real country

Love me some chippies too

Bros, ik moet toegeven dat ik enorm veel leedvermaak heb om het feit dat de nederdraad dood is

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then conquer it without bringing more Abdul here

Extremely based.
not sure about Flanders having the best people and comfiest cities though

Daar drinken we eentje op

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>not sure about Flanders having the best people and comfiest cities though
At no point in my original post did I imply that in any way or form BUT it is probably true
Brugge is my favourite place and I prefer the Netherlands to France but don't worry I still like Wallonia too

For me, it’s Charleroi

It was probably some kind of bait
There are virtually (almost) no differences, both can be comfy depending on your taste
For me it’s the Ardennes since I love greenery and small old villages

>It was probably some kind of bait
It is definitely classified as 'bait' but it's still my honest personal opinion
simple as

best place in Charleroi?


Onze politiekers weten wat ze doen, ik heb alle vertrouwen in hen, plus Wilmes is een qt zie

Airport of course

I've heard a bit about Chaleroi, is it the grimmest place in Western Europe?
I'm kind of interested in visiting there because I like the "grim post industrial" aesthetic

I live near Birmingham/West Midlands urban area and have done a fair bit of urban exploring in the old abandoned industrial areas and find it fascinating

blackpool in winter might be grimmer

Scampia in Napoli is probably grimmer too

Go for it if you like steampunk vibes and abandonned factories and empty streets, it’s only that kind of very industrial niche stuff
It’s full of drug dealers and robbers tho, don’t wear fancy expensive clothing of you get there
I personally know people who got there for 10-15min and took the first train back at the station

well actually, Blackpool have the Illuminations in the winter, one of the most spectacular lights shows in the world

oh, looks nice, i didn't know this, tought it was a place for lost souls to go when there was no place else to be honest


I have been to Naples, it is definitely grim but a different type of grimness
I reckon Charleroi probably has a similar type of grimness to post industrial shitholes in Northern England
We started the industrial revolution but don't forget that Belgium was actually the second industrialised nation
yeah that is what i actually like so it is high up on my list once coronavirus is over
no you are still right with that assumption
it's an absolute shithole and the locals live in poverty worse than the rest of the country
it's just a place where working class scum (like me) go for cheap stag and hen dos when they can't afford to go abroad

>once coronavirus is over
Big think

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Coronavirus will not be over, ever. we're all going to die from it

still sounds like a good time though in the summer

i hope i'll die first

Ill race you have one of you relatives post here if you are kill

Gonna be with hundreds of people in one room for examens this summer. Rip

Or it’s a new start for the world and us too

for the world yes, without us
be happy though you have front row seats

It’s no doom, people can get cured and you can avoid it with a strong hygiene and good diet+rest time



Business idea: selling antibodies serum 50€/mL on the black marcket

it will go away eventually and i will be able to step foot on the beautiful belgian lands once more
yeah i personally like visiting there, it's on the coast, cheap beers, easy slags and full of working class people from across the country up for a good laugh
but if you're a pretentious posh twat then you would hate it

Yes, hoping so too
I want to visit London and nearby cities since I’m an angloboo, I liked York very much

Opinion on coronavirus?
i don't think its a good virus

Just a flu bro