
suffering more than any of you can even begin to imagine

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't believe we have 25 more days of this absolute shite

Repost from old thread:What was the game you and your mates played growing up? Lan parties and that.

Halo 2 me.

don cheadle's cockney accent in ocean's 11

i have become more powerful than any jedi

How did Bozza get it if we're in lockdown?

Gonna start going outside and tell the police to fuck off. Staying indoors on lovely sunny days clearly doesn't help


Why is REO Speedwagon so peng?


Need quarantine to end

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>if coronavirus doesnt take you out, can i?

Who becomes PM when Boris dies of 'rona?

I'm an Iberian Celtic Bvll aka a med bvll aka a bvll

Although it is hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, there are grounds for it: the new infection rate is declining and the curve is flattening.

But more than two weeks into the nationwide lockdown, progress is slow and uneven. And the awful news keeps coming: 46 doctors have now died since the outbreak began. What is clear is that the containment measures will have to be extended – possibly for months, says the national health council.

That will cause anxiety not just here, where the lockdown is crushing the Italian economy, but around the world, where Italy’s restrictions are a model for many other countries.

Italy is a week or two ahead of most of Europe – both in the progression of the virus and in the lockdown. So what happens here will be closely watched elsewhere.

crazy they named a town after him for that role. a town that has been devastated by the rona

bridish pipo really do be out there like "are you schewpid"

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cod 5



lol fuck off Grandad


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im getting worried about how media and the trump administration are whipping up anti chinese sentiment because of the virus, i do not want a war with china.


Command and Conquer Red Alert


>I'm not a Gael
I know, that's what I said. I'm glad you finally admitted it.

yeah 27 me.

My only weakness is that I get like blisters on my ears from the sun. I blame my shitty Irish genetics for that.

It can’t be for much longer even if it gets extended. The goal is to slow rather than stop the virus after all.

a girl had this as her bio, lol.

you lads heard about this virus

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Great game

Loved starcraft but was too shit at it.

I grew up on fortnite

can't believe no one told me about future islands - seasons

what a tune

need the trumpbux asap

>Jeff Bezos sold $3.4bn of stock just before Covid-19 collapse

Hmm.... not suspicious at all

suppose you're one of these who die suddenly with no symptoms
how will your family react to your internet history

based urban y*uths

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rishsi rubles > trumpbux

eat the rich

some old school belters I'm loading up the emulators to have a blast from the past with during this quarantine..


Nowt wrong with pissing on the street. I do it all the time.

based moneybags

how did he go from almost saving randomers, going on 1 man suicide missions in hope of saving slaves to killing indiscriminately and letting supposed allies die without a care in the world?

good video idea that

>see pandemic potentially threatening global trade / business
>liquidate some assets
ah yes, suspect
the virus was around for a while before things started tumbling down

what did he mean by this?

normally read the times but use the guardian website a lot because it updates in realtime rather than having editions released at certain times.
noticed that, despite the general left-wing lean of the paper, the British news journalists generally write in a fairly objective style. however, when the american journalists take over the live feed they pollute whatever they're writing with ridiculously biased stuff like "There's nothing that Trump hates more than a strong woman" or shite like that.

>6 months
hello recession

If that guy from the last thread is there, can everyone access your link to exhentai or just people who are already logged in?

>listening to a podcast
>the hosts loudly snort coke the whole time thinking the mics can't pick it up

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Watched some lad on steam play age of empires recently. Didn't realize there was so much strat involved. Thought you just typed in cheats and built a massive army

the best tune from streets of rage

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Thanks for tuning in :)

strat is quite shallow compared to modern RTS

your poor hand

ah yes
the joe rogan experience

It genuinely can’t go on for six months. The economy can’t sustain it.

if you look at the pictures of people out and about in parks sun bathing etc that you can find all over the internet it looks like this is going to get much worse unless stricter lockdown mesasures are mate
a certain % of people just dont give a fuck

looks too much like that godless wrench riley reid, a shame

>A beauty entrepreneur has denied selling face masks and latex gloves at over-inflated prices after her store was shut down by police.

>The House of Sadiq, run by 21-year-old Alisha Sadiq, also stocks beauty cosmetics, makeup, and eyelashes.

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Don't like how women use their body to try and cloud your judgement. So deceitful.

the guardian is unironically a great paper for live reporting , election coverage and sport
just their opinion pieces are completely awful

whats the drink tonite mikey

Used to know all that shit, feudal rush, fast castle age etc
would be dogshit at it now but that's probably for the best

quite frankly if you handed over your card details to a porn site you deserve everything you get

the economy can't stand 1%+ of consumers dying

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>their opinion pieces are completely awful
that's all opinion pieces ever. complete garbage

was out for a run earlier, people that are out in parks keep to themselves + give plenty of room when walking past
people playing / relaxing on the grass etc are just families that would have otherwise been together indoors
not as much foolishness as news outlets would have you believe
"people being sensible" doesn't get as many clicks as "people being retards"

Kronenbourg lad. What about yourself.

yea, quite like their actual news reporting. there's definitely a big drop in standards though from the core British guardian staff to the US and Australian staff.

just type in the cheat and get the cobra mate

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Daily reminder

Who was the moron who the other day claimed that Covid-19 daily deaths wouldn't surpass malaria's?


438 000/365 = 1200

620 000/365 = 1699

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i signed up for the free trail and didn’t have to enter in my card details, just a throwaway email

sound. on the whisky myself

News here has to be sensationalist trash or else it goes out of business

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you cant tell me that it's necessary to go to the beach and sunbath
besides why are those people allowed to play in the park
and if everyone wants to play in the park we are back to the problem of not enough room

And now I'm awake
Cheers legend

She's strong the whiskey. You drink much

Been pretty much stable across the last two and a half years apart from the recent 25% hit due to coronavirus - exactly the sort of boring stability I didn't want

How much nip is deemed acceptable for this board

TB we coming for you

Reading about comic book lore cause I'm roleplaying as a pure sperg

*harries you army across the fields in my ford mustang*

let's compromise

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wasn't telling you that, just saying that people being outside doesn't mean they aren't distancing themselves from others

imagine sucking on that areola

is bleeding profusely from the eyes a possible symptom lads?

I didn't realise this was Dua Lipa til someone pointed it out
Thought it was a photoshoot of some model circa 2003

What’s on his screen?

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playing plague inc

Used to. Had some stomach and needed surgery so keep it to weekends only now. probably for the best.

I imagine pikeys can throw them back?

have you ever kissed a woman?

dua lipa would've been a boxer, just look at those hands corrrr

2 niggers making out

just googled if pikey was offensive

ive not been out im not going to pretend i have eyes on the ground floor but listening to reports on social media and pictures it looks very unlikely that a lot of people are keeping enough distance and/or all live together. let alone people going out to just sun bathe

/cvg/ obviously

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So has the virus peaked?
Will it get any worse?

is it?

Nah you're good it's just ebola

dont feel sorry for worthless retards with no emergency fund

Used to think homealone was a hard working khv husk of a man like me but now that i know hes a shiteating landlord parasite have no respect for him. Wish he'd fuck off

Depends really. I know some people there that drink every single night and people that don't touch the stuff. More than not though travellers are fond of a drink.

is that a man?

nah the clap killed it

god damn
she must be a tranner

Instead of spreading coronavirus, how about you spread this
*unzips arse*

I have 7 weeks annual leave and work have just approved a month's work of pandemic leave. looking pretty comfy

The just-a-flu lot are edgy contrarian morons

Hello lads, how is everyone?


what changed?

Drinking a chateau lafite 1969 myself

ye good mate you?

Victoria 2: HoD, The Enlightenment mod 0.41

Yas Forums

not sure. this is the first thing that came up

bbc.com/news/uk-england-berkshire-39190588-Reading students apologise for 'pikey night' social

Not bad. Begin my first week of isolation next week.



Fuck off bootlicker quarantining a whole country for a flu is mental. The damage from a shutdown is going to last for years.

So what do you think will happen when the 3 weeks is up?

Yeah good mate, WFH and that (which is nice), just means saturday mornings don't quite feel like the weekend
Yeah fair enough mate, hope you've got some stuff to entertain yourself

the liberty of the individual should be sacrosanct

>for a flu
do you get off on being retarded?

It'll be extended.

why would it?

>there was no coke zero at the supermarket

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For how long do you think?

they know the mics are picking it up though lad
you dont think anyone listens to it back before uploading?

pepsi max is nicer
(max sugar as well lol)

because the deaths will keep rising and we don't want to be italy or the us.

Unironically until September. Summer isn't happening this year.

Because the confirmed infections and deaths will keep increasing

Get back under the bed sheets. It's not safe.

was the dip due to coronavirus? i thought it was liquidation cascade bug triggered by an exchange due to a group of whales all selling

figure they heard it and said fuck it and couldn't be fucked rerecording it

Nah doubled down on my investment into regular stocks (went from £1k to £2k monthly), but I got bored with crypto when it became stable

>over the age of 16
>he still drinks soft drink

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yes i'm sure you know more than all the epidemiologists and virologists

Daily reminder to report all quarantine breakers and virus deniers to the state like good little serfs




Can't believe it might be literal months before I have a freshly poured pint at the pub again

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I drink coca cola but mostly water

to whoever posted men i trust the other day - thanks lad

No idea desu, assumed it was corona because it went at exactly the same time as everything else was nosediving

>they were all out of my favourite diet light sugar free beverage

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isolating my cock away from your mum

it was the rona

>implying Boris would tank the economy like that
We’re going to be back to toil ASAP.

so long as the vulnerable isolate for 12 weeks I don't see the problem