Why do we make you seethe so much?

Why do we make you seethe so much?

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that's cute jr

You don't make me seethe, but my granddad taught me to hate you.

you do?

Are you one of those really old fucks that had a grandad fighting in 1812.

Most American GI's on the European front in WWII had a disdain for the bongs due to how much of a pussy you guys were and how smug you acted even though all you've done is hide.

No, my great-granddad was original IRA and he raised my granddad to hate you.

>remind bong that the world speaks English because of the US and not the UK
>goes on an autistic rampage

do you really?

It doesn’t matter they are our child and we created them and English

Did he hate your country's founding fathers too?

The only anglos that exist in modern america are mormons and people in New England



I don't know. Maybe. He hated a lot of people. He hated JFK because he was a spoiled rich brat, so he thought he wasn't really Catholic.

Our founding fathers ceased being Anglo dogs the moment they contemplated using German as our national language, and then threw away the idea of a national language at all

>mfw irish people live in my republic

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>they contemplated using German as our national language
Who did? I'm pretty sure they were all anti-German. In fact it was the British who were hiring German conscripts to fight in the war.

I love you guys. Wish we could get back together, but it's too late. 13% of my heart belongs to tyrone and his kids. He hasn't been around lately, but that's just because he's working so hard on his mixtape.

Pick up a book, illiterate dog. The Germans left the bongs as soon as they saw we weren't evil like them, and were given land grants.

I thought Americans hated terrorists

You're more like that one cousin you had when you were younger that listened to cool music and seemed cultured and all that, but now he's rude and loud and obnoxious and on one hand you feel bad for him cause you looked up to him at one point in your life, but on the other you just wish he'd disappear already because he's an embarrassment to the whole family.

>they contemplated using German as our national language
Never happened. Lie made up in the 20th century to make Germans feel like they had a history in America.

nah just darkies

Why? I don’t hate all of you but everything you touch throughout history you seek to destroy. It’s ok I’ve learn it’s in your nature to do so. There’s no changing that

I don't know about you guys, but this really bothers me.

Also TV licenses. If you don't get one, your TV watching history becomes public information, like what happened to that famous chemist.

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terrible cuisine

Do you think spaniards are annoyed that americans learn Spanish because of Mexico? Foreigners bring this up all the time but it's so stupid

>Pick up a book
Oh really, which one?


The bible for one, since you're an evil Anglo lap dog.

It bothers me that they learn British English and not American English.

>Do you think spaniards are annoyed that americans learn Spanish because of Mexico?

Rude, innit?

The Anglo-Saxon man is the ultimate power in the universe! He has been the central driver of the current epoch in human history, and doubtless for all time to come (barring the extinction of mankind of course!). Who humbled the haughty French? The plundering and nigh unstoppable Spaniard? Brought low the bellicose and perfidious German? Laid down the egalitarian groundwork for our shared modern democracies? Safeguarded the immensely important Suez that so revolutionized trade with far off Asiatic climes? Humbled the proud and covetous Chinese emperors? The list is long, and weighty. I have not even begun to name his great industrial, and scientific achievements whose enduring impact on your lives require no introduction! Surely there has never before been a people so singularly instrumental to the prosperity, and advancement of Humanity on this Earth!

You're talking about the Muhlenberg Legend? That's a myth.

Not reallt, I can't blame someone for fighting occupation, doesn't mean we won't crush your ass though.

Are you annoyed that people in Europe eat tacos because America spread them around the world? Or are you glad that people acknowledge and enjoy Mexican food? I can keep going with examples, it's just a mad seethe, the US is a country based in a big part on English life so why would we be annoyed by it

you don't

You merely adopted the seethe, we were born in it, molded by it. If I had a cent for every anti-German thread I've ever seen on Yas Forums and especially /his/, I would be making John Rockefeller look like a beggar by now.

It's a sign of relevancy I suppose. Can take solace in the fact that your existence annoys someone

ha! you are small time!

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The Jewish man is the ultimate power in the universe! He has been the central driver of the current epoch in human history, and doubtless for all time to come (barring the extinction of mankind of course!). Who humbled the haughty French? The plundering and nigh unstoppable Spaniard? Brought low the bellicose and perfidious German? Laid down the egalitarian groundwork for our shared modern democracies? Safeguarded the immensely important Suez that so revolutionized trade with far off Asiatic climes? Humbled the proud and covetous Chinese emperors? The list is long, and weighty. I have not even begun to name his great industrial, and scientific achievements whose enduring impact on your lives require no introduction! Surely there has never before been a people so singularly instrumental to the prosperity, and advancement of Humanity on this Earth!


Yes, pretty much. Let's be real, if your country doesn't have haters, it's irrelevant. Some countries are just a joke, there is a difference. I don't really like seeing people hate my country, but once I realize what it also means by default, I can't help but smile a bit.
I honestly think we can more or less stand up to you in this regard. You are a worthy foe though and I do respect you for that because causing seethe = being relevant, as the British user I replied to correctly determined.

fits not a one of those! your modification is lacking creativity, and precedence.

No we're not

*dabs on you with a slight Cockney accent*

Attached: muh german.png (1437x931, 277.01K)

Literally everybody likes Germany
Stop whining Hans

55% British isles is still quite a lot surely, is there a certain type of person who uses those websites?

I'm not whining. We're talking about the internet here and I don't see that many people liking us tbqhwy. At least not since 2012 and especially 2015. Nazis, refugees, being the center of the EU... However, I'm not stupid enough to mistake Yas Forums for the real world.

The first sentence refers to the pic, and the second is self explanatory. I thought his name was Albert F Cotton, but I can't find anything when I search for it, so it's someone else whose name I forgot.

Really not sure about how representative this is...
55% British Isles is a bit too much if you ask me. I'm pretty sure Brits and Irish combined are the largest ancestry group by far, followed by Germans. I could also imagine Brits alone being in front of Germans. 32% Scandinavian sounds extremely unrealistic.

Brits are the foundation of the USA, the Germans came later.

It's just raw data from all the DNA testing, it turns out a great many of us Have some sort of British ancestry and that it just isn't that relevant perhaps because it is the oldest for many of us

Yeah I'm sure everyone wants to think like they've got something a bit more exotic, in sure english ancestry is a bit like the vanilla over there

That just refers to users on that website bro.

German ancestry makes the entire middle part of the country.

Scandinavian is definitely not 1/3rd of our genetics.

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You sided with the fucking kikes and destroyed europe in the process

>People who list German ancestry first on the census form make up 23% of the population
I know they might be wewuzzing, but damn...

Wow, more than HALF of the Dakotas have German heritage! Germans taking over, that's like a MILLION people

Yeah it's really not much when you overlay it with a population map.

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>that's like a MILLION people
Not even that, probably like 750,000 if it's half of the population. Incredible who next to no one lives there.

Probably, but only to the extent to which they're German. My dad used to insist he was mostly French, but according to our genetic history he was mostly British and Irish, lol.

I used to hate uk because muh falklands but now you guys are one of the things i hate the least

You don't, just answer me this

gott strafe england

I can imagine that. It probably depends on whose ancestry you weigh most too, I guess. If your paternal grandpa was French and the rest of the family English, you might be inclined to see yourself as French or something like that.

But still... 23%... 75 million or so. Almost as many as there are Germans in here. Pretty impressive number. It's clear many came, especially after the Revolution 1848/49, but that it led to 23%... And it probably was higher before all the Mexicans came.

>before all the Mexicans came
Mexico has lots of Germans too, especially in the north, which is where all the white Mexicans come from. Mexico, US, and Argentina were the three places Germans migrated to.

i'd teach you a thing or two about good food britaboo

come round anytime x

An American with 1 Irish grandparent and 3 English will call himself Irish American. That’s what skews the data.

It tells with last names. I had a friend whose last name was "Vanlandingham" but obviously his ancestral name was Van Landingham.

I didn't know about Mexico, I only knew that an Austrian shortly was "Emperor of Mexico". And what about Brazil,was Mexico really the bigger target for German immigrants than Brazil?

Recently saw a documentary about Gustav Weißkopf and that his American name was "Gus Whitehead", which is pretty funny. But I've definitely encountered a lot of pristine German surnames when I went to the USA.

Why would I seeth about a vassal state of my state?

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Not seething here, I love Mother England, moreso than Canada which is not even a real country. God save the Queen

I recently became aware of a town in my hyper English named east coast state with a very German title complete with dorf suffix

I might be wrong, I just remember hearing that Argentina and Mexico were big spots for German immigration. I can't find anything about it online though. Apparently all they know is European background vs Native American vs African break down.