Give me your honest opinion.
On a scale from 1-10, how saddened are you by what's going on in the US right now?
Give me your honest opinion.
On a scale from 1-10, how saddened are you by what's going on in the US right now?
Americanvirus, stay the fuck out
What's going on?
Imagine being so bad at shitposting you have to use European dissent for America as bait to get (You)s.
I just had my heart broken by a girl last night
I am indifferent
I'm (i^2 + i^4) saddened by the American virus situation there.
Saddened? There is nothing happening in USA
the eternal leaf
happy that americans are dying en masse but pretty saddened with the lack of mass shooting recently.
Holy shit this. What happened to the mosque/synagogue/school shootings lately? Because it was too cold?
What's going on in the US?
t. live in DC.
imo now its the time american gamers should rise up
>yo wtf how dare you make fun of italian deaths not cool bro too far
>lol burger ded
mentally ill
saddened? they did this to themselfs
This. I feel bad for them in the sense that their rampant selfishness only served to destroy themselves.
>lol burger ded
USA still handles it much better than most of Europe
Americans are nintoddlers. They’re too busy playing Animal crossing with their wife’s son.
Nobody's handling it worse than the US.
did you see pics like from Italian or Spanish hospitals there?
burn burn burn
wrong retard
Italy's president doesn't change his mind on how to handle the situation every 12 hours. It hasn't even begun, yet the US is in full fucking panic mode.
better get frightened at the beginning and prepare better before the storm begins
does your media really make it seem like a genocide is going on out here? i haven't been outside since sunday but i personally don't know anyone with china aids.
The storm's beginning was in January though. By February it was too late. Panicking now will have predictable results.
The US is done for. You'll have to suck someone else's dick for a living. Best work on your mandarin, sycophant.
At least Sweden didn't close down its economy, there's still someone to pay to the EU budget.
International Mass media hates Trump so...
We're a small and irrelevant country, we can't save everyone. We're taking in Denmark's sick and that's it.
literally dont know anyone who has it nor does anyone i know know someone who has it.
this fact alone should make people love him.
Dutch media doesnt care at all about American corona cases. They are only worried Phillips wont be able to get the breathing machines out of the USA, where they produce it.
The UK?
We should ban the exports to be honest. Fuck Euros.
0, this is how some people learn.
They are planning to produce 43000 of them for the USA. Next to our own. But we could also bring our factories back, which is also being discussed.
All my news about it come from Yas Forums. When I opened up this board today and saw the 80k+ number of cases I thought it was a shitpost and checked with google news. The only articles where this was mentioned was a sort of "summary" article which had short summaries of the situation in every major country in EU and the world.
Surprisingly not even the biggest lapdogs of the US (Poles) care about amerikkkans dying lmfao.
i live in dc and i don't care less old people to steal my tax $$ with social security. we might actually be able to fund mars colony now.
Why do euros use the black term for America? Are they just really big Ice Cube fans?
It's close. If the queen gets it, maybe.
I'm orange county and dont know anyone who has it nor does anyone i know know someone who has it
Kind of sad, but they shouldn't have elected a moron in the first place.
>We should ban the exports to be honest. Fuck Euros.
Yes, do it.
No thanks. I don't even want to fucking know what kind of virus we'll get from sopa de macaco.
That's a huge amount. Swedish company Getinge is (or rather was) producing 10000 a year and they have a 25% market share in ventilators
l have family there so l'm somewhat worried about them
i have friends in Bergamo, there pretty much everyone has a dead or hospitalized relative/close friend
if you wanna see how bad it can get, watch what is happening there
Wow an actually sensible post
Reminder corona is a nothing burger
Only a handful of companies dominate the market. And the most of them are European.
>No thanks. I don't even want to fucking know what kind of virus we'll get from sopa de macaco.
I'm talking to Europeans, not to Turks, Scandinavians and Moroccans. Shoo, go raid something.