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romanian vibes from this picture

miss him so fucking much

Charles is the finest Iberian specimen we have to offer

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remember that lad who used to post 'poo' the the start of every thread

Bought 3 bottles of wine but immediately poured out half of the 3rd one because I only want to limit myself to 2.5 bottles tonight and I know I'll drink all 3 otherwise. I sometimes buy a fifth of gin (757 ml) and pour a quarter of it out so I dont drink it all

Anyone else do things like that??

how did our tim manage to get cast in the iron lady and joker?
what a great actor

Is this what the average brit looks like?

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He looks like the guy from talking heads

Aha why’s Timmy’s tie so short

The progeny of Magna Graecia.
Counter to Alan's Numidia.

/brit/ has been blessed by the best sons of the mighty mediterrenean.

Oh great, the pooposter is here

his belly is so engorged it takes up the slack

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might do a cheeky revival of pooposting/alriposting

Whatever happened to him?

does he have fake hands

>qualify for $380 a week from unemployment
>a fraction of what i normally make
please let me go back to work and please let there be work to go back to

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lads I genuinely don't understand what devices like this or the amazon firestick do. I just read the review and still have no idea what i'm meant to use it for.

>this is going to blow your mind but it's possible to have a normal job and own a property you dont live in.

So you were paying a mortgage on your own home and a mortgage on a second home rented out at a monthly deficit and earn so much money you were able to quickly pay it off and use the continuing rental income to buy yet another home to rent at a loss and so on?

How much money do you make billionaire liar

Tim seems to be ok so far during the pandemic

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take a look at these hands

You wouldn't dare
You'll be the laughing stock of /brit/
You'll be hounded to the ends of the board

Not happening. The only way we're getting through this is with communism.

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coward, i'll do what i please

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what's the duck called

what makes you think i owned where i was living
you're rather stupid stop making assumptions about everything and if you want answers ask me like a normal human being


virgin freak
qu'est-ce que c'est

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i'd be more interested in her feet than her arse. arse is a gay/black fetish

>that boy has a cute butt
>its a girl
day ruined

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Ok so you had your own rental costs instead of first mortgage

The question still applies



might rewatch it. i was waiting for it to start then it finished

are you actually 12? genuinely asking. i just can't imagine a fully grown man hunched over his computer raucously laughing at this. you must be a literal child. just fuck off.

My poutine x

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no man should be forced to copealone on the ropes like this

this is brutal

I like to talk to people. Everyone is different innit.

everyone's got a story to tell

Reminder that we ACTUALLY clapped for the NHS. The absolute state.

Watching Osmosis Jones

did he

>beans on waffles
what the fuck

quite liked this film desu

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i had enough income to be able to afford my rent and to cover the rest of the mortgage yes. i wasn't exactly living like a king back then in a fucking 5 bed room house in outer london lol

should be at the pub right now

(You) me when this starts la

Mad how British folk call these "Walkers".

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I literally heard it as it rounded the globe and started clapping too as that is a part of my culture



I'm technically a NEET now. I'm pretty excited!

>failed the DBS coz in 2020 I went out to get some custard creams

Why are you posting in this general if you believe this. /brit/ is full of infantile gimmicks all over

do you have a local that you always go to? wish pub culture here werent so shit

we fooking invented them you little cunt you! why i outta

how thick do you have to be to not understand the basic concepts explored in 2001


not really

And how long did it take you to pay off the mortgage

How much do you make in your job

Forgive me for not believing your bullshit which doesnt make any practical sense

That’s the film I always recommend to people when they ask for any film recs

why does nobody have a radio here jog on zoomers

why do you want to drink with depressed boomers in a run down bar?

It's a pasta you cretin

Rorke suckling milkshake out of his superdry tank top

Been thinking for a while and I’ve got something to say lads

What flavour is classic

what's a radio

Every single girl from Turkey I’ve ever swiped on has been beautiful

The fuck is up with that place

Yeah The Barrels, me and my mates go every weekend, don’t even have to organise anything if I go on a Friday night I can guarantee I’ll know at least a few people there to spend the evening with


spit it out then

Normie alarm going

Were all ears

Its actually not it's a glib facsimile of a pasta

i paid it off when i sold it
i made enough
you can believe whatever you like i dont give a shit doesnt change how my life has gone
i just think it's a bit retarded that you seem hellbent on asking me questions but then complaing about my answers

burger KEK

What's a fridge


Just salt

What's a computer

Don't call me a cretin I'll break your legs

my local has people of all ages

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Like a phone except it only plays live radio as its going out. No podcasts or shows on demand. Pretty outdated technology


yeah turks kept that on the low
they are unreal - white looking as well which surprised me

I will destroy the nhs

Told mum and dad that coronavirus isn’t real and they threatened to kick me out of the house

Why are free and independent thinkers like me constantly oppressed?

I'm not complaining I'm calling you a liar, your business plan doesnt make any sense

whats a lawnmower

>plays live radio as its going out
going out from where??


fuck me dead woke up with the fattest stitch in my leg holy

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Is Shutter Island good?

yet somehow i have a net worth in the 7 figures
must be doing something right
not sure why you're struggling so much at understanding the premise of buy low sell high

sensational post

i liked it

Alri Lewis



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What actually was a zig-a-zig ah? that was never clarified

Listen radio from any station in the world


Imagine what this man could do to a fanny.

Lads I think I've caught the 'rona

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How many normies have killed themselves today because they can't go to the pub with Smithy, Smithster and Smyth?

Yeah 7 figures by renting below cost


Who is the boss of /brit/?

yeah enjoyable flick

it’s alright, nothing special

you're speaking to him

Cursed image

no it's terrible. would literally be a bargain bucket DVD if scorsese's name wasn't attached to it

>mc's name is an anagram of another character's name
state of it

Is imdb inactive


Looks like Trevor from trailer park boys

>buy house low
>rent gaining more equity
>sell house high
>buy house low at auction
>do house up
>rent it out sans mortgage
>good returns
not sure what's so hard for you to understand but whatever works for you

pretzels are the british people on snack food

yes, speaking

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Nobody. Everyone is equal.

scorsese's last good film

I don't know why but they taste worse than store brand in Germany and the Netherlands.
They are more expensive too.