Hated all ethnicities and cultures except English and American...

>Hated all ethnicities and cultures except English and American, which he considered to be a barely acceptable second-rate knockoff of English
>Hated Scandinavians for not being white enough
>Especially hated French Canadians
>Hated Nazis for being racist for the wrong reasons
>Married a Jew, continued to tell Jew jokes to people while she was standing next to him
>Learned he was part Welsh, immediately wrote a story about a man learning he was part fish monster
What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg (512x628, 66.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Especially hated French Canadians
If you were from New England, you'd understand this one.

>Married a Jew, continued to tell Jew jokes to people while she was standing next to him
God, I wish I could meet a woman like that.

Why does everyone hate them?

Oh no I'm Welsh I am losing my mind

More common than you think, I dated a Jew in high school and continued making oven jokes, one of my friends is dating a half black girl, and always makes black jokes and says the N word often.

>What was his problem?
He was too based

Attached: 0978681A-2BBC-4EB9-8051-3FDC3CD6DE59.jpg (1024x958, 87.36K)

not him, but they are known for being white trash

He loved Spaniards however.

Literally too based for his own good

what kind of white trash?
like Alabama white trash or i have a head up my ass with my superior culture like European white trash?

He most likely saw them as non-white, and didn't feel threatened by them, unlike the mongrel Italians trying to claim the title of white American at the time

During the late 1800's and early 1900's, the USA received over 30% of Canada's population, with a good chunk being French larpers, he probably saw them as a threat to his Anglo ethnostate in New England

>Hated Nazis for being racist for the wrong reasons
So why was he racist?

>I-is that a-an Irishman i see?
>This prehistoric ape-like creature! This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race, that have no sympathy with the English character. Their twisted ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes naught but an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood!!!

"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."

>Applying modern notions of political correctness to someone born in 1890
Virginia Woolf married a Jewish person too and she referred to him as "my Jew" in several letters while treating him like a caricature.

Assburgers, though same could be said of nazis.

>he hated French Canadians
Yeah he has the facial features of most anglocels who hate French Canadians

>>Hated Scandinavians for not being white enough

He is the typical inept white man who whines about everything and don't do shit to change anything.

They are orange

Autistic racism

He was a literally chad who fucked women younger than him and got them to pay his rent and buy homes for him, so he could write about schizo shit

you left out the part where he stole facebook from a fellow student

>Hated all ethnicities and cultures except English and American
That’s just WASPs in general

>>Married a Jew, continued to tell Jew jokes to people while she was standing next to him
thats pretty based desu

Racists are mentally ill.

Anybody who looks like him, I assume to be a racist. I'm never wrong.

Why are people of pure, unmixed anglo descent, always racist?

did he ever say anything about slavs?

This is anglos in a nutshell, be absolutely racist all while
>coalburning hardcore
>sex touring to foreign nations for dick
>mixing the most out of all euros
>larping as other european cultures
>worshipping nigs
>literally getting upset if their dna test say they're just anglo
Anglos are funnies


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and orange people bad

Mutt complex, anglos were the original amerimutts.

sounds like he was based

He was angry at never getting a proper job while minorities could, and i doubt living off girlfriends money would be pleasant for an anglo gentleman.

Howard was literally the most based man in the history of this country

It is, when it's jews money, which was stolen from hardworking Anglos, like himself

he was a fool like his favorite creature

He was a slightly retarded nutcase and schizo

Shame he died before he got to wank to tentacle porn.

I don't know, he didn't really hate jews that much.

>Being a fan of a schizophrenic who barely left his home

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called them mongol tainted

Attached: M X gonna give it to ya.jpg (1024x1677, 305.33K)

Personally, I think if an author is not a schizo then they aren’t worth reading.

Lovecraft spoke positively of the poles. I don't remember, but in one of his letters, he called the poles the only people who don't annoy him

Hating the French is a natural instinct of Anglos. In fact French Canadians are worse than regular French.

wat was his cat name?


>This prehistoric ape-like creature! This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race, that have no sympathy with the English character. Their twisted ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes naught but an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood!!!
Pretty good.

anglos got a sickly pale complexion with pitch black eyes and hair and somehow they werethe epitome of whiteness back in the day

Anglos create, and the orange niggers steal, simple as that

he sounds pretty based honestly

>the poles
>the only people who don't annoy him
Just fucking how

>wrote 100,000 letters in his life, possibly second most prolific letter writer ever
he was a shitposter to be sure

Attached: lovecraft_with_cat_named_nwordman.jpg (465x742, 81.51K)

>He was angry at never getting a proper job while minorities could
>minorities getting proper jobs
>in the early 1900s

What have i laid my eyes upon? A man black as death, his fate sealed by the melanin in his veins. Such a cruel destiny awaits humanity, i cant withstand this horror anymore! IM GOING MAAAAAAAAD, NIGGERMAN SAVE MEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Wypipo love dogs though. What other race lets a dog lick their face?


Bet he believed sarmatism





Blacks, saw it in a documentary called Space Jam

He was too based for this world.

Oh no, he hated american culture too.
That's why he loved New England soo much

>anglosaxon ethnic nationalist
gee i wonder why he wouldnt like nazis

lovecraft liked hitler, he just thought the man was too idealistic, basically a naive dreamer with good intentions. note this was the same view expressed by eric harris, the original incel shooter.

ughhh, imagine a world ruled by him and by benny franklin - perfection