Invited: The world

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bugar u depresija


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thats me when i see a monkeydonian

that guy looks like he is called bogdan

you look up at the camera?

Kinda looks like someone working on the strawberry field

i like balkan food

And Tito said, "Let there be the Macedonian language".

The pandemic is exposing the fragility of roasties, normies and their reliance on civic institutions. Remember to prepare for total breakdown of society so you can hunt them

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speed is the food of the goddess

looks like a 13 year old romanian lad (except for facial hair). that look/ facial aesthetic is very common in romania

Reminder that
1. The Macedonian langauge was invented by Tito along with the Macedonian identity
2. FYROM isn't even on the ancient Macedonia, but Paeonia
3. Slavs claiming to be Macedonians is like Russians in Kaliningrad claiming they're Germans

I have never been more disinterested in a global event, my only concern is that it doesn't affect anyone in my immediate social circle

Yeah, but North Macedonia is based so none of this matters.

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Sidebitch thread
Will it take off? I figure it wont

where is the ukrainian girl aka xpozed or sloni

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Gledam u alsat zaev i mmu ebam zvuqi pameten od shto misliv

How's the toilet cleaning earning you, Grozdan?

Here i am, fren

It's you Sloni I'm sure it is


I'm not a cleaner, and how do you know what a toilet is, Murbat?

Guess i am Hungarian again, even with Ukrainian ID

Whoever replies to the gypsy with finnish flag will get corona. Stop shitting the thread

I had to buy one since you closed your mouth

fuuuck, didn't see post


You bought the street behind your tent?


i have sympathy for bosnia

No. He is here every day though.

Me too

t. gypsy with monkey flag

Even your flag looks like a 39IQ third world imitation of the original. Not to mention you ripped off the Aromanian flag, attested in the 19th century.

im from here and i dont look like that :(

fuck off monkey, you dont even know what you are, bulgarian or greek

why? what the fuck is wrong with you? did they beat you to much when you were little? did they beat you too little when you were little? do you have daddy problems? why are you a virgin? do you have guilt attacks after masturbation? do your parents know that you are gay? how painful is it to wake up every day alive? do you feel envy when you see how happy people are compared to you? are you planing a terrorist attack? why don't you have friends? do your parents complain about your antisocial unhealthy behavior? how do you plan to commit suicide and why do you want it painfully? do you like meat pie with yogurt?

Recommend me some movie to watch /balk/

atuncea ai bafta de a nu fi malnutrit. r.i.p. moldoveni flamanzi

Meat pie with yogurt tho. Sounds not so tasty
What do you like?

Based stream, thanks.
Also I went to Ritter Buetzke when I was in Berlin. Had to wait 2 fucking hours in queue though. Met a cool girl, partied with her all night, went to her place, fucked. Still in touch via FB.

too many bazniak subhumans in his country

you mudslimes really should have been gassed

Keep coping because they have thousands of years richer history than you.

Whoever doesn't look like that shouldn't call himself a man.


brat (brother)
2001 a space odyssey
pe aicea nu se trece
a clockwork orange

Only Sofian Chads can look like him

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First of all I'm Romanian, so even if we accept their larp that's not true.

Second, like I said: them claiming to have anything to do with Alexander is like Russians in Kaliningrad claiming their heritage is Frederick II and Kant.

burek s jogurtom teb ne valja, sta si ti neko dete sa asvalta pa se ovde kurcis na forumu za pomoc suecidnim autistima koji se izdrkavaju na judeosintoisticke crteze maloletnih devojcica, ma izvini ljudino i uzvisenosti ako sam te slucajno uvredio, bil ti lazanje s kavijarom i da grlo nakvasis sardinajem, govno jedno prepotentno, *pu* *pu*

>thousands of years richer

Really nigger? ThousandS of years? Skopians squatted there in 600 AD and spent the majority of the 2nd millennium under Turkish occupation doing nothing but providing pigs, pussy and cannon fodder for turks.

2001 a space odyssey, classic, seen it 10 times.

The mechanist
Fight club
Catch me if you can
Godfather (1&2)
Good fellas



>What do you like?
no idea desu but probably some documentary
give me your best
heard about this one at the oscars (i think) but forgot to watch it, thanks for reminding me might watch it
seen 3 of those

Ok but post feet

>some documentary
greatest story ever told



One Child Nation, maybe? It is about Chinawhen they had one-child policy
When they will become pretty, i will, probably

>its this link again
Nice try

no one will click that link
machanist and interstellar are the only ones i haven't seen from this list
is interstellar that good?
t.never liked space, sci-fi and shit like that

India but went through Communism.

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Nice try, SOYfian boi. That man screams ПЛOBДИB БE

Why yes I am, problem?

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China, when *
Geez, what a stupid mistake

when did you lose virginity