Caturday Edition!
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baru bangun gan
post kitties
Show me the moneh.
>Siamese pussy walking around pole
Comf cat
>malaysian youtuber makes video about how chinese (read: the country) car manufacturers rip off others
>makes a point to say that video is not about ethnicity
>comments section full of butthurt chinese """""malaysians""""" defending china and talk shit about their own country
meet the gigakat
WOOORRKKKK!!! no kot allowed!!
So I don't get it
I get that recent Chinese migrants to SEA are a big source of anger for a lot of reasons that make sense
But why are Chinese whose families have been there for centuries such a source? What would even be the solution in your eyes? I particularly see this from Malaysia posters, but I just don't get the anger at this point, many of the younger ones only had grandparents or great grandparents benefit substantially from colonial policies, too.
Can somebody try to explain this to me more?
CHINESE WERE NEVER PART OF MALAYA FOR CENTURIES. THIS IS CHINESE LIE. Maybe they were here for centuries, but not as citizens. They were here as immigrants brought in by the british without malay consent. They got citizenship only during malayan independence.
>Chinese were brought here without malay consent
>They were brought in by colonisers
>Their presence is part of the injustice of colonisation and the violation of malay right to self determination and sovereignity
>Chinese were given preferential treatment by british to run economy and live in urban areas
>Chinese went on murderous rampage after world war 2
>Chinese try to take over country by force during malayan emergency and communist insurgency
>Chinese refuse to integrate, speak native language, adopt native culture
>Chinese demand goverment run and funded chinese schools IN MALAYSIA
>Chinese speak chinese language, read chinese newspapers, listen to chinese radio, watch chinese tv IN MALAYSIA
>Multiple incidents of chinese rioting and killing malays after independence
>Chinese discriminate against malays in private sector to hold on to economic dominance they gained during british rule
>Chinese being loyal to China for no reason, see
Seethe and Cope
What about groups like those that composed the Lanfang Republic, formed in 1777 (so they must have been there long before) by miners and other local groups? Everything I can find says they were brought as laborers by the sultans of the region and only then were they subjugated by the colonial powers, too.
I understand the anger towards those who arrived as part of the colonial powers, but the people who I speak to from Sarawak and others broadly fall into these groups that have been there for centuries.
Or am I misinformed regarding some of these facts about early Chinese migrations?
In Sabah & Sarawak most original Chinese there assimilate or at least try to integrate like the Indonesians for example. However, Chinks in West Malaysia are openly racist and never tried to assimilate/integrate or at least have a sliver of loyalty to Malaysia which is why you never see many chinks joining the Armed Forces here. The Emergency during 1948 - 1960 also left a bad impression towards the chinks here, the Communist guerillas aren't exactly popular amongst the Malays. And they scream racism when it is them who are racist in the first place. Kinda like your (((financial elite))) back in the states screaming anti-semitism when they are openly against the whites there.
Ah okay, so I've seen one side of the coin and not the other
So I think I understand your dislike for those in West Malaysia and why a lot want them out, but are most okay with the groups in Sarawak & Sabah? I've just been confused because it seems like there is two groups and when discussing them, the people here don't distinguish.
In short, while the Chinese in the west may be terrible, what do you think should be done with those in the east that have assimilated? Do you think the status quo is good?
>So I think I understand your dislike for those in West Malaysia and why a lot want them out, but are most okay with the groups in Sarawak & Sabah? I've just been confused because it seems like there is two groups and when discussing them, the people here don't distinguish.
Here Malays don't really see Sabah/Sarawak chinks as badly as their mainland counterparts, from what I can observe here in the Northern states. Might be different in other states though.
>In short, while the Chinese in the west may be terrible, what do you think should be done with those in the east that have assimilated? Do you think the status quo is good?
I really think those original chinese in East Malaysia needs a little bit of recognition from the government. But eh I'm just a lowly rice farmer in the North, who gives a shit what I think kek.
Also the federal government doesn't really care much about East Malaysia except for their oil wealth. So who knows.
>So I think I understand your dislike for those in West Malaysia and why a lot want them out
I'm the guy who wrote . I want chinese language, chinese culture, chinese identity out. Not people of chinese descent. If they assimilate then they're fine, but the problem is they as a whole don't, they hate the native's guts, they discriminate against us. But i do know that there are individual chinese who do assimilate, unfortunately they are a tiny minority
>what do you think should be done with those in the east that have assimilated
That's up for sabah and sarawak bumiputeras to decide. I can't speak for them, but i would accept them if they *really* assimilated if I were sabah/sarawak bumiputera
Soz for the low quality lolz
>I'm the guy who wrote . I want chinese language, chinese culture, chinese identity out. Not people of chinese descent. If they assimilate then they're fine, but the problem is they as a whole don't, they hate the native's guts, they discriminate against us.
Ye, we're not really calling for the genocide of the chinks here though that would be hilarious kek
Most of us just want them to at least show some respect and we will do the same.
各位 早安
I went to Kuala Lumpur last year, I didnt liked the country. there are 3 main races in there, Indians, Malay and Chinese. I felt some racial tensions.
also I broke up my head on the airport because a TV screen was located too low. my head bledding all the way on the train from airport to city center. there were 2 trains, I took the wrong one. and at Richmoore Pudu Hotel I paid 200 USD to a viet hooker so she let me sleep the whole night in her room.
kek at school boys wearing white uniforms. if they play soocer during recess time, their white uniforms could get quite dirty.
njir gan bangun2 sange
If it were up to me, people like teo kok seong (the professor, not the filthy DAPig MP) would be considered malay desu
Selamat pagi!
Big cat
early in the morning and already talking about Chinese lol
Ye he's an honorary Malay for me. He sees the fact that there isn't any unity amongst each races here, just surface level. The guy even criticised his own race for their behaviour and get shat on by his own people.
smol cat
They don't play *football during recess. They do that during physical education, where they change into physical education clothes
>Chinese were brought here without malay consent
Welcome to civilization
god malaysian accent is shit
pengen ngentot gan
mat gi ye
Normal itu, kalau orang luar bilangnya "Morning Wood"
what was the name of your high school crush? where is she now?
Guys what's your favorite vegetable?
One of my top spot is Cauliflower (Brokoli)
cauliflower is kembang kol not broccoli
Terung sambal
Cendawan (jamur) goreng tepung
Oh fuck you are right, But brocolli and cauliflower are pretty much in the same spot for me.
both are great when deepfried after breaded.
Fuck terung is good too, it had a nuanced nutty taste to it.
Is Jamur a vegetable though?
jamur is fungus, not veggies or fruits
Weed lmao
pucuk paku
steamed or cooked with sambal, but make you have to make sure it's the right species, some species can give you cancer.
solanum torvum is tasty
Oseng-oseng Pare
Ngaku aja lu woy, di sini ad nyang punya akun fb namanya Aria Indo kan ? Gue gedek ama elu anying, kayak tau segalanya... Ngeblame komunis padahal analisanye cetek
Oseng-oseng kontol
Tumis memek
its 2020 and still using fb lmao
t. igtard/twittard
Gorona !!!!
We haven't talked about korona!!!!
Let's talk about gorona!!!!
last time i use socmeds in 2010 lmao
>using sosmed at all
fuckoff zoomer
Do you guys don't get bored without socmed ?
>using socmed