We survived 9/11

What makes you think the Chinese virus will do any worse? 9/11 was way worse

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9/11 downed two planes. How many planes can't fly because of coronavirus? There you go, this is going to be a disaster for you.

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Nigga, 9/11 only impacted a building in fucking NYC. All the rest of us Americans did was get out of school early and continue on with our day lmao

3000 people died in one fell swoop

3,000 Americans haven’t even died from the virus

Not to mention no property damage

It's just pilot error bro

Native American die because of whit*id disease
Now the whit*id will die because of Chinese disease
I can already guess who the next wave of colonizer will be

Cause many more will die and the economy will be worse than after 911, whilst at the same time it's not an event to lift your spirit but just displays your lack of a stability in terms of healthcare and an absolute clueless clown president.

1500 to go and that will happen fast

The economy was going to be fucked either way. It's not really Trump's fault but he can still prevent more deaths.

Not yet. But with 1500 deaths by plane, you can feel the Apocalypse coming.

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How would the economy be worse than after 9/11 if everyone is going back to work by Easter?

>It's not Trump's fault
Nothing is Trump's fault apparently. Hes like a woman who blames everyone else for his own messes. He's not a leader.

>Native American die because of whit*id disease
Why are Natives at Southern America survived then? They are still majority in some regions.
Spanish conquistadors were less sick than Anglos?

unironically yes
Anglos are god mistake

And the property damage from COVID-19 is ????

If anything the virus will make America stronger than before


I'd be more worried about what your president does in the name of "pandemic security" by curtailing civil liberties and the ensuing economic depression

>tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of innocent people in America will die

>only 3000 dead and over 80% of them deserved it

Lol this. The EPA just removed all restrictions apparently. We are going to bring leaded gasoline back. The generation born after zoomers will be boomer-tier retarded as a result.

If its Trump, he's doing it for the good of America. He's a right-winger.

Human deaths are much more important than property damage. I know it's hard for a sociopath like you to understand.

Based boomers are making a comeback. Fuck zoomzooms and their faggot haircuts.

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Ok so no property damage. Just say that

>an absolute clueless clown president.

With a 55% approval rating. You forgot to add that

“People come in. They get intubated. They die. The cycle repeats.”
A doctor in New York has described the new coronavirus pandemic as worse than 9/11



Who cares. Its not worse because less people have died and no property has been destroyed

Should be a lot higher due to the crisis. Bush got to the 90s right after 9/11.

Since when economical damage is better than property damage ?

We're the worlds currency reserve, our economy will bounce back easy.

t. dumb murican

You just be special kind of retarded to still live in 20 century and think dollar is the reserve currency not a reserve currency

So at least 55% are mentally challenged then

Their currency is Corona now

You think people are gonna use the Euro or some? Delusional irrelevant Eurofag

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It really be like that sometimes

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cringe, unless your an isolationist place that trades with nobody, is totally self sufficient and bases your money's worth on gold or something than the US dollar is your reserve currency and THE reserve currency


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You hear that?
That's the sound of all your futures going down the drain.

China did 9/11

lol we doubled our intensive care beds in the last few days
we're expected to quintuple it by next week
good luck doing that with your 270 million mutts

It’s per capita retard not total number

This only shows your lack of understanding what reserve currency is and how EU and CHYNA abused it
Since you were unable to answer any questions directly I'm not even going to ask how you plan to fix economy that's been in stealthy decline over a year now.
I am however going to thank you for your service as American taxpayer on who's shoulders your central bank put 17K of newly issued debt just to make my market gains bigger. Enjoy 1.2k check and saving your economy, I'll stay here while you do that.

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Those beds are reserved for Somalis though, checkmate faggot

Seething and rent free, no wonder you're soo poor

I liked trump. It's just that he turned out to suck. And his inappropriate crisis management will probably kill like 50.000 Americans. If that's not clueless I dont know what is, he had enough time and downplayed the crisis. And american airports and borders were already well equipped to handle strict measures, they just were not taken.

Might be, the jobs are destroyed already either way.

my point stands

They all died in the first wave becaus eour government "accidentally" only released information in swedish and they "coincidentally" never bothered to learn swedish.

Then they released information in arabic. Which did nothing because those fuckers can't even read.

I'm not tho. America is and I'm glad everything is the way it is. I can enjoy benefits of your broken system while not being affected by it's flaws directly. I endorse everything your country is doing and your people are not

China: strong, powerful, can handle crisis
USA: weak, decadent, ineffectual in the face of crisis
Simple as

People need to mortgage their houses to afford critical care, though.

We'll see how strong they are once we move back all our production. 0 innovation in a cunt of 1,5 billion, like hahahahahaha

Except in many cases you can't apply for mortgage if you don't have job

it's not about people dying

it's about economic devastation, the number of people laid off and the businesses failed because of it

911 was an economic boost in the aftermath with all kind of adjustments and government projects
the corona virus will cause the worst recession in history

lmao get a load of this european parasite. your whole life is evidence of american superiority

If death doesn't matter then recession doesn't matter. Just kill all the poor. Or all the rich and take their money. Either way death is the only thing that matters.

Joke's on you. I am a Psychologist and demand is higher than ever. I am getting new clients every day and I am probably starting to charge $200 an hour lol.

>the corona virus will cause the worst recession in history
Or biggest inflationary event in developed economies
Either way I'm gonna profit on negligence of American people and actions of their governing and regulatory bodies

So like 10 in real money? Or forgot your proxy, paco

Sure you are, lets see how far your Yas Forums knowledge takes you lmaooooooo

A stupid building can be rebuilt, dumbfuck. A workforce or boomer consumers can't if they die off. This stupidity is why your country is getting fucked by China.

recession does matter because it impacts everyone, 911 was very localized, economically the losses were quickly picked up by other businesses in nyc

even though corona caused less death the numbers of working hours being cut alone can cause a huge snowball effect in missing rent and mortgage, money not spent not just by those businesses and employees affected but by secondary economic units as a whole

>A workforce or boomer consumers can't if they die off
fuck you're stupid

>recession does matter because it impacts everyone

And a death in the family doesn't? Or the death of a friend? People aren't work machines, they get bummed out.

Pretty affordable for the insured

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It really isn't since I'm not really European
I just prefer to live here right now

I'm more Jewish than Czech tbqh.


I'm Jewish too, and as American Jew who controls the strongest country on earth, i'm far superior to a Jew that has to go to the poorest central European cunt

not really, after a death people go back to work relatively soon

Corina is merely a continuation of 9/11 in the sense that it is the next large scale crisis that enables governments worldwide to further erode human rights and freedom.

(this is happening RIGHT NOW but none of you give a shit)

In Germany they are currently discussing to change the country's constitution so they can deploy military inside the country, in front of grocery stores and shit like that, as well as implement broad scale people tracking through phones.

A productive politician never misses a good crisis.

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Nobody gives a shit because it's irrelevant crap. You can't change the constitution on the fly. That's why it's called a constitution.