
me n the lads joshing around hahah what are we like x

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first for anime

Attached: 09d.jpg (400x400, 17.16K)

got ptsd flashbacks from when i tried to lose my virginity with the fat ugly black girl off bumble

Sex is honestly boring. Money is better.

why are men so gay

what are you drinking tonight lads. Anyone not drink in here?

For me it's Azula

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lost my virginity when i was 18 to a woman who was 30 who very much gave me a tutorial into sensuality

how about you lads?

will I get a criminal record for getting some brownies from the bakery?

how old are you?

fuck sake spongebob hahahahaha what are you like

Attached: tenor.gif (320x240, 1.65M)




After drinking 15 or 16 cans of kronenbourg

shagged a girl in a field when I was 15 at a young farmers party


"upsy daisy lad"

fuck off

>how am i depriving people from shelter?
by pricing them out of the true value for your own selfish profits

why are brits so fucking gay

no u

the GOAT fight

thread splitters deserve to be flayed alive

making out > sex

favourite sexual positions lads?

for me, its doggy. makes me feel in control

HATE missionary

never had it. hows it

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This picture's getting me a bit hard...

did the man hit the other man?

hope this crisis teaches the government that nobody likes landlords, not even private companies.

gta 4 had some serious choons

Ireland on lockdown

nice repeating digits friend

this desu

on the whiskey again

drank too much lately

making out during sex


Hear rumours they're turning Cheadle into one massive grave

Alri Dustin Hoffman

there's only one right answer here

imageboard not linkboard

with gf at the age of 16
still remember her big tits bouncing around on top of me

kino virginity loss

longshot but does anyone have the image of the two tayto men meeting but its a jojo reference?

Shite out of a can as you could imagine. Very nice in a pub though

landlords out

>true value
what does this mean
>selfish profits
i assume you work for free then?

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its funny the lengths diego will go to to deny he's not utter scum. what a fucking narcissist

Are you the finlad

me executing rentberg on the highstreet

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about time

kissing passionately while rolling around on the bed >>>

The UK has only fared somewhat better in history relative to its neighbours because of the geographical advantage that comes with being an island. Through gumption and ingenuity the Germans have overcome all odds multiple times throughout history despite being surrounded by literal savages on all sides. They are the most alpha motherfuckers in Europe by a country mile.

I love the UK but man oh man am I jumping ship when Germany rises again (and it will, in our lifetimes). These fuckers play forklift simulators FOR FUN; who the fuck else do you think is going to become the global hegemon once China and the US decline?


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he claims to be a man of god as well
jesus would despise his kind


its funny the ad hominem attacks some posters in this board will go to because they refuse to pay for things like everyone else. what entitled bastards.

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What's going on in this image? Is he ok? He looks flustered :/

it is a very good introduction to adulthood for a young lad.
teaches you a lot about life in a structured, thorough way.

can't imagine not receiving those life lessons. imagine trying to face adulthood without having been initiated.

germany ARE the savages

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neck kisses >>>>>> anything

Based German robots


it literally is just the flu though

how so?
im serious i'd like to have a proper discussion about this but i fear you'd just go resort to ad hominem stuff
and btw i dont claim to be a man of god

i provide a value to society with my toil
what do you provide?

hi guys

18 to a yank girl

turns out 50% of the people who have the wuhan flu show no symptoms

any of you fags wanna wrestle?

>tfw the gf often asks me to stop mid coitus because apparently i go too hard and she needs breaks

ffs lads

he would throw you out of the temple for exploiting people


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my virginity loss attempt was LITERALLY like something off a comedy
i hate myself so much

just being good friends and helping him into bed after a heavy sesh x

yes im a natural

i provide an essential need with my toil: shelter
i dont exploit people and he would not he even told people to pay what is due lol

why is that bloke looking so terrified in the OP attached photo?

wait we've all lost our virginity in this thread right? RIGHT?

if mikey tried it round my way he'd swifty meet the end of an 18 inch solid steel dumbbell handle

no you don't provide the shelter
the shelter exists without you
you are not needed, you provide nothing

Often had murders with slags because they got sore lmao. You bothered aswell. You're the only person that exists. Everyone else is an npc

ex used to do that. guess our willies are too big haha

what percentage of deposits do you pay back?

yes, but mine has grown back by now

he's just a top bloke about to be thrown into the air

what happenned lad

dunno mate, the ex gf seemed to enjoy them a lot more than i did

mental that so many people here lost there’s at 18 or later
pretty much everyone aside from the obvious freaks had lost it by the end of secondary school

just love shagging simple as.
something magical about it.

done it with an ugly beast while her roommate banged on her door asking for a phone charger, shiver thinking about it

Don't end up like me lads

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what would your facial expression be if you were in that position?


work in a shop and it's literally all the old cunts coming back several times a day for pointless shit like the lottery and fags and they all pay in change
they're killing themselves

>72% for execution
im proud of us

you lads hear boris has got that cold thingy

Will you keep quiet you runt. You're some middle class poof. You're not worth a slap

looks like the friend off of ferris bueller's day off

>jesus wants you to exploit the needy
fuck right off

business idea: have the government compulsory buy back on all the right to buy houses currently held by landlords at a fair price. (value when sold by govt+CPI)

I'd buy that for a dollar

it wasn't even nsfw janny

depends on how they leave the property and what arrears they are in
i upkeep the shelter - you should have seen the state of some of the early buys i did in auction
i have also funded construction of more shelter.

god that was quick

yeah i heard about it, i wonder if it will have any long lasting consequences. probably not though

Who came closer to toppling the British Empire; Spain, France or Germany?


>ever becoming german hegemon
Germans as we know them today won’t even exist in 100 years or so if things carry on the way they are

fucked up at sixth form. chased after a girl who didn't like me and ignored one who did.

luckily i was able to turn it round by having a weird unexpected sensual session with a woman 12 years old than me when i was 18, where she taught me thorough lessons in love-making, foreplay and the erogenous zones.

was late to the game, but i learned some pretty important stuff.

>Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
>Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:21-24

be mad if he died


>depends on how they leave the property and what arrears they are in

not what I asked. whats the percentage.

all of us here know full well you are one of those gobshites who try charge 500 pount for a minor scratch on some paint and regular wear and tear

>nonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:50:26 No.120382198▶
>first for anime
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:50:53 No.120382227▶
>File: 09d.jpg (17 KB, 400x400)
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:50:58 No.120382231▶
>got ptsd flashbacks from when i tried to lose my virginity with the fat ugly black girl off bumble
> mikey 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:09 No.120382239▶
>Sex is honestly boring. Money is better.
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:11 No.120382244▶
>why are men so gay
> Cody Gutierrez !!lrW/gZq3pmm 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:22 No.120382249▶
>what are you drinking tonight lads. Anyone not drink in here?
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:26 No.120382253▶
>File: 1585340636716.jpg (31 KB, 640x498)
>For me it's Azula
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:28 No.120382261▶
>lost my virginity when i was 18 to a woman who was 30 who very much gave me a tutorial into sensuality
>how about you lads?
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:29 No.120382262▶
>will I get a criminal record for getting some brownies from the bakery?
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:31 No.120382267▶
>how old are you?
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:44 No.120382277▶
>File: tenor.gif (1.65 MB, 320x240)
>fuck sake spongebob hahahahaha what are you like
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:47 No.120382278▶
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:51:56 No.120382288▶
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:52:12 No.120382300▶
> (OP)
> mikey 03/27/20(Fri)20:52:22 No.120382311▶
>After drinking 15 or 16 cans of kronenbourg
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)20:52:35 No.120382326▶
>shagged a girl in a field when I was 15 at a young farmers p

lost mine at 30
found it again few months later

wtf based latina lover

I don't even know what's going on in the pic. If it's this I'd be shitting my pants too, but to me it looks like he's about to get his willy sucked, in that case I wouldn't be mad at all

unironically spain had they nipped us in the bud early on

homealone will do well in hell

Heard boris was self isolating in cheadle

Just ate half of a three cheese sour dough bloomer with some pastrami.

Attached: 1540095529393.png (1148x1137, 132.25K)

Germany actually did it so Germany

enjoy the aesthetic of these posts, you always type something slightly different but always ensure that it lines up perfectly with the strawpoll link

the only strawpolls i ever click on desu

>late to the game

Attached: 1531513371334.jpg (240x240, 10.84K)

>Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:09 No.120383161▶
>lost mine at 30
>found it again few months later
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:20 No.120383179▶
>wtf based latina lover
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:24 No.120383185▶
>I don't even know what's going on in the pic. If
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:32 No.120383196▶
>unironically spain had they nipped us in the bud early on
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:37 No.120383201▶
>homealone will do well in hell
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:52 No.120383218▶
>Heard boris was self isolating in cheadle
>Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:04:28 No.120383113▶
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:04:29 No.120383115▶
>>ever becoming german hegemon
>Germans as we know them today won’t even exist in 100 years or so if things carry on the way they are
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:04:33 No.120383118▶
>fucked up at sixth form. chased aftent stuff.
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:04:50 No.120383136▶
>>Jesus said unto him, If thou wiou, It is easier f
>Matthew 19:21-24
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:04:57 No.120383143▶
>be mad if he died
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:04:59 No.120383147▶
> Anonymous 03/27/20(Fri)21:05:04 No.120383152▶
>>depends on how they leave the property and what arrears they are in
>not what I asked. whats the percentage.
>all of us here know full well you are one of those gobshites

we're in a fucking LOCKDOWN mate go easy

>love making
fuck off virgin

Mental how Vietnam booted out Japan, France and America within 30 years.
Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh

it unironically is though, pretty much everyone I know had lost it no later than 16.

why's that? I'm not a labour supporter, and i hate jeremy corbyn's guts, but johnson doesnt seem much better

any tantric sex practinoers in?

Latest scenes from Cheadle

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>Germany actually did it
no they didn't you mong
it was USA that forced us to end the empire after the war because we were at their mercy and had to listen to them like good little boys

lost it at 21 I did

Lost mine at 19. Considered quite late over here

Copey on the ropies

how am i exploiting the needy
>all of us here know full well you are one of those gobshites who try charge 500 pount for a minor scratch on some paint and regular wear and tear
why do you even ask if you just have childish assumptions
i answered your question there is no flat % i pay back. sometimes it is 100% sometimes it is a lot less than that. it is done ona case by case basis on the state of the property since they moved in and their arrears.
not sure what that has to do with being a landlord
i trust that you also give everything you have as just by virtue of being in the west you are among the most fortunate in the world

no buildings are still standing in cheadle

kino AND a half

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Genuinely view everyone as a robot. Nobody is human but I.

dont mean good mad just like mental

>Cuck + collect

only 20
plenty of time
no rush

I needed a treat to deal with the stress, m8

imagine losing your virginit over the age of 20

lol what are you even doing

>i answered your question there is no flat % i pay back. sometimes it is 100% sometimes it is a lot less than that. it is done ona case by case basis on the state of the property since they moved in and their arrears.

full of shit

bet you’ve been saying that for years