The Corona virus is America's Chernobyl

The Corona virus is America's Chernobyl.

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I don't get it

We are also out of protective gear

>the USA has three places named "Mount Sinai"

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leafs really like starting corona virus threads all day

buy our protective gear! We're already negotiating with Austria and Germany

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What happened to "just continue as normal lmao"

It has seven hospitals named Mount Sinai. That can't be good.

americans are trash

Why can't they afford protective clothing?

They're earning $30,000 per patient.

For 100,000 cases, that's $3B.

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>Why can't they afford protective clothing?
not the problem

homage to their master

OP is a spastic idiot, that's all there is to take away from this

God bless corona killing off the yanks. Die fucking subhumans.

It's ok Zhang, we all know this is the chinese Chernobyl

You know very well that Sweden is ruled by idiots. On top of Corona crisis that can crash the economy so hard that we get a 40% unemployment we also have deadly and violent crimes (arabs, afghans and somalis)

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Fuck this, I'm going to apply for a job in Taiwan. I don't care if the pay is shit and I'm a stone's throw away from the next pandemic centre, they're handling this better than Westoids.

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Insurance earns it you idiot!

stay 69 and unprotected

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Fucking hate this country, this is an embarassment, we can no longer call other cunts third world.

>You know very well that Sweden is ruled by idiots
the smart ones ran to US

Blame immigrants.

We don't have Swedes

Thank you Private Hernandez. The elites are never at fault, you are correct.

idg how canda has so mny chinese yet almost no corona

count yourself lucky


"Best healthcare system in the world" lmao

I hate Chinks. I hope they all die.

Sweden is 68% Swedish.
You're doomed lol

Fake news. We're even accepting Denmark's corona patients becuase they're out of gear and room while we've got plenty left.

>trash bags
"First World country" lol

whiter than you, joão

Why are these young people dying when this mostly kills boomers?

Trump never put in an order for PPE back in January so we'd have enough in March

We never were white to begin with
You were literally one of if not the best country on earth until the 80s
Now you have grenade attacks, the rape capitals of Europe, less than 70% native population and a welfare state doomed to fail within less than one generations lifetime.


Sweden is over 90% Swedish.
Brazil is 100% ape.

It clearly doesn't. China was lying. Big surprise.

Brazilians are so obsessed with white people when 95% of their population is black or brown lol could it be some type of "Stockholm syndrome" from colonization mixed with how shitty Brazil is?

It wasn't his fault. He isn't the executive or anything. His only responsibility is the media and military.

COVID can also kill young people if they have preexisting health conditions, such as asthma, high blood pressure, or being uninsured.

sure mate

Sir, thank you Sir.

China didn't make your country kill itself. Stop obsessing over them and abandon globalism.

Cope. As the world's new superpower, our first act will be to stamp you bugmen out of existence and usher in a golden age for humanity.


But you're probably russian or a butthurt yuropoor so you can't read it.

Attached: Superpower.jpg (868x1109, 238.15K)

I said nothing about being white though.
I said they're less than 70% their original population. This would also be bad if it were Kenya suddenly becoming 70% white within a couple of decades.

Kill yourself stupid jew

>90% Swedish


>>according to Statistics Sweden, around 3,311,312 (32.3%) inhabitants of Sweden were of a foreign background in 2018, defined as being born abroad or born in Sweden with at least one parent born abroad.[254] The most common countries of origin were Syria (1.82%), Finland (1.45%), Iraq (1.41%), Poland (0.91%), Iran (0.76%) and Somalia (0.67%)

>Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia

dear god I hope none of our politicians reads this


>Source: My ass

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Source was stated but of course you have the reading comprehension of a fucking Somalian, maybe you are one lol

>according to Statistics Sweden

Heh, love it when people on other side of the globe know more about country than its citizens. He had no idea how fucked his cuntry is.

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It's a famous LA hospital celebrities go to

What's the honest situation in there? All I've heard is that the authorities are way more lenient on restrictions than in here, not sure if it's a good or a bad thing.
Right now we're closing down entire province of the capital.


>This would also be bad if it were Kenya suddenly becoming 70% white within a couple of decades.
that's impossible for Sweden and Kenya. You have no idea how demographics work at all but that isn't unexpected coming from a country that though it could whiten itself up with European immigration.

>that's impossible for Sweden

>Sweden's pop is already 32% o foreigner background
>t-that's impossible

Ok Riley.

>what was Rhodesia or what is South Africa
Stop embarrassing yourself my tranny.

really makes you think

>Sweden's pop is already 32% o foreigner background
that doesnt just mean blacks/arabs though l'm sure they have other European immigrants

Why are Brazilians like this? Why do you care so much about Sweden?

~700k finns

>refuses to publish confirmed case numbers

Transparent about not being transparent.

32,3% of the population is foreign born but the top 6 ethnic groups make up only 7,02%? That can't be right.


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