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>believing China

Fake news.


Attached: real_american_news.png (1142x5000, 633.72K)

How many fat American turds are gonna drop dead from Corona during this weekend?

China has actually 3 gazillion cases


>Chinese telecoms lost 21 million subscribers during pandemic

Attached: redd.jpg (587x587, 47.35K)

I'd usually be suspicious of any figures that come out of China, but given the pattern we've seen with South Korea's number of coronavirus cases. I find the Chinese figures to be slightly more believable.

Attached: 1280px-CoViD-19_South_Korea.png (868x271, 22.93K)

Unlike china we actually care about freedom of association and would rather die than force lockdowns on businesses.

Chinese are autistic and have a strict regime. They lived inside their rooms for 2 months abd this is the result
The West is fucking doomed

our death rate will be lower

Probably the dumbest meme ever since those could just be natural deaths too or people letting their service expire. Way too much noise in the data.

Okay, Zhang.

>infections almost completely stop at 80k in a country of almost 1.4 billion while much less densely populated countries struggle to contain it
gotta be real fucking naïve to believe that

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Kek, truly an american patriot who would rather die before seeing their greatest ally go one day without their shekel fix

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China put restrictions on the entire country and implemented lots of insane surveillance programs to keep positive cases quarantined. We would never do that here, especially not for a slightly stronger version of the flu.

If making logically sound arguments with evidence to back myself up makes me a Zhang, then so be it.

Comparing apples to oranges is not evidence or a sound argument. Literally Zhang tier.

>21 million mobile users gone overnight
>Funeral homes in Wuhan ran out of urns

Many European countries have already reported similar situations. That telecom thing is bullshit though.

>Comparing apples to oranges
South Korea is an equally dense East Asian country who got their first case as soon as shit hit the fan in China.
I'd like to ask you what you believe the major differences to be that having a similar growth and decline of coronavirus cases would raise suspicion?

This. If you don't support America and American hegemony you are a zhang and probably an anti-semite as well.

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What is his phenotype?

chinks are already having to close things down again lmao
why do people on this site shill for the CCP FOR FREE when i'm sure there are plenty of ways to pocket some yuan while doing so

i can't help but smile when americans get what they deserve

Because even Korea looks at Chinese reports with scrutiny and skepticism. Taking anything China says at face value is just not smart.

Don't twist my words, faggot.

>comparing chinese medical care to south koreas

You shouldn't be cheering since that means that controlling secondary outbreaks is going to be even more difficult for us.

Stop letting china live rent free in your head. Also go back to plebbit.

>Taking anything China says at face value is just not smart.
That's not what I'm doing though, I've looked at the data and came to my own conclusions.
Medical care does not slow down infection, it only speeds up recovery.

>he took what China had to say at face value
Not smart.

They arr rook same tho.

I want all the boomers and retards who weren't taking this seriously to suffer but not so far as to cause society to collapse pls

Congrats on 6 digits

I thought the narrative was that the US would never get many cases because it‘s not densely populated?

Yeah, that's what happens when you pretty much isolate the places where epidemic occurs.
They put an entire province on lockdown.

Honestly 21 million dead is pretty low by Chinese standards. It's probably way more.

Attached: chinese.jpg (753x735, 112.06K)

It is low when compared to other historical events but way too high for a virus that only kills boomers.

Whoever told you that is a fucking retard. America, in a nutshell, is huge pockets of densely packed people, separated by vast, sparsly inhabited stretches of rural land, with constant traffic flowing throughout the whole.

Nah, it's because those tacos in British Mexico can't understand concepts like "common good" and "even if you aren't sick you're still giving the virus a free ride", so they left their homes under the premise like "usa freedom sheeeeit"

That chart doesn't even include the various plagues that periodically ravaged their lands, just like the ones in medieval Europe.

Our numbers are also severely underrepresented

>a virus that only kills boomers

That was a fucking lie dude. Check the statistics everywhere outside of China.

China cares about money too, more so than about people. Why would they put their economy on pause for stronger version of the flu?

Another thread full of mutt cope

>revolutions can't happen anymore

They probably can't. Our weaponry is much too advanced, they'll just mow down anything you throw at them unless the rebels get loads of international support, like in Yemen and Syria.

>things arent so bad here because other countries are lying about their numbers


Theres only so much military indoctrination you can do
Western military wont gun down white people in their own countries

Y'all need to pump those numbers up, cowboys! 100k infected, but not nearly enough dead burgers.

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Not at all what my message meant, stop letting Americans live rent free in your autistic mongoloid skull.

>That was a fucking lie dude. Check the statistics everywhere outside of China.
Where's your evidence again?

Attached: _111409162_corona_cases-nc.png (2666x1458, 160.2K)

No. Plus there's nobody to overthrow since it's a democracy. I thought we were discussing China though, they'll flamethrower babies and eat their corpses for dinner.

stop being a stereotypical western cuck bro

what the fuck does that even mean? sorry, I am behind on my memes

What does what mean? Letting America live rent free in your head? It means all you do is think about Americans, America, and things related to America. For instance, my post was clearly about China. You warped it into a post about America. You are obsessed.

America is the laughing stock of the world mate. It's mockery and a little bit of pity, very fucking far from obsession

No, Zhang, white people would never lie.

This thread's about the number of coronavirus cases in the US compared to China though, so he had a reason to mention the US.

See? You are obsessed.

By all means defend the retard from the big bad Murican. Are you the retard racist who thinks Koreans and Chinese are the same?

The average lag time between infection and possible death is what, like 3 weeks? Genuinely asking since I don't know.

Did you not read the OP?

ah come on
when has China or any other totalitarian communist dictatorship li...

I actually think much less. It's two weeks to recover, but if you're dying you'd do it sooner, right?

>Are you the retard racist who thinks Koreans and Chinese are the same?
>By all means defend the retard from the big bad Murican
I'm not taking sides, but if I see a discrepancy I point it out. Judging by your response, it's obvious to me that you value emotions over facts.

>Are you the retard racist who thinks Koreans and Chinese are the same?
Not him, but you're gonna have to be a bit more specific since that's unironically what a lot of people here think.

I don't know, that's why I asked. I just looked at the numbers for that cruise ship quarantined off Japan, and the corona tracking sites are saying that some of them are still sick, and some died just the other day, so that's like almost 2 months. I hope those are just outliers though.