

Attached: ned.png (658x437, 2.19K)


What did Luxembourg ever do to you?


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reminder these ""people"" invented the stock market and ruined the world forever

the niggers and jews of europe forming together

>Calling anyone jews
Oh the irony

i knew you would focus on the jews part of my post but you ignored me calling you niggers, i wonder why...

You have no right to say that

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He hasn't looked in a mirror lately. Jews and Italians are genetically related and look very similar

*blocks all your proposals*
*refuses to increase the EU budget*

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I dont think your in a posistion to throw stones

I like them

The sick and poor of Europe

shut the fuck up mongoloid and autist of europe

a country of ahmeds

Hit a nerve, Ahmed?

Should be something like this

Attached: Prinsenvlag.png (2000x1333, 3.05K)

literally rentfree

For me? The Dutch, based and cheese pilled seafaring bros


heh the amount of hatred our government has for bailing out meds makes me actually like them

>implying france wants to be part of this
they are friends with germans now

also, dont you think you forgot someone? :)^

We share a currency with them it will be our problem sooner or later


Eurobonds have nothing to do with bail outs, the virus isn't anyone's fault
That's why the entire discussion has been postponed two weeks, when people will start to die in northern Europe as well and everyone will realise what the true issue is


Also pay your debts dago

JUST..... remember RENAISSANCE? remember ROMANS? what are you know? you cant build shit anymoeem all lazy mutts.... Look at genoa bridge.... Roman aquaducts stay alive for 1000s of years... then new italian genes build bridge in genoa... breaks down after 60 years......

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>northern Europe as well and everyone will realise what the true issue is

As If you did not know this people already, they wont, they will embrace the death of their parents as something positive.

Wallonia and Luxembourg?

Not if those people and their families will not vote for them. Believe me, eurobonds didn't stick in 2011 because after all Greece had cooked the books and cheated the system, and it was all its fault
But now it's nobody's fault, and without eurobonds Europe will just get bought by the Chinese and Americans once the crisis is over. Even France is on our side now, and for good reasons since we are at a critical moment for the whole eurozone

Forgot the Hague

Netherlands society is nihilistic and decadent. Their approach to the pandemic proves their disregard for human life. Why would they change their stance?

why do the dutch still consider those exiles to be orginated here when their predecessor are already mongrelized when they are expelled anyway.

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Let them do their thing. The EU is corpse m8, at the end of the day It is each man to its own, We forgot that and now we have to pay the consequences.


and remember this very sentence when they are in trouble "It is each man to its own".



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>The EU is a corpse
Wrong analysis. More than three quarters of the eurozone are asking for a more integrated EU to solve this crisis

>Gibs me your money from your
Dutch taxes


We will see, Mario, we will see.

>porn capital of Europe
>calling anyone decadent

>the niggers of europe
Wouldn't that be Ireland?

>Dutch taxes
t. Tax Haven

Gosh I can't wait for the Germs to be assblasted

Two weeks

Our pensions are gone to the EU because in southern Europe they can't count. FUCK THE EU AND FUCK SOUTHERN EUROPE.

Once this is over , we will probably have to face a true fucked up recession that will leave the 2008´s as a joke. The EU will not be able to cope as It did before. I mean, I dont give a fuck If they EU survives or not but each year that passes the EU is weaker.

You wish you could, but your leaders are too retarded to grasp how to deal with the EU.

>but each year that passes the EU is weaker.
What doesn't kill it makes it stronger actually. The EU past 2011 and 2016 has much more power than it had in 2006
The ECB is starting to act more like the American FED ("whatever it takes" QE measures are now the norm while they were a taboo before 2011), eurobonds are being openly discussed, it has an actual border guard free to operate without being invited by a member state (after 2015/2016) and an overhauled security policy (while talking of a European army was considered wasting time pre-Brexit)

>but each year that passes the EU is weaker.
this nigga lol

Bongs are out, Eastern Europe is only there for the gibs and the very moment they see that It is not worth staying, they will fuck off. Most of Southern Europe is on the brink of collapse. It cannot even cooperate to deal with a virus that is slightly more infectious and deadly than the flu. It was unable to deal with refugee crisis properly and its only policy was "take muh refugees in your country or else".

It’s getting too ingrained with process to really be dislodged ... look at the regulatory mess the U.K. is dealing with trying to get out of it. Only thing that could happen is a collapse in the euro

> Only thing that could happen is a collapse in the euro

Yeah, surely that would not trigger a general distrust in the European project, which is already big enough right now. That would not trigger a new rise in populism all over the continent either, I mean If the Euro collapses, It will be a roses and little angels and cherubins singing fucking opera.

That's why it won't collapse. The situation is bad enough without an inflationary crisis and trying to buy medical supplies with an unstable currency

You are thinking about this as a responsable citizen and not as a corrupt rotten politician trying to get advantage out of the whole situation.

Most people do not care about "muh fact", they are driven by pure emotion, by what It feels right at the moment, which is itself a mixed bag of comments of their favourite media figureheads. Sure, breaking the union when the shit hit the fan is not a good sensible plan but "muh feelings " will get in the middle, and be sure that there will be an opportunist.

the eastern bloc is nothing without their gibs and an easy way into western markets, they'll never leave
southern europe is in a dire situation but soon deads are piling up in the Netherlands too and even in Germany, despite their best effort, the deaths are increasing each day
Eurobonds will pass, i have no doubt about it, and once that happens it's yet another step to make the EU stronger, like Brexit was

>You are thinking about this as a responsable citizen and not as a corrupt rotten politician trying to get advantage out of the whole situation.
We had two big anti-euro parties form a government last year. Absolute majority, they could have done whatever they wanted and they said they wanted to leave the EU multiples times
The result? One said the "eurozone is essential" and denied having ever said anything about leaving it, the other turned into a meek slightly populist center-left party. Politicians aren't stupid, and they try not to commit suicide
The only way something like that can happen is when it's voted directly and the politicians have to roll with it, like with Brexit. But nobody wants to do something similar after that shitshow

The EU is going to hand out 37 billion euros from its solidarity funds. And the Netherlands is receiving 0,07% of that (25 million euros).

I think that should say enough about why we don't feel like joining your silly financial projects.

Hellal be, Okadar sikisiyoruz ki her yer bizim tohum. sadece su zenci ler sikinti hadi arab'a neyse ama zenci den adam hic bir zaman olmaz

This is my take on this situation:
>Corona thingy is here to stay. Anybody that has studied viruses knows that coronaviruses mutate like crazy and there is no way in hell you are going to be able to make an effective vax when you are basically dealing with a complete different virus each time. By the way just like flu :^)
>Global paranoia
>Markets will feel the impact
>Global recession.
>Populism rises around the continent
>Complete destabilization
>The EU splits up in little petty unions of countries led by nationalist or commie zealots

The ECB just printed something like €750B, and will no doubts print more if needed, just like in the US. It will buy the bonds of all countries until the situation stabilises
€37B are just what it had at the moment in cash to buy medical supplies and stuff, they aren't supposed to fix economies or avoid the crisis

And we will also be paying for that with higher interest rates.


Just sitting here smiling at the thought of an Italian calling anything 'vile', such a funny word

And our savings being inflated away.

Yes. It's a global pandemic, and it will always be a bad thing. The same is happening to China, the US and the rest of the world

What we have to do now is try to do the best of a shitty situation and find new ways to work better together

They may be but there are groups that are way more radical than they are, just waiting to take their position. You are underestimating the darkness of the times that are ahead us, I wish You get away with this, Dont wanna die of starvation or in some stupid war.

Sory me not speak arabic