
Grand Theft Auto IV edition

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Gravy arse

>there’s actually a realistic chance that this PL season will be cancelled and Liverpool still don’t win the league


>Howd clint dempsey end up over there? Imagine he dominated the league quite like Pulisic does now and Freddy adu did in his day
he was quality tbf, by far the best yank in prem history
pulisic still has a way to go to eclipse him, i personally believe the pressure will be too much for him and he'll end up like freddy adu
>agreed tim just legged that one and let the wind do the rest
there was a Paraguayan keeper that scored 46 goals in his career

To the lad who said he might get a vindaloo when this is over, get a madras as a bridge if you've never had vindaloo before.

when did you last leave the house?
me you ask? the 13th of march

the 7th tier and below of non league has already been cancelled, no promotion or relegation
jersey bulls had won 27 games out of 27 and were already mathematically promoted but now it's null and void, unfair desu

>by far the best yank in prem history
dunno about "by far"

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i went on a bike ride about 4 hours ago
sad twat

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do not care

Another season Liverpool don’t win the league is fine by me

well the gang's all here

Crimea voted fair and square to leave Ukraine and join Russia. You can't disagree with that and pretend to be pro-democracy at the same time. Ukraine should have respected their wishes and let them leave. And to the user who sarcastically said the US should have let the Confederacy go too, yes, I actually agree. The world would be a much better place today if the Confederacy existed.

In response to the publication of the club’s accounts for the 2018-19 season and the current COVID-19 outbreak, club President Wael Al-Qadi has issued the following open letter to supporters…

'Dear Gasheads,

some vindaloos are 100x hotter than others
this is the most important information when getting a vindaloo for the first time i reckon
me? i go phal
but that's just me i can hack it

i went to the co-op yesterday, but only because i can't get a tesco delivery

I remember when Freddy Adu was supposed to be the next (Fat) Ronaldo

stay at home
save lives

Dont care burger, didnt ask

I walked along the avenue
I never thought I'd meet a girl like you
Meet a girl like you
With auburn hair and tawny eyes
The kind of eyes that hypnotize me through
Hypnotize me through
And I ran, I ran so far away
I just ran, I ran all night and day
I couldn't get away

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i forgot about him, he was very good also but you can't compare a keeper to an outfield player
the season should be completed in full whenever possible if you ask me
and that's coming from a villa fan that would benefit from cancelling the season cause we were going down

Shall be working my way through 2 ALDI bottles of wine

give it up already
how many times are you gonna repeat all that

It does vary greatly from curryhouse to curryhouse. Luckily my local doesnt skimp on the heat so they're vindies are hot if i fancy potato.

chicken madras!

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great game

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We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher
Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher

Oh I've had a madras and liked it

Heard you didnt protect our NHS?

love singing/musical apus

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Happy Shopper copper: n. A community police support officer. ‘I was too young to get a job as a lollipop man so I became a happy shopper copper instead.'

more important things to be thinking about than a season of football

just end it now so we can all concentrate on saving our NHS

I don't drink cheap wine anymore because red vomit is the worst color vomit to have

landlords get the least sympathy from me in all of this

What kind of people don't like football in england? Are they weird?


Support our BBC.

bizarre reason

So does this coronavirus mean that the bin dippers have once again let the premier league slip from their grasp

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Some people PREFER to rent. Right Diego?

I love that you call them lollypop men in your country. All police are power tripping dirtbags.

this coronavirus nonsense has been a real wakeup call for me as it hasn’t changed my lifestyle in the slightest sense even though the world is on fire and everyone’s being mandated to hole up in doors

not a real job

>oh youve lost your job because of a global pandemic? well that isnt my problem so get out of your home now



mad how 'this' has literally shut down the entire planet within a fortnight

Just had an absolute belter of a wank lads

that's a big fall

warzone is fun

some posh people
some gay people
some women

looks like it

I don't care if Monday's black
Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's Friday I'm in love

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Has it made you want to change things or is it more of a "who's laughing now" wakeup call? For me it's the latter.

>What kind of people don't like football in england?
pakis and fat beta males that were always last pick in PE

I reckon I would be a good landlord. Late one month? Not a problem mate. Need to pay it next month? That's alright I understand.

Just got a taste of Roast Chicken crisps off this Carling wtf

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>oh the government is paying you 80% of what you would get working to stay at home? well i dont want to pay for anything while i stay at home. give me everything for free, now!

Industries in other countries are apparently starting to slowly open again, so that’s a sign this thing might be over quickly.

At what point will I know I have Corona after displaying symptoms? Do I just wait until I cant breathe and die or simply get over it and realize it was just a cold

dont ever reply to my posts ever again

pleased to hear it mate give us the gory details then

This is why you are not a landlord. They live off ruthless exploitation. Without the will do do that and be a complete cunt you would never accumulate wealth.

Do you have the same "beta"boys that try to mock sport then. You'll hear them call it "sportsball" or similarly, did the man kick the ball?

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loss of smell
mild fever
maybe a cough
then it goes away and you're reet

>no my investment should not be affected by a global economic downturn even if the underlying source of finance is cut off

the delusion is outstanding

chads play rugby there

lads have you seen the free tinder passport feature till april 30th?

based boris

If the government money is so good the landlords can use that to supplement the money they would get from rent then.

>cracks knuckles
>unbolts the latch on the window
>walks to the fridge and pours a glass of water
>pushes open the window and gazes down at the crowded street below
>takes a large swig of water to dampen the throat
>takes a large breathe in

Played Four elements trainer
Coomed after a couple hours
Absolute mess

really don’t know what to do with myself once all is said and done, might just exist as I already had been in the same state of non-being and stay inactive out of lethargy

>reverse google an image
>use yandex
>it finds things much better
lads why is googoyle so shite?

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No what is it?

rugby is literally for benders

point to me where the government is giving landlord's money... oh wait it isn't because it's giving workers and businsses money so that they can pay their rent lol

when will come the day where i can browse this site without my peepee hard?

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my mate quinn has shagged two (2) of the players on the welsh rugby team

i wouldn't have believed him except he has pics

got the sniffles

the only reason anyone plays rugby is so they can sniff other bloke's bumholes and grope their bollocks

>no my inability to save money means that i should be given everything for free now that i can't sustain my hedonistic lifestyle anymore

fuck off niche american fucking faggots

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Got some money for landlords right over here

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>deserving of government handouts

Just fucking executed some cunt who wouldn't pay up this month
Its my right and my property

will there ever come a day where rentoids across the country collectively decide not to pay rentberg his rent

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classic fag name quinn

yes now lol

>Forgive me master... just this one time I must go all out

never reply to me or even dare copy my post numbers


This guy seems to give a good synopsis of what to expect

no you didn't
be quiet

are they just being silly or are they actually asking for a shag by doing this

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four beers on Zoom with the lads and i'm half pissed

state of me

oh diego

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What if we all withdrew our money from the bank haha what would happen?

no you're thinking of posh piss drinkers
in the working class community, all the chads will be footballers


I’ll be glad if rentberg gets fucked over during this chinky flu

It's giving them money so they can live. You are demanding money from them simply because you were fortunate enough to be able to own the building. Parasite. If shit gets bad you can just get a job and pull yourself up by the bootstraps like you expect them to.

the hero we all need right now

>youve lost your job and are now on 73 quid a week?

you can tell thats a premier inn

bizarro rorkesheed

yeah they're all in this thread

russians are actually the good guys

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to reiterate for the 3rd time art hoe thread if anyone is interested

looks like business is good


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>Just fucking executed some cunt who wouldn't pay up this month
>Its my right and my property

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Every single Friday this landlord comes into the thread and every single Friday you retards fall for his bait.

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holy fucking grim. Dread to think of the seedy little wretch behind that establishment.

any nightmare stories about squatters etc? people you couldn't get rid of?

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The incomes of the poorest families FELL in the last two years - that's the backdrop to the Britain that heads into this crisis confirmed by new data yesterday. Shouldn't go unnoticed as we focus on the coronavirus response

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>so they can live
yes and one of the essential needs is shelter which that money is to pay for...
> you were fortunate enough to be able to own the building
i made a series of past choices and decisions to end up with the building it did not magically appear on my lap.
>If shit gets bad you can just get a job and pull yourself up by the bootstraps like you expect them to.
why are you now spamming your memes at me

the government is literally paying people to do nothing and some of those people are then so entitled to not think they should use that money to pay their debts


reckon i could figure out where this pic was taken

state of uk's recovery rate
if you get this you're dead in this country

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don’t care virgin

face for crimewatch
body for baywatch


guess what yanks call paracetamol...................................

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still don't understand why we won this, wasn't it a draw?

nah i make sure to fet everyone
had a few go into bad arrears but it sorts out in the end
in terms of cash flow as a % of what it should be now is by far the worst time in my career

Don't care, they need to know the noose is tightening one way or another



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ye it should

if you havent had sex
dont even think of replying to me

the to let sign is the best bit

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All non-whites

you can just google the phone number

the most worrying thing is like 50% of recovered in all cases come from chinas faked numbers

>my career

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Wooooooo 100k USA USA USA

>i made a series of past choices and decisions to end up with the building it did not magically appear on my lap.
fuck off, eat shit retard, not replying to you anymore

tens of thousands of brits have had it and recovered without realising, shut the fuck up please.

The numbers are not comparable.... each country has differing testing regimes, diagnosis criteria, mortality criteria and recovery criteria.

they call it..........................acetaminophen..............................
what the fuck

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the VAST majority of people who have it haven’t been tested, we have no idea how many people have it or how many have recovered

gott strafe

nothing wrong with being a landlord
its an honest profession





>USA 100k
Oh my days

die die die

big fan of the Kuomintang lads

the emotional outpouring of a yank child. you should be ashamed of yourself.

About as honest as any career criminal

any man holed up with the gf? doing wonders for our relationship this. i think ill marry her afterwards. i really love her lads and she really loves me and every day is wonderful.

you lads know what im on about?

Should bloody hope so you horrible racist

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thats too bad

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Nothing heard from the bint trying to blackmail me
told the rugby lads some pics might be shared of me and to delete any random facebook message requests, so one of them photoshopped a massive black cock onto a pic of me to save her the trouble

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5th night in a row of heavy boozing
Should probably stop so I can tell whether I feel like shit because of that or I have the 'rona


fellow hacker

or a farmer

nah sounds awful
I'm a lone wolf and get annoyed after 24 hours with a woman

This. my housemate almost certianly caught it 2 weeks ago (her bf was actually tested) and she’s fine now

it's scalping if scalpers lent instead of selling

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i've started wearing the ex's tights around the flat because they're comfy

Need Chiang back to sort Xi and his cronies out now lads

woke up to all these missed calls from coke dealer. lol poor lad ain't making any money

I've been nonstop smoking weed and every cough makes me paranoid

Reminder that 190 engaged in sexual relations with his underage niece. He won't even try to deny it.

any mong here would become a landlord if it meant good money and almost no work.

nope sorry I have never known the touch of a woman

>lads I’m really depressed

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Haven't had a day off drink since christmas eve, and before that was the middle of october

any aussies wanna redpill me on friendlyjordies?

mad how english is an official language of the soon to be most populous country on earth

isn't coke cripplingly expensive in Aus? it's bad enough here

no; i'm not morally repugnant

Shut the fuck up parasite

he should have his balls lobbed off

dunno lad
something about the girl you love waking in your arms whispering i love you in your ear.
me and the gf were chasing each other round nakef

juat dont drink lad ahah simple as init


takes a lot of work to get to
>no work
how am i a parasite?

People should aspire to be landlords

scaling it back

Do you not get sick of it.

broke up with the gf about a week before all this kicked off lol

yeah enjoy the honeymoon phase lad


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this is a joke rigjt

The same way any other one is, leeching off the hard work of your tenants

owning more than one house should be illegal

why yes i had such a good time with the gf that i thought the first thing to do was come post on 4channel.org/int/brit about it

can't stop thinking about people snapping limbs

my life is a joke yes

if your city isn't mentioned below then it is irrelevant
0121 - Birmingham
0131 - Edinburgh
0141 - Glasgow
0151 - Liverpool
0161 - Manchester
0171 - Old London number, now 0207
0181 - Old London number, now 0208
0191 - Newcastle

bravo nhs, bravo!

not aussie but he's pretty funny
seems like he has some mild sort of autism though if you watch his unedited stuff like the debates he has with the public

hahaha ok arthur

got a half ounce and 48 tins in for lockdown lads

Just stop caring. It's that simple.