/cum/ - Canada, USA & Mexico

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is this the one

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wonder how long until this one is deleted

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good edition

janny do not

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Thread Theme youtube.com/watch?v=Cp4kuEQu2-g

what are you rolling on bannerlord on the 30th?

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imagine being an annoying disliked gay dick sucking faggot.
It's gonna take a while for those ''people'' to be accepted if they keep that attitude.
Get submissive you animal lol!

What is this fucking meme?
Fuck T*ms

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Can't wait to get my Trumpbux

could have been a based song but then it talks about political bullshit, so cringe

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what are you buying me?

happened to me on the highway tim's
stupid was like your card didn't go through
ended up spending 50$ dollars and didn't do anything about cause couldn't be fucked

i should have only spent 13$

Looks like overdraft charges on your Timmies™ Account

I don't like that Tims has managed to convince people they're Canadian culture. You're just another fast food restaurant.


all the other ones are unofficial

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only insecure christcucks give a shit

stupid stacy bitch said it didn't go through*
even tho it did

>canadian "culture"

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I think T*ms is jewing us

super cringe post


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>tfw you want a dunkaccino, but you can only find a tim hortons

america gets shit ton of snow too, why is the weather sign of a bad country?

>nooooooo not not the sea pupper nooooooooo
Is there anything more pathetic than defending these ocean rats?

canadians are weird

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I'll ask again, what should I buy with my $18 on steam?

super based post

so racist, wtf



ocean rats are cute and you are evil for killing them and supporting their deaths
just sayin

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t. Canadian on holiday

You're weird.


hey baby
what are you wearing right now?

theyre just memes, Canada is ok

Thinking about using my gibs to rent a cabin in the woods somewhere quiet for a week or so, and commune with nature or whatever the fuck hermits do.

they're probably tasty
i know you're no vegetarian, how is that tube of blubber cuter than a cow or chicken?

sorry :(

excuse me sir do you have a license to leave your house

why not just buy a tent and sleeping bag for 1/5th the cost

I remember when timmies would bake their stuff in store and had actually good coffee, now they're just crappy fast food

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my parents are angry because i don't leave the house

are they stupid or what

If I get you anything it'll be a bullet in your brain

baby whats ur panties color

to be one with nature? sounds good
it's been some time since i actually go see nature

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i have both already, tent sleeping fucking sucks.

canadians make the majority of weird bait threads or anti-American posts on Yas Forums it's bizarre

i am a dude stop harassing me

>it's trump's fault that we're retarded

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just let them be, user, let them be
ignore him, he just wants attention

baby what is your bra color

no wtf
coronavirus got DJ Blacknmild, gonna kill myself now ):

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pretty sure italy said that 40k people that went to a soccer match all got infected

how does that shit happens

in spain they also allowed the huge feminist protest to happen on eight march while the virus was already out

niggers gotta nig

All good

tbf trump is handling this outbreak really horribly

trump was still saying that everything is gonna be fine and it will all blow over at that point
in fact hes still basically doing that

Imagine touching her legs and feet and kissing and licking and smelling them

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since he said "its nothing, we dont need to worry about it", yes, it is his fault

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trying to decide if i should go to mcdonalds for lunch (i have coupons) or just have the snack i brought (wheat thins and kippers in a can)

trump is literally denying help to NY and basically telling them to stop whining and get ready to go back to work

I did

Aroused you?

he's not wrong though
this whole thing is bullshit, hardly anyone has got sick or died, there is no reason to fuck over the entire country for years just to save a couple 90 year olds who are dying anyway

latter (imo)

lel nice pic
alright user c:

A little

When the body was created, all parts of the body wanted to be the master!
The brain said: Because it is I who controls all the parts and thinks for everyone, I have to be the master.

The feet said: Because I carry a person where he wants and follow the instructions that come from the brain, we feet want to be the master!

Eyes said: Because we make sure nothing happens to you and warn you when the threat is
so we want to be the master.
So did hands, heart, lungs, etc ... Finally, he asked the asshole to be chosen as the master of the whole thing!
The asshole got very angry, went out and muttered and refused to act at all.

As a result, the brain became feverish, the eyes began to limp, the feet became weak, and the hands drooping, the heart and lungs struggling to continue functioning.
Finally, everyone appealed to the brain to make the asshole a master.
And so it happened, all body buys can continue to work while the asshole plays only the master and produces a bunch of crap!

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do you like kippers?

how many thousands of people are going to die because trump wants the economy to be better before the election
maybe millions will die...

at the very least many people in this very thread are going to lose a grandparent to this

>pride yourself on being smarter than Trump
>still take his advice anyway
he may be PARTLY responsible but they're just as complicit as he is for not speaking up and taking precautions of their own accord.

based and liberty pilled youtu.be/mbvR4CJNQGU

is this esoteric finnish knowledge?

yes, love them

it IS nothing though

too real

the federal government has way more info than locals government though

they know

you're repugnant

interesting, i didn't know americans even ate them