

Attached: NORDS.png (1108x1380, 2.39M)

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Literal cave in middle east
Also Scandinavians were highly skilled with wood much more skilled than almost every other there

South Europe, 2018.

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Chichen Itza is almost contemporary to Romanic cathedrals in Europe, why did you group it with with the Pantheon and Petra which are still more or less from the same period? Don't know about generic chinese temple #578

reminder that most mexicans are olmec with zero mayan/aztec dna

Attached: central american-south mex olmec subhuman.jpg (1082x1018, 600.32K)

And yet Nubian niggers with mudhuts made their way into the heartland of the mighty Roman Empire and conducted their first stream.

based modern men design

it's kinkakuji in japan which is from the 14th century but is also a reconstruction because a monk burned down the original in 1950

why american do this?

Germanic mutts

Cool meme, bro

You think you could work with wood better than ancient Scandinavians?

Nordfags are cringe so please dont do the same shit.

too much vikings on history channel

The largest ancient Viking ship ever discovered is Roskilde 6. The wreck of a 37-meters long warship was excavated from the banks of Roskilde fjord in Denmark in 1996-97 together with a number of other ships. This huge Viking ship was four meters longer than Henry VIII's flagship Mary Rose.

I don't tolerate insults to any ethnic European people's.

Attached: draken-725x480.jpg (725x480, 44.9K)

This is nigger tier?

Attached: borgund-stave-church-interior.jpg (2280x1800, 501.85K)

>Analyser av treverket har vist at trærne som skipet er bygd av, ble hugget i nærheten av Oslofjorden, kanskje Østfold, eller mer sannsynlig Vestfold, i år 1025.

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Show me niggers working with wood like this even if they are sorrounded by trees they made their huts of mud and sticks.

Attached: 1200px-Borgund_stavkirke.jpg (1200x1603, 481.75K)

we were the kings of Europe then; we are the kings of Europe now :)

even a baby with the tools of today would be better at wood-crafting than any ancient men

>We wuz vikangz n shit

wood burns, stone stay.


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Can you do any of the Vikings work such as their ships, armor, swords and housing, huh clown?

Now show me indians wood working abilities such as ships and woodworking?

just sayin

Attached: IndianWoodworktempleshit.jpg (475x317, 69.38K)

an actual contemporary structure to those would be in Teotihuacan

Attached: Teotihuacan 2.jpg (1246x834, 584.99K)


The technical and math knowledge needed for pyramid, stack rock untop of each other

4000BCE spain

Attached: 1280px-Dolmen_de_Viera.jpg (1280x1711, 405.11K)

it's kind of funny how some people think those depict africans just because of the comical nose

Reminder that Britain had stonehenge which still hasn't been deciphered to this day

Attached: Dolmen_of_Menga.jpg (330x441, 39.39K)

>4000BCE spain
and what the Vikings were doing at this time? woodworking?

Agriculture, woodworking, smelting steel and iron, crrating armor and weapons.

Attached: 00l4pvull1p11.jpg (519x800, 57.97K)

Trading, fishing, hunting, raising animals.

Modern Africa isn’t that shitty.

Africans can easily become a self-sufficient modernized society with a few decades with high rises in their cities

>smelting steel and iron
>4000 BC

please return to a better school

Attached: 3501166-1425839952.jpg (440x960, 44.14K)

You have absolutely zero knowledge about woodworking.

>stack rock untop of each other
Thanks to that we know how the older structures looked like.
What did you want them to do? Raze buildings to the ground and then use those same materials to build a structure from scratch like the euro retards did with native cities?

Attached: Rosalila Temple.jpg (864x545, 370.92K)

Skill and advancements found in native amerkca....
Primitives who neither developed masonry or woodworking.

It's actually amazing what they did accomplish given the fact that there has been absolutely no archaeological evidence of wheels ever being invented in any of those early mesoamerican civs.

>Primitives who neither developed masonry or woodworking

>"They agreed to work at it viribus et posse, and began at once to divide the task between them, and I must say that they worked so hard, and with such good will, that in less than four days they constructed a fine bridge, over which the whole of the men and horses passed. So solidly built it was, that I have no doubt it will stand for upwards of ten years without breaking —unless it is burnt down — being formed by upwards of one thousand beams, the smallest of which was as thick round as a man's body, and measured nine or ten fathoms (16.8-18m) in length, without counting a great quantity of lighter timber that was used as planks. And I can assure your Majesty that I do not believe there is a man in existence capable of explaining in a satisfactory manner the dexterity which these lords of Tenochtitlan, and the Indians under them, displayed in constructing the said bridge: I can only sav that it is the most wonderful thing that ever was seen."
- Cortes, Fifth Letter of Relation to Charles V

tldr: aztecs built a bridge as big as U Bein (largest wooden bridge still existing) in 4 days, while U Bein took two years

Attached: Cenote under Chichen Itza.jpg (924x1120, 347.35K)

Imagine northern europe without MENA, indus river and Chinese inventions

>tfw not med
>tfw not nordic
Screw all of you

Attached: 20200327_134534.jpg (1080x259, 54.59K)

We should never have left the huts. Civilization is the cause of all the problems in the world.

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What Mena inventions did northern Europe take?

Literally all of them. Every single modern invention is built on the knowledge first discovered by the "shitskins" of the world.

Literally all of them. Every single modern invention is built on the knowledge first discovered by the "shitskins" of the world.

Give examples of what was used and build upon of menas.


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Give one example of what was imported and worked upon of menas.

Attached: 1585189035263.png (1080x1080, 1.75M)

underrated post

Algebra you fucking mutt

What baffles me the most is how they fail to understand a thing that >their ancestors realized 500 years ago when they still believed in shit like Blemmyes lived below the equator:

>"I will say only that these people live almost like those in Spain, and in as much harmony and order as there, and considering that they are barbarous and so far from the knowledge of God and cut off from all civilized nations, it is truly remarkable to see what they have achieved in all things." - Cortes to Charles V

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Seriously? The entire digital world. All of the math we use today is based on their early work. Want more? These words you're reading. Written language didn't exist, even as a concept in hereditary vikangz lands until it made its way north. Basically, the entire foundation of everything you know is possible because of the browns.

>Algebra you fucking mutt
Ancient Greek

Seriously? The entire digital world. All of the math we use today is based on their early work.

Evidence anyone copied their "math"?
Have any?
Semtic supremacists are hilarious desert bandits.

Al-Khwarizmi isn't a very Hellenic name, and if you plan to use precursors to Algebra, Mesopotamia had beaten Greece, too
Which takes us to writing systems
Modern European alphabets are derived from the Phoenician abjad

You are not even the kings of Norway

Agriculture, fatty

>Hurr teech me how 2 luk at reesurch an how 2 theenk

Its a misconception that the ancient Greeks didn't have algebra. However, they did. Geometric algebra is what they used. ... This form of algebra would be used by the Greeks to solve linear equations, and Euclid is considered by many to be the father of geometry.

Europeans had native writing systems but they were for the elite clericals and too complex for commoners which is the use that Greeks probably saw of Phoenicians syllable system to create a new alphabet as that as a model if it is indeed true that phoencians invented that symbol system.

I hunger to disprove more of your semtic propaganda, continue.

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Any evidence menas taught agriculture to europe, and when did this belief come about first?

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Have any evidence of pre indus valley era written language anywhere in Europe?

Not related to that question as ill answer it after this tangent but this is from the 5th milleneum BCE danubian civilization.

Attached: A-burial-at-Varna.jpg (610x403, 53.53K)

Go to the ancient sites of the danubian civilization for more information on 6000+ before present year European civilization.

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The wheel

How can you prove that Europe did not have the wheel before importing it from mena?

Dating things is quite difficult and largely could be following a narrative.