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Other urls found in this thread:



starting now get in lads

finally janman is powerless

sad sad wanker

sacrificial thread edition

Der Volk Neu

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its literally me!

because they get people like you to click their shit and spread it over the internet like you're doing now

Right boys, hand over your sisters and no one gets hurt

cry more?

fuck off lampost pisser

Getting dummy thicc

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government are building two brand new emergency hospitals like china

ramsay is a hack fraud

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make me

and the

>dummy thicc

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okay lads, if janny starts deleting threads again, we're doing a sneaky on him. no linking news in the thread. once we hit 300, we all just slip back into the catalog, find the nicest /brit/ or suitable variation thereof (birt, bort, bart etc) and settle in and hope he doesn't notice

What’s the problem

trying to do the old stealth run in deus ex is proving to be impossible

shut up mong we're sticking with /brit/

so you lads are goin out tonight yeah? on the so-called ’lash’?!

don't got a sister but how about we compromise. You can kiss my ass.

gorr that bird is fine

i'll kick you right in the soybeans

drop a anti shemale picture on the bender board

then just walk away

think my attention span has coronavirus 2bh

enjoy licking janny's balls for the rest of the night then lad

>browse Yas Forums on the toilet
>someone posts a fit chick
>stiffy hits the inside of the bowl

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only because they're out of /bort/

we're in here

Attached: Peter and The Wolf (The Royal Ballet_The Royal Ballet School) #StayAtHome #OurHouseToYourHouse - YouTube - 3_45.jpg (956x538, 103.68K)

grandfather and his bassoon haha

instant aids

>can get a stiffy from seeing a picture of a fit chick
hello underage

hehe you showed them epic gamer bro

this didn’t happen but good post nonetheless

bit mental how malicious so many people are when it comes to politics
a lot of people celebrating / laughing about boris getting corona, thinking / hoping it'll be serious
people laughing and celebrating thatcher's death
quite dystopian

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just use the prod and hack stuff


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really don't like makeup on girls
maybe just eyeline, but nothing else tbf

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i know, me and life itself

im a cute iranian girl

>a lot of people
where? on cherrypicked twitter threads? mongs are the loudest on the internet and controversy gets the most attention
normal reactions and people go unnoticed

god I wish she suicide bombed me

fat tranny

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why do they think that painting their face up with clown makeup makes them attractive?

Oh please, any girl past 22 needs makeup to hide the wrinkles, otherwise they all look old

ultra top tip: she has a lot of make-up on in the left pic too

eat shit they created more suffering than anything anyone could wish on them could even balance out.

shut the fuck up shitskin

was just thinking about how in old books the only girls you hear described as being made up heavily are actual whores
guess some things never change

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>up to 14688 cases now with over 700 deaths

Shit lads, should we be worried?

lmao this
virges are clueless


wanna marry me?

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peter getting a bit hansy with that bird

haha xD epic

>700 deaths
>out of 60Million+

yeah we're all dead, pack it in boys it's over.

>lmao look at this bloke with a functioning sex drive LAAAAAWWWL

Girls unironically peak at 16-17. They start looking a bit grim past 20 unless caked in makeup tbqh

Imagine having the same skin tone as literal shit. I'd be fuming.

wtf?!? panic now!!!

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as a dutch man, I'm literally whiter than you and your entire bloodline combined

yea ok
will you convert to islam for be baby x

Can you fight

Yes but there's nothing any of us can do at this point.

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>i don't want to believe you so your evidence is cherrypicking
nice way to believe you're always right i suppose
"ding dong the witch is dead" almost topped the charts when thatcher died
but i guess it's just loud mongs on the internet, right retard?