One day all of Scandinavia will unite under this banner

One day all of Scandinavia will unite under this banner

Attached: Norden_Flag.png (720x716, 534.91K)

this banner

Attached: kalmar.png (1200x750, 1.17K)

>not being Protestant
vad fan gör han

>a pigeon

this banner

Attached: Denmark-royal-standard.png (1920x1005, 319.12K)

A fucking bird

Do Faroese people consider themselves more similar to the Danes (their over-country) or the Norwegians (their ancestors)?

try to unite malmo and gothenburg to sweden first

no thanks

we consider our self our own thing, no one would call themselves danish or norwegian, only faroese.

It'll still be irrelevant as ever lol

I know, I was just wondering which one people may feel more akin or similar to

Senatus Populesque Scandinavia

one of these banners

Attached: 1585335693902.png (1436x556, 1.41M)

we have much stronger relations and connections to denmark, but more culturally similar to norway.

This banner

Attached: Twink-pride-Flag-3x5-FT-150X90CM-Banner-100D-Polyester-Custom-flag-grommets-6038-free-shipping.jpg (794x476, 19.29K)

Thank you :) Do many Faroese leave and go abroad for work or education?

yes many :(

Can you name all the islanders?

Do you know anyone who went to America?

no, there are 70.000 of us
yes a few

Also do you think your homeland is a good place to visit?

Only once you've been browned enough.

+ annex Binland and Estonia.

if you like nature sure, otherwise not much to do.

it looks like a rip of polish coat of arms displayed on the flag of france

Attached: 1568223421022.png (840x490, 42.94K)

Are there qt grills?

nope, stay away nothing to see here

Flag of the House of Ivar? A dynasty that never held any land in Scandinavia?

One day all of scandinavia will unite under this banner

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Jihad.svg.png (1280x630, 91.27K)

Philippines please go.

Go away, child stealer

They're ours now, goym.

I fixed it for you

Attached: Untitled.png (1280x630, 23.93K)

How can I get a job there? I would like to visit such as exotic country and maybe stay for a while

My cousin has this tattooed on his chest even though he’s Irish not nordic

I'll have your head now

Attached: 1581715093909.png (970x688, 475.71K)


many russians fishing ships stop here for a few days. Otherwise you can try and become a builder or fish factory worker, they always need people.

So how’s the average day there for you guys? Like what do you guys do to pass time?
Cool flag actually


This banner

Attached: 1200px-AQMI_Flag_asymmetric.svg.png (1200x900, 22.69K)

the same as elsewhere, just with some sheep herding and the occasional whale hunt

Ok, thank you

It’s probably more appropriate for an Irish person to get it than a Nordic person honestly. It’s the symbol of the house of Ivar who literally only ever held land in Britain and Ireland.

Fixed it for you

Attached: Untitled.png (1200x900, 24.82K)


the arabs are excluding us from their elite inner circle of memes

So you want to be Wallachian?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Wallachia.svg.png (1200x800, 64.59K)

Ever hunted whale? Would be an interesting experience

of course, multiple times

I reduced "No God but Allah" to "No God"
The text inside the circle reads "user is a faggot"

This we wuzzery is astonishing. The raven flag has been found all over, and the raven itself is very norse like.

Yes but the white background with a black raven was specifically the house of Ivar

I'd prefer a red backround with a golden raven better to get kalmar vibes but alas, no such flag to be found

Ireland and britain are nvrdic

fuck it, time for BASED

Attached: Uten navn.png (1178x878, 63.37K)

Kek, based

Cool, do what types of whales you guys hunt typically?

I wish.
The colours are really ugly :/

>I’d prefer something that never existed
Stupid larping rodent. I hate swedes for oppressing my norwegian brothets because they are jealous of their viking heritage while swedes were slaves

mostly pilot whale, but also white sided dolphin

Retard, the new flag would combine the colors of the kalmar union with the viking norse symbol. New flag for a new time. As the brit said, using someone elses exact flag is retarded.

Be quiet slave

What to they taste like?

Fuck you

Ok sorry

Pretty sure that's the cuckoo bird.

Meat like a tough dry steak. Blubber like oily fat.