Do you want to find love in Germany?

Do you want to find love in Germany?

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you realize you're embarrassing yourself by showcasing your insanely low ELO on tinder right?

ja, ich liebe deutsch frauen

Nonsensical post

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>Nonsensical post
You have no idea how tinder works, do you?

If you're matching with low quality women you're a god damn monstrosity

user that woman is pretty I don't know why you're trying to be mean

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based ds9poster

What about the men?

Nonsensical seethe

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White women aging like bananas

Are you gay

You're presented with everyone who's available. Your "score" determines how much swiping women need to do to get to your profile.

theres no way shes 21

wouldnt say no tbqh

Come to mommy

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german women look like men

Why the fuck they are so ugly
German explain

Imagine being so pathetic that you make a thread every day in order to shame women’s looks, when you yourself are so ugly you managed to get only 5 likes (which never seem to go up) even though there are probably way over 1,000 women swiping in your area.

You are a joke.

>Imagine being so pathetic that you make a thread every day in order to shame women’s looks, when you yourself are so ugly you managed to get only 5 likes (which never seem to go up) even though there are probably way over 1,000 women swiping in your area.

>You are a joke.

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real incel energy in this thread

No, I am asking a very simple question since youre so critical of women who, to me, look pretty average(no you fucking incel, stacies and chads arent as common as you think)

This. most people are average/below average in the looks department. Porn is rotting your brain if you think otherwise

>Imagine being so pathetic that you make a thread every day in order to shame women’s looks, when you yourself are so ugly you managed to get only 5 likes (which never seem to go up) even though there are probably way over 1,000 women swiping in your area.

>You are a joke.

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Some people have unfortunate genes and have deep nasolabial folds like that since birth no matter how skinny you are. I'm male and 22 and my mouth area looks a lot like that.

la criatura germana...

Imagine living in Brazil

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Would do without hesitation

Come to Brazil and fuck our women

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All of those are younger than me but look way older.

spoiler: women lie about their age.

kann mir mal bitte dieses Wein miem erklären? warum haben die weiber auf zünder immer irgendwas mit wein stehen? ist das ein versteckter code?

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imagine having only 6 matches lmao

ofc i do but i cant. I m in germany since 2010 and still no success with any german girl because i m a subhuman greek manlet.

they’re all fine except this one she looks scary as fuck
and this one I think she’s actually transgender

i know that feel nigga. German girls can be tall. I’m 174 and many German tourists are about as tall as me (talking about the girls)

she looks uninronically like a goblin

i m also 174. High five pajeet. I dated a girl that was exactly 174cm tall and she told me after the date that i m nice but sadly too small. Thankfully i took the dollpill,otherwise i would have roped or gone ER.

German women are not parasite-minded like korean women

How's 183cm for finding a German qt gf?

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Austrian women are more autistic though.

Supposed to be exiting ?

Korean women are the worst feminist in the world

post-rock sister. nice.

this picture has to be from eastern europe though, right?

jesus christ i have the same age and i would look like her son next to her, why do wh*te women age so badly?

Holy kek

unironically it's drugs and bad relationships where they date trashy guys that make them cry and indulge in sweets every night


sorry cant I'm not black enough

Fenga papit

the absolute state of you, that number should be 99+ after a full day at the very latest

fuck no, austrian women are the cutest girls ever

Do Germans count a year for every Jupiter rotation around the sun instead of earth?

>t. Chad

Am 184cm and I'm considered tall here (Bavaria). Are Chilean women any good?

This might be a trap
What do I say?
She's into nerdy stuff according to her bio

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lmao not even close

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