Why do pajeets have those dark circles under their eyes? What are they called...

Why do pajeets have those dark circles under their eyes? What are they called? They are literally the only race who has them.

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In whites and asians, it means brain damage.

I’m not Indian but I have them. Anons here say it’s ugly, but every one of my girlfriends have told me they find it attractive.

Are you retarded? They're calles dark circles, they form under peoples' eyes due to lack of sleep.

some pajeet looking jews have them

Almost every Indian has it. It’s like a trait to their race. I don’t think it’s because of sleep.

I think that it’s really cute on women tbqh.

Shit seeping out of them.

Indians and many Arabs usually have very shallow-set eye sockets. It’s basically due to severe recession of the infraorbital rim.

What are you?

Hm. Yeah, actually it’s an Indian and Arab/MENA thing.

I see...It looks like even the skin shade is different too though.


>They are literally the only race who has them.
You've literally never seen greeks, albanians, romanians or bulgarians then.

I have it and I'm not Indian.

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Then how do you have it? I’ve never seen an Asian with it.

Europeans don’t have that trait though, it’s a non-European (Indian/Arab) one.

What are you?


>I’ve never seen an Asian with it
Didn't you just say it's an Arab/Indian trait?

I have no idea what you mean by “how.” I just do, naturally. I’m also not East Asian so I don’t see the relevance lmao

>Europeans don’t have that trait though, it’s a non-European (Indian/Arab) one.
Something is telling me you're spending your life indoors even without a quarantine.

They are called dark circles you idiot

Got some pics demonstrating what you're talking about?

i think it has to do with bunching of skin and melanin concentration, or in some cases, vitamin D deficiency. there is some thyroid conditions that cause them as well. in most people who have dark skin, their skin will be darker where it bunches or stretches like in the groin, elbows, knees, under the arms below the jaw and on the back of their necks. i don't see why the thin elastic skin arounf they eyes would not also be effected.

this, it’s basically hyperpigmentation in thin skinned areas.

0% pajeet but I have them. I always just referred to them as under eye circles or dark circles. Its caused by blood accumulation similar to blood shot eyes.

I'm 100% ethnic European (German and Anglo) and I have them big time.

they are ugly

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I dunno why but I find girls with eyes like these very attractive

>Europeans don’t have that trait though, it’s a non-European (Indian/Arab) one.
I get it from my Grandmother who was colonial english/empire British (her father was from England) and DNA backs up the no Pajeet or Arab ancestry.

All brown skinned people have this.

That’s just like your opinion and I respect it, but I just said what I did based on my anecdotal experiences IRL

eye bags, kraut retard

i have them and i'm a loser virgin
don't know if it's correlated or not

It’s not.

Eye bags and dark circles aren't the same, yank retard

Poo marks.

It happens when you catch a flung turd in the peepers.

Ofcourse you'd know about it pole

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too much carbs


I want an indian wife who will cook and let me support her with my job.

I have those I'm a gypsy it's genetic gotta use makeup fuggg: DdDDDD

i have these
looks like i'm never getting a bf at this point

There was a study conducted which showed that Indians can produce melanin in higher amounts when exposed to UV light compared to Asian and European subjects leading to hyperpigmentation.

Lots of people like girls with them

and guys I guess

are you a female?

they can contribute though

Those are extremely common among every race (maybe not black people, I don't know), probably moreso in the 21st century than before. I think they can be caused by a number of things like dehydration, sleep deprivation, stress, and not getting enough exercise

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This! So much this!!!!!!!

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Deep-socketed eyes. The Pahadi people of Nepal also have that.

I have these too I'm mexican but people always confuse me for indian now i know why

what are you talking about? i'm white and also have dark circles under my eyes. i've seen lots of people with them. usually, it's from sleep deprivation and stress.

Europeans don’t have that trait though
Yes, they do. Have you never seen Italian eyes?

something with lymph and your body pushing too much water into your head or something

>I'm 100% ethnic European
sure you are mutt

its a subhuman trait, gypsies have it too

unironically from studying years on end. and from harassing women on social media all night

he's Italian or something he isn't jewish

tfw no baggy-eyed Pajeeta gf

I've read that black people have the largest dark rings that encompass their whole body and face


My eyes are extremely small looking. Sunken deep in my face

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