>your cunt
>your first gaming console
Your cunt
sega genesis
Psp fat
Xbox One X
NES Famicom
Ice Climber was the shit
Sega Megadrive (Genesis, for our 'Murican friends)
PS1, unless we count these Game & Watch handhelds. I think we had the pinball one and this one where you kept the bugs out of the greenhouse
First and only, by the way
Polystation, thats not a typo
Brand new, dad got it for my birthday when I was 9.
Famicom clone
Atari 2600 Jr.
Super Nintendo
I remember making one of these in tech class in highschool
>there are kids in this thread who were born after the PS2
Gameboy Advance which I got on my 5th birthday.
PS1 and a Gameboy Color
can't remember which one I got first though
it was a gift from my uncle
my family was poor so I only had like 4 games to play
I have no idea how I managed with that
NES. I'm an old fag.
Since I was born in ee my first handheld console was some chink game with 999 different Tetris games then some chink console with Sega or Nintendo games. My first real console was a gba then a ps2
The NES, in 1991 I guess
I was 4
Original Gameboy bought from a flea market for 35DM
Firsties will never know this joy
We used to lend games between friends, so everyone got to play the games that somebody else got. I still have cozy memories of the summer break, we'd go over to our friend's place first thing in the morning after our parents went to work, and play Crash Bandicoot 3 all day. Then when they'd come home, we'd go out to adventure somewhere
>that kid who never returned the game he borrowed
Wrong. I had one of those as well. My parents were poor.
Nintendo 64 but I mostly played games on computer as a kid. GBA SP was the first one I had all to myself.
neo geos were ridiculously expensive
I had one of those. My brothers and I all got one for Christmas one time.
one time I lent most of my gamecube games to my neighbor. then outta nowhere he moved out of town. bastard never returned my games and I never got to beat metroid prime
Megadrive II
SNES or this circa 1996
Yeah, dad inherited his father estate back then. We had lots of nice things.
Bought him self a 68 Challenger, blew the rest on mom, me and my sister. Those were some good years. Went pretty much around the world a couple times, had every toy a kid could ever want.
The one with Alex Kidd. Can't remember the name.
sega mega drive
Never had one because poorfags
Might have been a 79' Challenger, not sure. Not a car guy.
Dammit .. A 70's not 79. I give up.
Get on my level, kiddos.
my parents bought me the pink gbc and I‘m still seething about it 20 years later
lol got the same shit
me too, i couldnt play it in public
My favorite toy before the a battery bursted and killed it.
This and NES clone called "Dendy"
what you posted OP, only it was the special pokemon edition gameboy color with the pokemon detailing
i thought this was brazil only shit
1. united states
2. super nintendo entertainment system
had three games on it: Super Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, Mortal Kombat II
Over 20 years ago, my school-friends and I played this at recess during storms. It was mine, but you really can't play it without friends.
i think it was some chink nes ripoff in a form of keyboard
No, penis
Exactly this one with this game.
did you have pokemon in Finnish?
France has different names for pokemons
playstation 2
Same as you finngolian, have a based
N64, I still remember picking up Super Mario 64 from a garage sale.
green gameboy color
My older sister won an NES at a Kroger coloring contest. It came with Super Mario Bros. 3.
She was like 7 years older than me so she used to not want to play multiplayer with me and get annoyed when I died but sometimes she would be nice and show me secrets.
Typing this suddenly brought tears to my eyes.