Map opinion thread folks

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Get out and take the Corona virus back to Mexico.

> Homeland
El chicANO, señores


fucking chicano

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No eres Mexicano, chicano de mierda

Que significa el color negro, chicano?

Dios mío, malditos chicanos. No tenemos nada que ver con sus apestosas nalgas, dejen de colgarse de nosotros.


why ambivalent towards us?

Now actually nuke us

por que no te gustas inglaterra mi amigo americano?

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Tengo este odio hacia ellos que no puedo explicar.

¿recuerdas el vídeo de los argentinos atacando a un chicano y su puesto de comida?

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Best map ITT

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Literally half your country studies at our colleges and you have mixed feelings about us?

i dont like filipinos
not for any genuine reason, only because people ask me if im italian all the time and i’m not


Don't give them attention then


Next batch of slaves is covid 19 positive patients from kerala.

i studied there as well for a semester in a southern state. nice people and lots of qt3.14s but used to hear gunshots and see lots of homeless people walking around my neighborhood even though it was a pretty prestigious college

>Hating on Peru
Absolute soulless Amerinigger

Go eat a pigeon then!

I did and I liked it

colonizer dogs


If half Saudis are studying in USA and the other half in france...
Who is the people living there

You know, statistics.

What? Do you think it is independent?


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why do you hate Tierra del fuego?

What's that red turd in South America?

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opinions are based on people i met from these cunts

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People born in USA are Amerimutts, no matter what. OP is an Amerimutt and it's your problem.


Yes, please, storytime.

nothin much just a Colombian guy bullied me in grade school and one of my friends got in trouble for doing coke at our highschool prom

was on a trip to Belize and some brazillian tourist helped me when the locals were giving me trouble and brazillian cutie gave me my first bj

you finally jumped the fence Pedro?

For those who want to rank all the small shitty countries.

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thanks, I absolutely despise Liechtenstein

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los amo a todos

why are you here? dont hate mexicans but... why?

>hating eastern europe
good job retard


Eastern europeans hate me just because I'm brown

Calláte gypsy.

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only good posts itt

I think he's from the south so he probably feels some camaraderie with them.

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