/v4/ + /balk/

Vanitas vydání

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>+ /balk/
Shit edition.

What happens if you go out?

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don't forget to exercise while you're in the quarantine!

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Blessing this thread

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your mother took care of that

>bannerlord release date changed
>to a day earlier

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its a shit game i had early access
its warband reskin basically

just install and play warband

or was it brooks

>bannerlord finally releasing while the world is collapsing
truly end times have come

Blessing this thread.

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Are you autistic?

stop posting my girlfriend

blessing this thread

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I'm having a hard time coming up with a name for my island, any suggestions? it will never be refered to as "x island" so I can be creative

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fejezze abba

Tbqh Manolo she's low-key ugly.

Pick one.


>actually funny
>extroverted and not afraid to speak up
>rational view of relationships

i want to have as perfect gf as Cody does

How is she ugly?

t. Tr*mi

Pig nose and weird round face with a weird chin.

Also blonde, but that's a matter of personal preference, I guess.

I am an incel.

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>anons ITT atm

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Blessing this thread again

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Her face isn't entirely round and her nose is her only bad aspect imo.
Her face is more square than yours.

western slavs do not look like that

>RKC plank duration increased by 5 seconds from last week

Corona will turn me into Captain America soon

Still round and wide. Actually I think the bigger problem is how wide it is.
>Her face is more square than yours
I hate my life.

they actually do

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Ugly and morbidly obese.

Blessing this thread.

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Jesus Christ that creature is creepy

How is that face round SLONOID she has perfect face structure, girl needs to have defined chin

Look how fucking wide it is.

Cause she's fat

how is she fat?

that thing could bite a plank in half

She isn't. Her face is defined and her knee is fucking tiny, she just has a wife face. Literally the face shape of an average Chink with a bit more pronounced chin.


She has high bodyfat %

No she's fat, bet she has big ass and hips

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Peak foid.

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She just looks plain, like I wouldn't give her a second look if I saw her on the street. Stick to pale Turkish qts.

She has better physique than 99% of women out there

>that belly
>that 6/10 face
miss me with that shit bruh

>6/10 face
Poolack retard who orbits moon-faced Slavshit whores who will give birth to round-faced chinlets and jawlets.

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>when argie posts

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her jaw is disproportinatelly long, almost horse-like. Besides, I don't orbit Slavic women.

Why is she so cute, bros? It's not fair.

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I'll never be her

She's a dime in a dozen in Italy and Iberia, excluding body fitness.

>excluding body fitness
But that's the best part. And yes, Italian girls are gorgeous.
t. been there and saw it first-hand

What I meant is that body fitness is her trait that isn't common.
Anyway stop obsessing over this particular girl, get jacked af and move to Italy or Spain or Portugal and you'll get something like that in no time.

I already have a qt gf.
>get jacked af
Physique doesn't matter, all that matters is face.

>tfw i've been most successful with southern women while slavic woman don't give a crap about me
can someone explain that to me

Slonis inferiority complex is main source of his sexual attraction. He hates his looks and idolizes darker people because they are opposite of what he looks like. Bet his GF is swarthy brunette aswell.

Seek help nigga

It actually does for women who are into fitness.

Maybe they consider your features exotic.

You're exotic there, that's an advantage even when you're a Slav.

If you are fat fuck your face doesn't matter

The lower your body fat percentage is, the better your face looks
Sharp features are attractive

>He hates his looks and idolizes darker people because they are opposite of what he looks like.
Not really, I'm not even that pale with brown hair and dark green eyes.
>Bet his GF is swarthy brunette aswell.
Not really swarthy, but with a healthy skin color. But ye, dark hair and pretty amber eyes.
Face always matters, especially face shape.


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Being a Slav is never an advantage.

It is when you travel in Europe there are Slavs everywhere

>not even that pale
Bruh wtf are you on about I look way darker than you and I'm kinda white for Spain, the sun there would vaporize you.
Stop being deluded whitey.

maybe or maybe i'm just a laid back guy and polki like show offs

You literally have paler skin than me, STFU crackkka.

You are white as fuck

Bruh there are photos here posted from both stop making shit up.