We should just casually bomb Germany now and again. It would teach them to lick the boots of their Anglo masters

We should just casually bomb Germany now and again. It would teach them to lick the boots of their Anglo masters.

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why are americans so evil?

Americans aren't Anglo.
German and Irish influence.

pot calling the kettle black

>Americans aren't Anglo.
Yes we are. Mexicans aren't American.

more like evropean calling murrican black

wow americans are just straight up satanic. I'm glad they are getting replaced by mexcians

>straight up satanic
We learned it from you.

i love this image

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Goddamn, I love my country and how we make others seethe 24/7.

>Mexicans aren't American.
Yes we are. peru-ANOS aren't American.

Amerimutts of Mexican descent aren't Mexicans. Your country is just a mutt melting pot, so literally anyone can be American, therefore, you're not Anglo. You're nothing.

Every few weeks or so a German city will be fully evacuated because an unexploded RAF bomb is discovered. We are BASED.

That's what belief in rabbi Jesus does to a people

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bomb china for virus

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The real population in New England and other white majority states are almost all Anglo.
Blacks, Spics and Mutts think they're way too important.

Nobody gives a shit about bombings, it didnt stop us and wont ever stop us.
Anglos are the pathetic cucks obsessing over dresden as their only “archievement“.

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You post these types of threads all day every day. You are unironically obsessed and have a mental problem when you are this obsessed by the path.
Please seek medical help.

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No, there are more Germans than Anglos in America.

What were they thinking?

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This, but replace Germany with China

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this guy was locked in prison for the duration of the war for being a german sympathiser btw

I can get behind that


Anglos aren't white. Only pure Germanics are.

nothing Yas Forums about the state of UK, it's politically correct to the core

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Americans are pathetic. There were single battles on the eastern front with more casualties than the entire war on the western front. If anglos were fighting in stalingrad or kursk they would shit themselves like they just walked into a walmart

>Starts war with Britain
>Never tries actually allying with anyone useful against Communism
>Bombs London
>Gets bombed

Isn't that guy who commited war crimes by killing thousands defenseless civilians?

please seek help

Anglos are Nordic

>War crimes
No he didn't. Not war crimes, he was based and justified.


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For what?

Why do you leave your containment board

White race lost the WW2 and the jews won

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Are Anglos in real life thinking they are a kind of superior race, or it's just on Yas Forums?

>*Starts a war*
>"I-If you fight back you're a communist...!"
'ate Yas Forumsacks

I think you have some kind of mental obsession over the past in general to the point its unhealthy.

>Starts war with Britain
The opposite happened first, britain declared
>Bombs London
The opposite happened first, britain went all out on civilians

Are you really think lacking in knowledge or just pretending?

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We KNOW, we don't think.

>as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted
wait, did this retard think the "saxon" in "anglo-saxon" referred to the german saxons?

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that's pretty gay

>The opposite happened first, britain declared
Oh shut the fuck up Germany went after Poland who Britain and France said they would go to war with Germany if they invaded, Germany started the war. Britain even tried negotiation.

The only white nation that was willingly part of the Axis, was Germany, they led mutts, asiatics, and Arabs to kill and rape white people and call it saving the white race somehow.

who else would it refer to

i see american education hasn't progressed much over the centuries

Jews started it idiot. Jews attacked Russia, turned it into Soviet Union. Went on to attack Ukraine. Attacked Finland. Attacked Romania. Attacked Poland. Attacked Estonia. Attacked Latvia. Attacked Lithuania. Attacked Bulgaria. Attacked Iran. Attacked Mongolia.
They would have just kept on attacking if they had not been counterattacked.

England attacked Norway before the Germans ever did. The Germans only occupied Norway when it became clear the crypto-communist leaders of Norway were intending to hand the country over to the Soviets and anglos.

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>asking a question is bad
New England in the late 18th century had the highest literacy rate in the world at that time.

Funny images

It's pretty obvious what he meant regardless of what terminology he used (the Germanic people the Anglo-Saxons descend from are white too).

i can smell your non existing chin from here famalam

Based freak clatterers

Why the fuck did we let this Norwegian autist out of his containment cell?

>Jews attacked Russia, turned it into Soviet Union.
Hahahah you gay retard they were LITERALLY sent by Germans and funded by German government.


The jews of the Soviet Union also attacked Poland. Why did they not declare war on them?

Also who the fuck cares about Poland? Those niggers were letting the 3 million jews who lived in Poland commit massacres against the civilian Germans in their area. How would America have reacted if the same thing happened in Mexico against american civilians?

Invasion, of course. Hitler did nothing wrong.

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are you retarded?

>Starts war with Britain
>Never tries actually allying with anyone useful against Communism
Nazis used to loudly celebrate how many european countries were with them against bolshevism, even French volunteers
>Bombs London
They started it
>Gets bombed
Yep, the air war in Europe was almost entirely allied bombers vs German fighters and air defenses. No brit ever felt the need to build a flak tower.
Britain and France were both obligated by the post WW1 treaties to begin disarmament, neither one ever upheld any of their own promises. Poland started multiple wars to steal German land after WW1, and helped them bully Czech to get more. Britain and France had no business in central european affairs that didn't concern them in the slightest, proved this by ignoring Germany's complaints against violations made against them, and the idea that they gave one fuck about Poland is rebuked by the fact that they completely accepted the Soviet Union's attack despite there being no causus belli, warning, or attempted diplomacy like with the corridor negotiations.

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Why do they let Breivik use the internet?


As far as I know, Breivik loves Israel

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party was made up as follows:
Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) - Jew
Lourie (Larine) - Jew
Ouritski - Jew
Volodarski - Jew
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) - Jew
Smidovitch - Jew
Sverdlof (Yankel) - Jew
Nakhamkes (Steklof) - Jew
Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian
Krylenko - Russian
Lounatcharski - Russian

“The Council of the People’s Commissars comprises the following:
President : Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian
Foreign Affairs : Tchitcherine - Russian
Nationalities : Djugashvili (Stalin) - Georgian
Agriculture : Protian - Armenian
Economic Council : Lourie (Larine) - Jew
Food : Schlichter - Jew
Army & Navy : Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
State Control : Lander - Jew
State Lands : Kauffman - Jew
Works : V. Schmidt - Jew
Social Relief : E. Lelina (Knigissen) - Jewess
Public Instruction : Lounatcharsky -Russian
Religion : Spitzberg - Jew
Interior : Apfelbaum (Zinovief) - Jew
Hygiene : Anvelt - Jew
Finance : Isidore Goukovski - Jew
Press : Volodarski - Jew
Elections : Ouritski - Jew
Justice : I. Steinberg - Jew
Refugees : Fenigstein - Jew
Refugees (assist.) : Savitch - Jew
Refugees (assist.) : Zaslovski - Jew

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True. It's obviously this guy, posting from prison

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it's pretty obvious he was ignorant and didn't know what he was talking about

are you? the modern state of saxony in germany where the modern german saxons live has nothing to do with the ancient saxon tribe who settled in england along with the angles and jutes.

>you will never pull the plug on all these luftgängsters
it hurts brudis

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is it varg?

boo hoo muh Jews ruined Germany and they control the world

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It's the same people, just that they migrated south over the centuries.

saxony is in the east. The state with the ancient saxons is lower saxony and of course it's the same people that invaded britain

>commits pogroms against the jewish population
>"wtf why are jews joining the bolsheviks?? why arent they loyal to the crown??"

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