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everybody in parliament is catching the 'rona
who is gonna run the country lads?

Think I'll take some LSD tonight

I deserve it

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Dont think too hard. Would you live here during this time if given the chance now?

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just bought some sniff lads

i think its time brits puts it best foot forward

only if im rich

we can't all live in little chuffing on the wolds can we you spanner

only one man for the job

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I’ll take the reigns

Cody is a mexican bastard.

>its just a cold it's just a cold
You do realise the common cold used to be deadly right? But then we developed medicines for it.

How much do you do lad? I can dabble with microdosing, but am too soft and mentally weak to handle a full dose on my own.

ket or gear?

I have no gear but like 3g ket. Don't even like fucking ket

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remember when i did acid when i was 17, just laid there with this buzzy feeling like an orgasm constantly for 4 hours, tried to wank and nearly passed out in pleasure

Yeah if I worked in a nice bakery or general goods store. I'm a humble man.

why do i spam ops

What ever happened to Gary Cooper, the strong, silent type?

no, looks loud and likely to smell like shit

if corvid-19 has killed 10s of thousands image how bad corvid-20 will be

you're acting like this mild illness will wipe out parliament when you already know nobody in government is going to drop dread

I'll buy your ket
it's fucking dry out there

Liked it the thumbnail more (thought it was Turnbull)

I never take any medicine for the cold and I’m fine every time kiddo

Victorian Glasgow? It’s a nice painting but fuck no, rough old spot.

there are no medicines for a cold
it just got less deadly because we formed herd immunity

coke innit
gear could refer to anything

Sick of this lockdown shite, need to trim my pubes but all the barbers are shut

LSD is alright. You don't feel like taking it anymore when you take a good bit.

Usually just a tab which are 200ug, but tonight I'll do like 120ug

Yeah wanks on acid are the best, I like playing my oculus rift while tripping

Now imagine the death toll in Italy if they hadn't shut everything down 18 days ago


wow you are really dumb
you really think cough syrup with clout is saving lives?

they got him talking, guy was talking so much you woulda thought he had a job on radio

killing eve is dogshit

Haven't done acid since I tried to hang myself during a bad trip in November

Can't get a neighbour to help?

haha omg like your barbers actually cut yuor pubes dude like what the frick haha

truly a feast for crows


Curb is such a good meme.

Had a cold since Tuesday. No fever though. Breathing is fine. Think it's just a cold desu

Same but with my foreskin. it's growing back a bit and starting to feel pleasurable instead of dry and chapped. Need a trim me

You deff love Big Black Cock like your mum , You aint even white m8 , your dad was the local weed dealer in your towers you are a coffee coloured faggot ...LOL

need a virus that only effects zoomers

Just finished Tiger King
Yanks are absolutely not human

How did you ever manage that lad

Because of the lockdown? I guess it would be pretty hard to be a dealer right about now
I stocked up 2 weeks ago haha

I have: 30g weed, some mdma rock, ket, xanax and acid

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'rona symptoms in 93% of cases include a cough and a fever

The zenith.

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wonder when we'll be allowed to fly places again

Ordered 10g of shrooms

Finna take it up the mountain with a friend, hope it isn’t a bad trip, but if it’s a nice day and I’m in nature with some music I can’t see how it would be

going to spend my outside exercise rations for the day lads

we’ve surpassed humanity
We’re on a different plane
cope more mohammad

anyone played dishonoured?
it's about a guy called corvo and a city that has a horrific plague
if i can find one more connection between that game and this situation i'll a have a proper reddit meme on my hands

Mad how if we social distance for 3 weeks the virus will disappear forever

taj mahal?

thinkin about getting some takeout lads

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right now


saving mine so I can go twice tomorrow

Sounds wonderful. Much prefer shrooms to LSD

um this is a blue board

>mid muchroom trip
>police start questioning you on why you're outside

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What would you do if you found that that your gf used to whore herself on the internet?

>reddit app

sort yourself out

spent 10 hours in tesco toil today
was stood at the door letting 1 person in at a time, 1 out
queues down the road and back

oh god i'm gonna fcking blow chunks dude

Much more earthy innit?

Wouldn’t be anywhere near civilised society on shrooms

are you stashing stuff for yourself when it gets delivered?


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Still see LSD shit when I close my eyes sometimes before I sleep kek.

is that eel

is that a ready made risotto stuffed toastie?

never done acid outside off my house

absolutely knackered

put her back on the game and make dollar bills yo

you're 100% catching the 'rona
you do realise that don't you

>White people

look at it compared to 2 weeks ago

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Where abouts?

no, swimmingpool


off to the shop

find the photos/videos and wank to them. i've got old nudes my gf sent to a partner she doesn't know about and get off to them regularly

What dose did you take Míceal?

Indian authorities in the northern state of Punjab have quarantined around 40,000 residents from 20 villages following a Covid-19 outbreak linked to just one man.

The 70-year-old died of coronavirus - a fact found out only after his death.

The man, a preacher, had ignored advice to self quarantine after returning from a trip to Italy and Germany, officials told BBC Punjabi's Arvind Chhabra.

all the shops are like this


risotto sandwich

for me it’s snapper soup

the climate is saved!

First trip I did I took 300ug by accident and I thought I could see my all veins through my skin

good trip tho

I wouldn't want to live in either in 2020 desu senpai.

for me its a plate of dog food with some black pepper

Took 300ug and went to the printworks in London which was fucking dumb. It was a day gig and I was on the tube at 10pm still tripping balls, and this twat had a pug on his lap in the carriage

im 22 and play amateur rugby lad
ive probably already had it and recovered

actually scratch that i once drove to work whilst on the acid
was literally seeing treble
worst drug ive ever taken to drive with

common tbqh, i used to have flashbacks that lasted shorter then what would allow me to remember then


I think the tabs were like 150 and I think I took 3 or 4 of them. It was very weird.

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Never done acid, never done shrooms, only done gear, weed and alcohol.

need to club a slag

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Took acid with my gf a bit ago, but it didn't work for her cause of antidepressants so she wanted to go to a kids park to play on the swings at 1 am

Swear I could hear and see kids playing in the corner of my vision

alri wagwan was goin on

Not happy. Sneezed in to my elbow and ended up flinging my other arm out straight due to years of dabbing and ended up smashing my hand in to my light fixture so I ended up having glass and ceramic lodged in my hand and when I was driven to hospital they said I wasn't allowed in with non covid realated shit but was told to wait in the outside waiting room where I was just sent home with a bandage and now I'm fucking coughing.

Krauts are so bad at queuing that Kraut shops now require you to get a trolley just so Krauts can stay spaced while waiting at the checkout.

That’s a fairly high dose Míceal my boy, was it a good trip?

>planes did a fly


imagine absolutely rampant neanderthal-homo sapien interspecies shagging

>tfw my LSD dealer actually fucking committed suicide

still doesn't seem real

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nicki minaj>doja cat>cardi b

for me its
ket and acid
coke if ur a millionaire

as god intended
the skies are clear
the birds are singing
the grass is growing

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airlines are all gonna go bust
could this be the end of air travel?

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Explain the appeal of ket, I do it quite a lot but it only makes me dizzy

Although i've never done a line, just key bumps

Do I need to increase the dose?

corona is made up
it's a cover for the fact that planes just suddenly became unable to fly

>actually scratch that i once drove to work whilst on the acid

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never done ket. massive in the UK though, wonder why it never really picked up much in the US. heard its quite nice

forehead size of a football pitch

Don't know how I can continue living in a city now I've experienced an extended period of no noise pollution and no air pollution. Yeah I've been to the country loads of times but you don't truly notice how much difference it makes until your own area changes.


>8 dead in the past 2 days in Norn
I hope this isn't accelerating.

Yeah, LSD is some weird shit. When I looked at the pictures on the fag box I actually vomited. You know those lung surgery ones.
Doesn't bother me like just a bit weird innit.

i live right under the heathrow flight path and when planes fly over they sound much louder now that they're so infrequent

wish i had double glasing

very gay

Ketamine is very intense and fucked up. I like it. You come out the other end totally fucking confused. Every time I take it in high doses I think I’m dead and it 110% seems and feels as if I’m dead, that my soul has departed into purgatory. Weird old drug.

haha! so true!

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