Yeah bro, us North Mexicans aren't like those subhumans in the south. We're as European as actual Spainards

>Yeah bro, us North Mexicans aren't like those subhumans in the south. We're as European as actual Spainards.
Why are they like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Amerimutt complex.

You were the original mongrels.

>We're as European as actual Spainards.

so 0% european

You know he just hates the fact we travel to his country and enjoy mexico meanwhile hes stuck at home to autistic to leave his house in one of the most social countries on earth with tons of qts.

Attached: Screenshot_20200214-192707~2.png (1440x1596, 2.35M)

North mexicans are not whiter, they just descend from a superior subrace of amerinds. That guy in your pic is a south mex amerind

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Attached: Screenshot_20200124-163919~2.png (1440x1066, 1.47M)

Theyres that autistic looser. I just came back from so salvador and puerta vallarta .. Leave you your house mexichad .;)

Attached: 1582932566588.jpg (750x750, 136.04K)



>Theyres that autistic looser. I just came back from so salvador and puerta vallarta .. Leave you your house mexichad .;)

Attached: central american-south mex olmec subhuman.jpg (1082x1018, 600.32K)

>original mongrels
>mexicans are more pure than the average american
Ok, mutt.

Same shit with south Brazilian and americans

I hate all L*tinos.

no one cares what you think you cultureless mutt

More pure how? Your claim to european ancestry is spaniards, who are fucking arabs to begin with.

There is no such thing as a pure Mexican


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Was this guy bullied by olmecs or did an olmec steal his girl... wtf

Why are you so butthurt olmec?

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I bullied the olmecs

I banged the woman you were donating to her fans only page for 2500 pesos user .

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We are 100% amerindians

>he has to pay women to get laid
Typical olmec undesirable

Literally looks the same

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Attached: south mex_central american.jpg (750x492, 147.15K)

I do not hate them, im just shitposting. The differences are pretty clear tho

Nice try zhang

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The fact that they are mostly half native half spaniard instead of the dorito montain dew stew of european groups you are makes them less mutt than you

>you paid to to see her naked through pictures

user btfo

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Yes you do . whats worse is light skin niggas hate you too

Im happy for you my olmec friend

I'm sad for you mexichad . you still haven't had sex .

>light skin niggas hate you too
Most do not and idc if people hate me anyways

Why do the thirteen colonies like to talk about this?

Idk I’ve never even met one he left just looks like right but skinnier

They vaguely look different it’s like looking at asians I can barely tell the difference lmao

>mexicans are more pure than the average american

Human-eater stinky barbarians.
Civilized, cultured and intelligent.

calla a boca whitexican

Most important amerind civilizations were created by the aquline nose amerindians.

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Based centrales (chilangos not included)

>I-I'm p-pure white. I swear! My DNA results say I'm 12% German!!!

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Most modern day olmecs are degenerated, CHIchimecas remaimed in better condition due to their nomadic lifestyle


this chichimeca guy mama was fucked by omlec CHAD

this is true btw, but chichimecas were taller, slimmer, and overall better looking


assblasted projecting meximutt

Olmecs are not human

I got a full folder of rare mutts. It's your call, muttcko.

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Modern day olmecs are dumb as bricks, look at "mexican" andy

Mexican andy is smarter than almost any chichimecan't i know. he is proffiting of his humor and has white gf. what do you have seething incel?

>assblasted projecting meximutt

Attached: 1560839936852.png (620x1044, 531.53K)

>I got a full folder of rare mutts. It's your call, muttcko.
You mean mutt memes? You collect them like Pokemon?

Andeans, mayas and northern injuns are the only good injuns. Rest should be bred out

>Getting a low tier "white" gf is an achievent for olmecs

which one of you faggots is mexichad. where your tag next time so i can filter you gay faggots out

kek, seething libtard triggered by facts

Olmecs give mexico a bad name, north mexichads should go to the south to breed them out.

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