1. Your nation

1. Your nation
2. Post a girl you think is 10/10

Attached: 55DDC88F-341B-492A-8691-8310E3A8E30F.jpg (750x928, 469.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


1: Iberic
2: One who doesn't post images on the internet

1. USA

American (white)

A 10/10 is totally subjective and mood dependent but I'd take someone like pic related.

Attached: Erika-larsen-Sami-people5.jpg (600x753, 214.19K)

muscle women

Attached: h0HgpKV35Gah7JaM.webm (640x640, 1.04M)

Attached: 4a79e8f3540916c118af6401b00872e6.jpg (418x750, 38.27K)

What the fuck is wrong with you

I love her

Attached: IMG_0072.jpg (1200x675, 72.05K)

Attached: 1583756371974.jpg (1125x1394, 330.86K)

Attached: agathah.png (500x500, 378.24K)

Attached: jennifer-connelly.jpg (640x499, 87.55K)

shit taste international

picrel (forgot the name desu)

Attached: 15802019976540s.jpg (200x250, 6.09K)


Attached: 15657687987098.jpg (899x1124, 108.51K)

Why is she so perfect bros?

Attached: IMG_0073.png (279x392, 210.28K)

Attached: tfw no norf gf.jpg (1080x1080, 144.72K)

Jesus fuck all of you have awful taste

Attached: 00612730-73B6-4216-800F-F88E02AF6EE2.png (719x898, 849.18K)

this is a man

Attached: 1499436420082.jpg (2000x1331, 401.61K)


Attached: полка.jpg (2560x1707, 494.68K)

kek plenty of weak-oid roasties for you ig.

tfw no gf

Attached: 1513652524333.jpg (640x480, 68.29K)

Attached: A683BD4E-72DE-49C8-BB08-FF711075881A.jpg (437x408, 159.25K)

Attached: 1585214927808.jpg (940x1230, 123.75K)

with enough makeup and surgery, I'll look exactly the same.

Attached: 1487527559189.jpg (1080x1080, 242.57K)

Attached: 1579037784292.jpg (1200x1800, 473.43K)

Attached: 1578833406917.jpg (610x458, 41.76K)

umm hello? Based department??


Attached: s01ZY787earvqel7soe.jpg (467x700, 96.5K)

Attached: 1526603451023.jpg (794x1685, 300.81K)

shes a butterface

Attached: 1570164574563.jpg (1080x1080, 206.36K)

Attached: 1B573519-D1B2-4750-AD86-7960A28B4B15.png (644x672, 967.39K)

Finally this pic in high res
Thank you

1. Mexico
2. A girl that knows how to ride

Attached: Vaquera.jpg (399x600, 317.83K)

you would love here then, the city i live in is full of chick with that cut and aesthetic

Attached: 4C2FA021-3480-477D-910A-1E666CE4AB35.jpg (663x767, 57.36K)

Attached: 1584961833651.jpg (1324x1668, 269.97K)

Where is "here"

Attached: Miriam Leone.jpg (422x632, 44.77K)

Is this the facialabuse girl

Attached: 13502FB7-7E4A-49E3-BFB9-DACEBE0562C0.jpg (697x872, 47.9K)

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Attached: 1243C8C9-FC0B-4DC2-8657-025AFAAAEA6A.jpg (960x1280, 151.65K)

I really wanna see a muscle girl porn video with fat ugly bastard but cant find anything

Looks depressed as hell and also abused drugs.

Attached: Olga Safari.png (554x694, 620.73K)

nope, old photo, she has a kid now

Attached: A1835C3C-FFED-4F1E-A54E-DC7249B5E1F7.jpg (750x801, 436.51K)

But she has a visible bulge.

I reverse googled that and got to some latin america we wuz Greekz and shiet FB page. Wanted to see where that statue is from.

saggy tittys

I want a gf like this bros): where are they?

Attached: 1564873778141 (1).jpg (473x591, 108.21K)

Looks like gibi

Only a BLACK GODDESS can be a true 10/10 of course

Attached: jazzma4.jpg (545x643, 56.64K)

Dude most black women DO NOT look like that trust me

she puts a sock in her pants, it's an old joke

what makes you think that Felipe is a trap?...

>blonde with dark eyebrows

Please do it.

Thank god not in your shithole cunt

Attached: Screenshot_20200221-224459.jpg (1080x1071, 265.67K)

rare flag. What do women look like in your vagina

Look at her bulge.....

Are you that guy from yesterday

cordoba but i think that most of big city (rosario and buenos aires) must have them because its a common hair cut in argentina and adidas clothes are popular

Attached: i0716649089.jpg (680x1020, 168.49K)

1. finaldn

Attached: W104601_5.jpg (880x1130, 116.48K)

Are there a lot of "white" girls?

This desu senpai

Attached: 95FE1772-6108-4D27-8A98-5F39488DA9B9.jpg (695x1024, 151.93K)

based and queen pilled

Indian and African and hybrid between those two, mostly. And then there are white people who live in the north

Attached: 1524388007906.webm (640x800, 1.09M)

ultra super mega based

Truly a man of fucking taste
