
How was this allowed in the 2000s Russia?


Attached: tatu_band_20061001_0004[1].jpg (1600x1200, 216.4K)

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>How was this allowed in the 2000s Russia?
You don't understand, in late 90s early 00s Russia was the most pro-degenerate country in the world while Europe remained in many ways puritanic. Our roles completely swtiched, just think about it: eurovision officials were seething because t.a.t.u kissed during their performance and our media talking heads had to defend them lol

Tatu was never big in Russia, besides, they were fake lesbians anyway, they are both married to men. They were "gay" for clout from western audiences mostly, because the USA ate it up. All the things she said blew up so much specifically because of Americans/Westerners.

We got too cocky bros

>Tatu was never big in Russia
They were fairly popular

i'm really glad that they allowed it
fuck i was so horny for them back then, and still now they are based taste here


This was popular here in early 2000s

Attached: Tatu_Bacardi_B-LIVE_2008_(cropped).png (325x514, 324.04K)

The right kind of gay I guess

Maciek gay

Sounds about right

in russian?


redhed moloko mummy

remember when their manager admitted that neither of them were gay and the whole thing was an experiment? and the people behind the whole thing were psychologists/media specialists in the first place

The second album that wasn't big in the west was arguably the best one.


The guitar in this song drove me crazy when I was like 13

Attached: tatu-dangerous-and-moving-dp8NKVU52H0RA-9f17d924daed1b-570-420-5791401732952089511.png (570x420, 297.95K)

Yes, until now I never knew that there is an english version, they were supposed to sing here this year.

get a load of this guy

>from literally the gayest most degenerate nation in Europe

Attached: German Culture.webm (1152x480, 2.69M)

I didn't say Germany wasn't.
I'm just saying russians aren't really that much different. They just like to LARP more

No larping here. We genuinely hate faggots.

Compared to you? they very much are. Just watched an American interview Russians who visited America (particularly california) and the woman talked about all the gay propaganda and gays there. Had this been a German interview they all would have been YAAAS queen I LOVED CALIFORNIA!!

And other countries don't have people who hate faggots?

Attached: same sex marriage.png (2210x1580, 108.76K)

It was a different time user
Before russians started to be afraid of gays

>russians aren't really that much different
You clearly never met many Russians apart from pro-Western liberal faggots then.

$chan posters? yes. Not normies who do, no. Most German normies are for same sex marriage. Western europe is as LGBT loving as us.

I had a russian penpal that I visited in 2003 and they were big there.
She knew they weren't gay but didn't mind from what I recall. It might be because I was younger but the crowd/fans seemed less creepy balding males than the current K-pop crowd with a lot of kids genuinely enjoying it.

It was long before the fallout with Europe and the big crackdown on holosexuality from Putin to cater to conservative electorate.
Tatu wouldn't be possible today

An "active" gay is a faggot or not?

Other countries have socially accepted gay marriage and parades. But we dont pride ourselves on any of that or go out of our way to talk about how great we are because of it, it's just part of our culture. If anything it's your media that constantly goes on about how non-degenerate we are and how that's really really bad.


Well, I don't get to talk about the ones living in some shack in the woods
Fuck off, idiot

gagged a bit
what is wrong with these creatures

>They just like to LARP more
We don't larp, it's just that after the fall of the ussr the informational bubble was burst and gullible populous wasn't ready for that, the idea which associated degeneracy with something good was installed in our minds through the means of television, but it didn't take long for people to realize how badly they were tricked

All our gays and normies basically hate your country because you're not as gay as us lol. Some of our celebrities literally didn't want to travel to your cunt because of it lmao

Russians love the image of the powerful Russia that's going on.
Because it's portrayed as some kind of ultra-conservative state but then you have teenagers who kill themselves because their favourite Naruto character died

But wait, it's pretty okay to be an active gay in Russia lol, it's the part of your (our) culture too.

It seems like you're just seething over the reality. We have statistics.

t. mops fan

Being powerful has nothing to do with not liking homos lmao. You're just conflating shit and using it as a conduit for your butthurt.
Your issue isn't with Russians or how we portray ourselves. It's with your media and how it demonizes us.

It's not in the slightest.

>It's with your media and how it demonizes us.
That's my point. Russians love it.

But Russia isn't really that oppressing like the western media likes to portray

So, how do they look today?

That movie was actually pretty decent (and based).

>That's my point. Russians love it.
Well that would mean that we really are conservative or hold conservative values that we aspire to wouldn't it?
Either way you have no point, just a misguided opinion that you're entitled to.

Julia is fucked up, Lena is like wine

Yes, it is.
All sodomites are outlawed here.

Julia looks like a ravaged pornstar, Lena is a hot mommy

>Well that would mean that we really are conservative or hold conservative values that we aspire to wouldn't it?
Yeah but russians are just as degenerate as the rest of the world.
They're also not some kind of evil bastards, they don't want to fight/hate the EU because they can make profitable business with each other


how can we bring back early 00s russia?

>but russia isn't really that oppressing like the western media likes to portray
Of course, Russians are normal people just like any other, it's just that the west due to it's cultural differences portray them as demons because they don't feel the same way about faggots as the west does. We celebrate fags as brave warriors, they don't, and we hate them for it.

He's asking for pics

how do you know

>mfw russians have a better sense of humor than germans


>Yeah but russians are just as degenerate as the rest of the world.
That's arguable. What social behaviours one defines as "degenerate" is a matter of opinion. Also the entire world cant be equally degenrate because of the varied social norms and practices. If you consider homosexuality and trannies as degenerate then no, Russia is not as degenrate as Western Europe in that regard. But we do also have social problems that one could very well consider degenerate like drug use (even though it's lower than in countries like the USA). But then again I believe what truly matters in the end is the values a society holds and what it itself considers as socially acceptable/what it strives towards. And neither alcoholism nor drug use are considered socially acceptable here.
>They're also not some kind of evil bastards, they don't want to fight/hate the EU because they can make profitable business with each other

He's asking how they look.

*neither homosexuality nor drug use are considered socially acceptable
But you get the idea

Explain this to me?

I guess it's no coincidence that Russia had plenty of queerish artists in those times:



Russian zoomers are everything Putinists don't like.

Gays are illegal here.

I think this whole "gay propaganda" nonsense has to do with Russian men being insecure about their own effeminate behavior/looks that gets interpreted as "gay" even though they're not.

I saw this russian trap on twitch and I always wondered how she wasn't beaten to death or thrown in a gulag. What is happening Russia? Do you have a tummy ache?

Attached: tank.png (1499x956, 2.47M)

Remove sanctions, reduce anti-Russian hysteria.
But honestly, you can't bring it back, it went too far.

You are just brainwashed american NPC. What else can you think.

So your saying that in just a couple decades Russia went from pro homo to no homo? Do you think the West can do the same? Or are we too far gone?

honestly you should have stayed that way, rather than having USSR 2.0

Putinlandia didn't really establish itself until the mid-2000s. t.A.T.u snuck in a couple albums before the iron grip closed.

take me BACK


Lena Katina is one helluva milf, the other one is not so hot anymore.

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