U.S. citizenship

Is it worth it guys?
Should I give it a try and swipe right?

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lmao, why do you want usa citizenship?

good question

what's the point unless you want to work in the US, otherwise you're just attaching another tax liability to yourself.

name one thing better than a EU citizenship

Fucking kangaroos.

>Belgium flag
Please don't breed with our women, Kang.

Implying I could If I wanted

She looks like she

Fuck than I have 0% chance

US citizenship
EU citizenship is worth jack shit. Remember that EU citizenship also includes nations like Bulgaria, Malta and Italy. It's worth fucking nothing today.

It depends on the country. Your country being a member of the EU means shit to the rest of the world as far as immigration goes.

Enjoy your complimentary Corona

a theme park

US citizenship > EU citizenship. Most of EU is Africa tier.

Burnt dog feces

>Most of EU is Africa tier.
just france

malta is comfy as fuck though

It is, though they also sell citizenship which heavily devalues 'EU citizenship'


Still better than whatever Soviet shithole you live jn

swiss citizenship

The world outside EU is just shitholes, though. And EU citizenship mean you can easily go anywhere within EU.

Yeah but only wealthy people can afford it. Italy and Belgium are the real European passport generators.

Refugee status in Germany.

That's true though it really butthurts me there's nations that sell their passport with the sole intention of the buyer to live elsewhere. They should take away your nationality if you don't actually live there, it would be the next step in EU federalization I suppose.

for now

don't delude yourself, eastern europe won't be even close to westies in our lifetime

What does close even mean? You people have pretty much everything just the nominal value of our economies will indeed be vastly different.

she looks like a he with long hair
>he absolute state of anglo "women"

>You people have pretty much everything

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I have Polish coworkers. Maybe they're lying to me but on their pictures their hometowns all seem very nice and they all drive around in 2000s Germany luxury cars.
Meanwhile I have 1999 Toyota cuckbox

that's why they work in the Netherlands and not dutchies here? Really makes you think

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>name one thing better than a EU citizenship
Being nowhere fucking near Europe.

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Honorable Japanese Citizenship

I actually agree with you. And all those Argentinean who get Italian citizenship end up in Germany or other richer countries. They should stay in Italy.

being white and having korean/japanese/chinese citizenship

>Dating for EU citizenship
Lmao, there's an easy as fuck exploit to acquire it.


Buddy, I make 3 times more in US or Canada than what I made in Germany doing the same job. US citizenship is definitely worth it

If you don't intend to live in the USA it's useless because it means you'll have to pay them taxes while not getting anything out of your citizenship (that's why even Boris Johnson abolished his US nationality)

Also EU citizenship > US citizenship

It is, just join the french foreign legion and get shot, shouldn't be that lethal for an american.

>and get shot
HOLY BASED. That is a national past time for us.

>in US
>or Canada
absolutely no way
Canada is literally poorer than Germany

there is (or was?) some loop hole so you dont have to pay tax for the first $100k you make abroad

double us/eu citizenship

Spain gives Spanish nacionality (EU passport ) to any person who is from some spanish speaking country if you live here 2 years.

why the fuck would anyone want to be american?

thats worse, if you earn a lot of money mutts will try to tax you even if you dont work in the us.

i got EU citizenship to work in Norway in 2012

Norway is very strict in their preferred hire nationality

1. Norwegian
2. Scandinavian/Nordic
3. Swiss
4. American
5. EU

Eu passport was shit for my business field.
You could add polish between #2 and 3 in the construction field since 80% of the workers were Polish and that was very much the work language at times. I only know about these 2 sectors. But to be honest, if you weren't Norwegian or rest of Scandinavia at that time you basically had a lower than 10% chance of them even looking at your application.

Does this include New Mexico and Puerto Rico?

Refugee status in EU.

how is that better? you arent allowed to leave the country, in some cases not even the city and dont have a work permit.

Puerto Rico yes, i don't know about new mexico

There's also a non-shooting exploit through Spain's nationality law. It's only for Ibero-American countries and Phillipines to exploit, but technically Americans can exploit it too if they think a little bit more outside of their box...I'll leave that up to Americans to figure it out though.

Yeah yeah we get it you use to belong to Spain..

You have negro or tiraflecha blood?
If you do you aren't Spanish, you're a Nigerian Taino.

Yeah but you're allowed to rape underage girls and play victim afterwards because
>muh yuro rayzast
>much ancient tradishun

>Yeah but you're allowed to rape underage girls and play victim afterwards

thats britain and its pakis.

nigga just hop the us border

Can New Mexicans and Floridians do it? Or even Guamese? I know that Puerto Rican citizenship is something that is legally distinct from American citizenship but I still wonder.