TURK edition
old >> NUKED
TURK edition
old >> NUKED
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why was it nuked?
It still smells.
this guy is my favorite turk
its only inevitable Köksal Baba gets infected with corona since everyone interacts with him
Sloni post ukranian ID with timestamp :)
>Do you guys have history with the Ukrainians?
If you mean bad blood, yes. I regard Ukraine to also be a non-country, if half your population doesn't even speak your "official language" you're a non-country, sorry. But I digress.
Basically Jewkraine took Moldova's sea access when Khruschev (a hohol) gave the Budjak to Ukraine, along wih Crimea. Look at the map in . Russiand and hohols also took northern Bucovina, Cernauti being renamed to "Chernivtsi". After the fall of communism they also tried to start shit with us over the Danube canal, a shipping route, they tried to build their own canal which would have destroyed the delta ecosystem but international pressure stopped them. I heard they did some other dirty shit too around this. Lastly they contest the "Serpent's island", an island that might have oil reserves supposedly.
Historically we didn't care about them, the Hatman of Ukraine was at points allied with the Prince of Moldova and Movila, a Romanian monk (that they know as "Moghilev"), taught them to read. They were just a steppe where Tatars were and most of the territory to our east was under Turkish control until the Russians drove them out in the late 18th century. Going back further, the Chronicle of Nestor (I think he was at Kiev) mentioned the existence of Vlachs fighting with Magyars when they arrived, that's about it.
I don't know. The jannies are fags. I can't understand their thinking.
And yes I realize it was a multi-ethnic zone, formerly part of the Austrian Empire, still it should be ours.
prvi za Severna Makedonija u NATO
There's no such thing as ukrainian girl posting ITT, it's Sloni
That's relatively recent stuff tho, Krushchev and all.
Also hatman is ataman in local speak. The Kossaks adopted Turkic tactics and army organization from the tatars.
no fucking shit
Redpill me more on Macedonia bulgarbro.
PS The reason we have Dobrogea is as compensation for the fact that Russia took our sea access with the Budjak, this stuff was negotiated between the Ottomans and Russians after 1878.
No they are really in NATO now. Serbian influence will suffer.
abe kaji chestno, nov li si tuka ili ne si bil otdavna
Macedonia suffered a lot in the late 19th early 20th centuries, failed uprisings against the Turks, purges because of the wars between BG/GR/SRB, only after 1944 they saw some relative stability. So I don't blame them too much.
Tyкa cъм цялo лятo, бaлък.
>Also hatman is ataman in local speak.
I thought it was supposed to be derived from "Hauptmann", I could be wrong though. And yeah it's all recent, which is why it's also bullshit. But iirc after the fall of communism I think there were "friendship" treaties in the 90s that "resolved" these border disputes. We got cucked.
My biggest gripe though is with the "Roma" rebranding of the gypsies though, that completely sewered our national image, it's basically denigration of our country. We should have done the same thing Greeks did with Monkeydonians and disputed it.
this post brought a tear to my eye
best two sentences a bugar has written in a /balk/ thread
chak tolko cringe ot bg flagove ne pomna
>Macedonia suffered a lot in the late 19th early 20th centuries
thankfully it could already prosper between 1918-1991
I didn't know monkeys could cry.
nigga go back to watching anime
Are you in Kreuzberg?
>I thought it was supposed to be derived from "Hauptmann"
You might be right, hm. But the ataman rode under a Bunchuk, a banner from horsetails, so that was not German.
Pirospirulázott is mert a magyar nyelv nagyon király...
Nigger we are your friends, OK?
Yup hohols are extremely turkish, at least their "cossack" cosplay is.
why do I always get the same recommended shit as you?
beautiful music
Ugly shitskin exactly where you are positioned
To fight the enemy, they became the enemy. But the fucking Poles should have granted to the Kosaks the privileges they wanted instead of forcing them to go to the Muscovite tsar, things would've been so much nicer now.
the balkans belong to the Ottoman Empire
fuck's your problem?
What are you, a CATHOLIC?
I saw the link in a thread, why would I get catholic recommended videos
I can stomp this ROMAnian
You're not any better
Feast thine eyes on this historical document, albokurd.
>we don't like you, Poles
>ok so go to Russians instead
>yes, we will
>oh those Russians are even worse than Poles!
>it's Polish fault!
lol you wish you were Roman like me, gypsy turkshit.
do you recognize the macedonian language and ethnicity?
Here you go
Took me long enough, coz it is kinda hard to take not completely blurry picture with my camera
>hívó valakit "cigány"
what's your story, do you speak finnish?
>lol you wish you were gypsy like me, gypsy turkshit.
Why did Jewkraine get Lwow and their western territories? I don't understand that part.
Yes, they exist since 1945.
I wish prosperous communism over Poland again. The poorest warsaw pact country, never forget.
see, we can't be friends
>But the fucking Poles should have granted to the Kosaks the privileges they wanted instead of forcing them to go to the Muscovite tsar, things would've been so much nicer now.
Yeah I don't know anything about that. What happened?
OK it's war then.
russian tranny mod banned me again
Except Macedonians are the most Yugonostalgic people in the Balkans
>Ж, F
Idk, after I watching the trump press conferences I get all kinds of briefing and prayers and shit regarding corona in my recommended.
I'm glad you brought that up, gypsy.
Olasz -- Italian
Oláh -- Romanian
Włoch -- Italian
Wołoch -- Romanian
Back to the kitchen, whore
okay. Post feet.
do j*WWWWWWWs give out citizenship based on DNA test
>Sultanate of Rum
>turkshits trying to larp as Romans, something they will never be
lmao go back to the middle east/India you filthy hairy brown shitskin.
You would unironically be confused for gypsies in Romania. When I saw your kind in Germany I found no difference between you roaches and gypsies in appearance or smell.
Yeah cause their country is SHIT and the facade they lived behind is crumbling now. And Macedonia was shit for Yugo standards as well, by far the poorest. The poland of yugoslavia. Now is their chance to build something new and better, starting with Nato and EU membership.
The old Polish state had a class of small nobility, from which they drew the cavalry in wartime. They had many privileges, peasant were dirt, the nobility could rape their wives no problem.
Land between Dnestr and Dniepr was Polish.
Ukrainian freemen war organizations, the Kossaks, helped Poland in wars against Tatars and Turks. They wanted privileges. Polish nobility declined.
Several rebellions followed. Violence escalated with each rebellion, entire villages and towns were massacred, impalement on stakes was a favorite for both sides.
Kossaks went to Moscow for allies.
Özek is like core or something?
I've already did in some thread
You could apply for Indian citizenshp.
nigga that looks like the average romanian, lmao
Post pic of yourself, this could be your mother for all we know, show birth date.
Shut the fuck up subhuman GYPSY rape baby SUBHUMAN whose mother suck Finnish cocks for 10 euros. But methinks she isn't doing well at all, understandable since no Nordic man would ever want to fuck your diseases ridden shitskin gypsy mother. Her customers must be other gypsies who rob and beat her.
Things you aren't and will never be:
1- white
2- European
3- human
Things you are and will always be:
1- shitskin
2- Gypsy rapebaby from India and Anatolia
3- subhuman
No it doesn't turkshit.
post again pls, unless you're sloni posting his sock pics
Yes. It has the meanings
>core, centre, base
Özekli is
Hello? Based department?
lmao, fucking square head ahahhahahahaha
lol shut up gypsy.
>Turkey: 5 million gypsies
>Romania: 300,000
>Things you aren't and will never be:
Uhh, you talking to yourself there buddy?
You don’t even know who you are replying to. Are you sniffing glue right now?
>Bulgaria, the biggest south slav country not included
Lmao, like building a German union but with Germany not being part of it.
Reminder that t*rds are gypsies.
>5 million
You wish, GYPSY.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. There is a reason why ROMAnia is only known for its gypsies. It's a gypsy ridden shithole. Every part of Europe you go you'll encounter at least one ROMAnian subhuman begging on the streets or committing petty crimes, petty because ROMAnians don't have enough IQ for organized crime.
>had a class of small nobility,
my family comes from these "petty nobles" from Mazovia
Mazovians were considered the most backwards with limited intellectual capabilities among all Poles historically btw and actually a Greater Polish peasant lived better than a Mazovian noble.
Doesn't matter, same text applies.
Be glad it wasn't.
Croats are Italian, Serbs are mystery meat, Slovenians are German. Your point?
Can some Macedonian unironically explain to me who and based on what this is made?
my ancestors
Debil vagy. Ömm te buzi zsidó cigány
t. brown gypsy subhuman
What is the difference between Moldavian and Banatian or Muntenian? One steals copper, other steals wallet, and other prostitutes his daughters to westerners? Wow, such a rich culture that the shithole also known as ROMAnia has. I'm mesmerized.