
we are great britain

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Other urls found in this thread:


For me its Azula and friends

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lancashire born

the scran x

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lol no
it means you probably have no fibrosis of the lungs

Don't do it lads

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Gove about to proclaim himself as the god leader of the UK

saxons and gaels go home
britain for britons


great Lancashire


this looks sad

Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus

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gove on the telly

welcome to 6 hours ago

so you think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month's vaccine shipment?

make me

>rate of infection doubling every 3 days

Ate all my crisps and chocolate last night :/

Breaking news! An aeroplane has crashed into the world trade centre in new york city

did you just wake up lad?


The strong survive
The weak perish

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Is he actually? What’s he saying?

gonna spend the next 7 hours reading, playing a game, learning a language and watching a film

need me a norf slag


saw this debunked on BBC news the other day

chicken dipper pasta

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This is a 19yo British woman in 2020. Fuck me dead

Now is not the time to give up the epicurean delights of life.

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He's declared himself as the new PM and that covid-19 will only target JFs

just took some selfies and realised that I'm ugly

Here lads, earlier I posted on here about a paki on ebay price gouging hand sanitizers. I and other anons reported him.
He was selling them for £29.99 when they're worth less than ten pounds (rrp).
Well I checked ebay again and the paki changed the price of one bottle to £24.99.
It worked, lads. Ebay listened to us. However its annoying that he's still being allowed to sell them at all and the price hasn't gone down.
Wtf. I think he must know someone on the inside as everyone else who was selling sanitizer has had their ads removed in the past few days.
Reporting him for price gouging literally takes 10 seconds. We musnt stop until this paki drops his price to under £10 or is deleted by ebay.

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peng as

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well done you can see the image


if you know someone that's ill, please take a moment and pray for them

Thinking of writing a smut novel lads

>double pneumonia
the fuck's that

I'll be honest. Gove is much better spoken than BoJo. More PM-like ya know?

odds i order takeaway
evens i go supermarket

daddy emmett in?

Liverpool will be champions this season or the premier league will be cancel?

pneumonia in both lungs

much prefer bojo

like a double nigger

written off

>In September 1956, due to a common foe during the Suez Crisis, an Anglo-French Task Force was created. French Prime Minister Guy Mollet proposed a union between the United Kingdom and the French Union with Elizabeth II as head of state and a common citizenship. As an alternative, Mollet proposed that France join the Commonwealth. The UK Prime Minister Anthony Eden rejected both proposals

didn't read lol

>Jamar-Al-Midgeti was heard shouting “Death to the infidel” and “behead all apostates” while displaying the tawhid symbol

Wtf is wrong with this horrible little shit

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birmingham NEC turning into a hospital lads

happy now

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gay fags with their copying and pasting

Boris sounds a bit silly desu, almost... Trump-esque

planted my lips square on the letterbox and ROARED nigger

always a pleasure to see him mogged

Anthony Eden was a dickhead full stop

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stop giving them cute nicknames

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What're been the biggest change in your life since counter-Covid measures began?

not paying $114 just to learn some history

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Turns out it's ridiculously easy to make left-wingers beg to live in a totalitarian state with no privacy nor civil liberties


is that a joke?

no, just means more tests are coming back

Good lad
A few more should do it
Then rinse and repeat
Ebay fears the hypothetical negative Daily Mail article

Giggling at this
Bloody midges need a booting

bloke who lives across the road from me has been doing the electrics for it all week

i'm going to die of this gay virus without ever having shagged a bird. how is that fair?

even if this had happened, UK and france would be seperate countries today

what im saying is, it wuldn't have lasted

just had to queue up for 3 hours outside tesco.. they're doing 1 in 1 out and if you have over 80 items they put it aside and wont let you have it

also cant take more than 3 of any item

>gf keeps calling me daddy

don't know how I feel about this

No that’s his name

yeah he's a dwarf you absolute gobbler

mad ting

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>5'11 on the left wearing lifts

Pirate it mate
Buy the base game if you feel like you need to give them money, but don't buy the dlc

*cuts the queue with my tesco jacket on*

I've been self-isolating my whole life lol

in English?


the sound when I kick the midge warwick davis out of a plane

theres only one issue with this image and its, why are you buying chicken dippers as an adult?

Mega tune


Neighbour didn't observe the mandated worship of our brave heroes in the NHS, so I've reported him to Derbyshire Police

work is more boring and uncomfortable (wearing a mask for 8 hours). doing more excericise but also wanking more so still feel a bit shite generally.

oh dear oh dear

Said 'who's your daddy?' while fucking the ex and we were both embarrassed

"Coronavirus is just in China"

"Coronavirus is just in Asia"

"Coronavirus is just in Europe"

"Coronavirus is just in New York"

"Coronavirus is just on the East Coast"

"I probably already had coronavirus"

"Help, I have coronavirus, why aren't there any hospital beds, help"

Lego star wars was good innit

reckon if i were in the mafia i'd be a rat

How is this deaf bloke translating what they're saying if he can't hear them?

Vile rancid trollop

perfect specimen

that was worth posting

Fake tits lad

charming games but too easy
wish they made one that was more challenging

i have a bed at home, dont really see how sleeping in a bed in hospital will make me any better

Not in my mob, you would be the chef

I pirated it but couldn't get the DLC to work

toilberg is very impressed with my composure during this corona bollocks
said i'm in line for a raise and my own office
praise be toilberg for he is merciful

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I was at morrisons and noon and it was queued up to the asda across the road
was planning to go back around 7 when it's hopefully quiet

call her mummy and see how she likes it

honestly? boobs

That's really weird
Lane is officially billed as 198cm and Tyson Fury 202cm

No you’d be the coffee guy

You need the proper crack to get it working, especially with the new launcher

give us a name
give us a twitter
give us an onlyfans
give us an insta

almost went full incel on twitter earlier today. was gonna write a tweet about how women working for the NHS are insufferable for using this pandemic to flaught selfies and their social worth but realised it wouldnt be a good idea. Point still stands tho fuck those sort of people

he's not deaf, he just knows sign language

do you lads ever wankeroo with your left hand for a challenge?

fuck you

alright drama queen

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>brown eyes

I refuse to queue up for food

I actually did once and she physically recoiled

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americans are doing graduations on "Roblox"

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I love you more than...

Gargantuan Black Cocks rupturing my anal cavity

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they look good what can I say. never had a problem with fake tits but could be the coombrain.

Go to /gsg/ and ask them. You need to install something called cream.API in the DLC directory for it to work, that’s if you purchase the base game and pirate the DLC which is the best thing to do. Pretty sure you could get the base game cheaper on G2A too.

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literally fake news

I'm a full-time lefty, despite being right-handed in general. Came from not having a lock on my computer room door as a kid, so I'd need to be able to quickly close the browser if somebody walked in on me watching porn


Nothing 'wrong' with them, but you said the perfect specimen

Hardly PERFECT right

Is it better to spend $340 instead?
Just searched for a long-lost steam account to find this

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Watching the News conference in Twitch is so bizarre. Zoomers doing poggers whilst 1000s are dying

Brendanface would have fit here too (he starred in The Mummy a movie about)

20 of us stuck in a queue outside Londis

but his prediction of 500k brits and 2.2M americans dead wasn't right

don't care

Yeah I did all that

as part of my ongoing attempts at nofap i have a procedure to demotivate myself from having a wank, where before every wank i have to do 15 pushups and i can only do it with my left hand
more often than not it's enough of an arseache that i'll not bother

>single handedness
>people who don't have an internal monologue

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if you uinronically join the clappers at 8pm you need to fuck off in my opinion. Sick of people talking about coronavirus and standing indoors like its the modern day version of the blitz

paradox are cunts
refuse to buy any of their games

absolute state of yanks

What the fuck is a londis

No matter what the situation is, women will always use it as an excuse to post selfies. The truth of the matter is that the lot of them are all completely vapid bints

lmao. It was already a bullshit game anyway.

Do they really?

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Na mate, just spend like $30 on the base game and get the dlc yourself
Don't give into their parasitic dlc policy
I've already spent almost £100 on Hearts of Iron IV

Hope you're observing social distancing etiquette.

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Buy the base game
Go to /gsg/ on /vg/ and pirate the DLC
Very simple, if you have any problems ask /gsg/, they shitpost a lot but they’re actually quite informative. All the resources you need are in the OP.

for me they are. pls don't bully.

who is this?

Alri' Tarquin lad, how's it going?


>people who don't have an internal monologue

this one I don't get, I crack jokes in my head and mentally chuckle at them too

is this a city runt thing

ur ma

graduated from the university of roblox

t. tarquin

Gutted that Wrestlemania is behind closed doors

give nurses footballers wages

It’s an Irish chain of shops

all britain has is alcohol and football lmfao

1 hour 40 lads till rho ballet stream free on youtube


Price last night and this morning.
Report this paki until he lowers his price to under ten pounds - the price it's actually worth. Or better yet ebay removes his ads completely.
Remember ebay will be extra mindful of complaints at this time given the government guidelines to stop people price gouging. They'll want to avoid being in another negative Daily Mail article.

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I am lower class I think, just no 'londis' near me in Gloucestershire

Ate a raw onion in my sandwich.
Now I have stomach ache.


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Bint from toil is on facebook asking if she should call the police on her neighbour for having visitors

How are tramps supposed to self isolate?

give bankers jannies wages

doesn't really matter that you've showed us your ip address if you're just going to change it does it

imagine not being ambidextrous

get the fuck out of here

*sneezes in your face*
aaah sorry mate
*headbutts you*

lungs are still struggling lads. getting by, but really wish this lung infection would be done with by now

revolting swill

i crack jokes in my head but i chuckle at them out loud and end up looking like a madman

Give landlord's properties to the homeless.

pukka PUKKA

aah yes the common cold OC34

What the fuck

shouldn't you reheat the pie?

Reminder to report your neighbors to the state for suspicious activity (ie going outside)


get well soon lad

what the fuck

Literally unprovable because that was completely unmitigated

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hope you get better!

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too much, way too much

I've unfortunately tasted this and it was vile beyond belief

stick to the fray bentos pie, a tried and true classic

Based. Especially paki landlords' properties

haha what a champion. Most of you kids probably weren't alive back in 2012


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May aswell ban the whole ISP you wog cunt because I'll cycle through every IP on it

have to vote in the local government election tomorrow, chinky flu or no chinky flu
will get fined if i don't

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Generally not in favour of this socialist nonsense, but would make an exception if we give Diego's property to the homeless

I have every FM from 2009 onwards

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starting up deus ex

give worker's pay to neets

Italy deaths hitting 1000 in a day

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What is this guys problem? He’s so arrogant

really appreciate my Great British right to express total political apathy

I don't have an internal monologue and I am considered to be high intellect

immense buttocks

feeling a bit tired and its only 5pm



theres a londis near me (you're welcome for my support towards the irish retail insustry)

should have used a condom
stupid cow

>don't have an internal monologue

what a mem

Janny the pitch black wog bastard. Imagine thinking you have power here. Pathetic little wog simp

How can you not? Just think, bro

Thank you for your service

*plays the fiddle while Rome burns*

so you orate everything you process?
or you don't process?

>Australian govt warns Covid19 crisis could become 'truly catastrophic' if Neighbours doesn't resume filming and the Tasmanian Tiger isn't resurrected from extinction

think we're all just using this shit to get our own way now 2bh

I do think, I dont vocalise my thoughts in my own head because I don't need to

Sure this is all a psyop by world government and celebrities (puppets of the NWO) to control the populace even further. Don't know anyone with Corona, you don't know anyone with corona

*plays the harp while cheadle burns*

abs are raw

the peak? my boy we've only put the first foot in and we're going to the dead end


gets the corona while britain sinks into the sea


got over corona in 3 days lads
piece of piss

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and no, i don't talk out loud when im thinking

i think the government made the plague on purpose

Nice mate. I haven't touched video games since 2013. Thinking about playing for a few hours to kill the itch and that's it