/lang/ - Language Learning General

don't let the thread die you stupid fucks edition
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?


Attached: ET9t5KqWAAMAMKC.jpg (500x371, 43.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what is the difference between "usted es" and "ustedes"

I think it just died because of the virus threads

I thought covid only had major effects on elders? how old is 22 hours in thread years?

Ignore this one, made it and frogot to post it for a bit and didn't realise someone made a new one

Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56.27K)

welp not even /lang/ is spared from corona-chan's killing

Practice, mofos!

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So I guess a general question. Do you intend to move to the country that speaks your target lang?
Me, yes to Spain or Mexico.

>moving to Mexico
Why do you want to be beheaded by the cartels so much?

Attached: Pepp.jpg (237x212, 8.83K)

I would definitely like to spend a few years there at least, can't be worse then here

>latin for milk (verb) is mulgeo
>scots for milk is mulk
Maybe we are the last Romans alive...


Mulgeo is also from where the Portuguese work for woman "mulher" came from. Basically meaning milker

Attached: 1562813894811.jpg (683x449, 21.34K)

My accent pronounces them identically

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>I am going to the bakery
>I am taking my dog for a walk
>thank you for creating this language challenge, your penis must be very big
>those shoes suit you well

>He has still not unraveled my secret, even though I gave him an obvious hint yesterday
>You should know this if you went through the effort to inform yourself some more on the subject
>I will never get enough of admiring what you do
>people underestimate at which point snakes can look cute

>Imagine you were a frenchman and that you were witness to a car accident. You see the car slowly sinking away in the water with a fellow frenchman and an African on the inside. As a frenchman myself, I would save my compartriot first

After studying French for a while, I've come to the conclusion:
>Basic words in French (petit, avec, manger, comment, etc.) are for the most part unrelated to English (and Danish and German)
>Abstract words, less commonly used ones, etc. are almost universally either words English adopted from French or French adopted from English
>Thus, French may seem kinda hard and foreign at first but once you got the fundamentals down, you can get good at reading and listening surprisingly quickly

Attached: poopoo the lizard sad.png (689x795, 66.6K)

why do so many people on this board ridicule people for learning about other cultures or languages?

I mean yeah most of English's everyday words stem from Old English. Only really abstract nouns I believe come from French.

Dunno, but I bet there's a social sciences research paper on that

Will learning japanese makem e lotsa money

>i was in the wrong thread the entire time

Attached: 1584915320117.gif (220x220, 68.7K)

Are all non degree interpreter and translator jobs call centers? I found some remote and office ones that weren't call centers at least. Also I'm guessing english-german is fucked in that industry?

Also language centric job guys explain your job/s.

빵집에 간다.
우리댕댕이 산책시키고 있어
언어챌린지 만드셔서 감사합니다. 님의 고추가 정말 작으신가봐요ㅇㅅㅇ
그 신발 잘 어울려~
어제 그에게 큰 힌트 줬지만 내 비밀을 아직 안알아냈는데...
주제를 스스로 알리려고 해봤으면 이건 알겠죠?

whats a good BOOK to learn japanese?
i just want to fuck off with a book. I already have a book for kanji
I cant learn from videos/the internet/flashcards

>I am going to the bakery
Ik ga naar de bakker
>I am taking my dog for a walk
ik ga met mijn hond lopen

Not sure if the last one is right, it's maybe similar but not the same.
Maybe something like Ik neem mijn hond lopen, but that also doesn't seem right

>want to learn arabic
>not sure what fucking dialect to focus

help, please!

They're more of a language family

I heard there are a lot of Palestinians in Chile so maybe start with that dialect?

im actually starting with the levantine, but is it really a difference? i mean, could i understand different dialects at the long run?

How different are Indo-Iranian languages (Pashto, Persian, Hindi etc.) from Indo-European languages spoken in Europe?

Palestinian and jordanian are southern levantine while syria and lebanon are northern levantine. Pretty sure they are very similar with small differences.
I'm learning Palestinian arabic, although I took a break to study ruq'ah, the written arabic script. You basically need to know two different writing styles and two different dialects (MSA and a dialect).

Genki 1 and 2 have a lot of grammar forms that will help, also the workbooks come with listening comprehension CDs. After that, I'm moving on to Tobira series

thanks for the info fren, from which sources are learning btw?

>I am going to the bakery
>I am taking my dog for a walk
>thank you for creating this language challenge, your penis must be very big
>those shoes suit you well

>He has still not unraveled my secret, even though I gave him an obvious hint yesterday
>You should know this if you went through the effort to inform yourself some more on the subject
>I will never get enough of admiring what you do
>people underestimate at which point snakes can look cute

>Imagine you were a frenchman and that you were witness to a car accident. You see the car slowly sinking away in the water with a fellow frenchman and an African on the inside. As a frenchman myself, I would save my compartriot first
例え仏人であるあなたが交通事故を目撃したことにしよう。自動車が水の中へゆっくりと沈んでいって、その車内に人が二人見える: もう一人のフランス人と、一人のアフリカ人と。どちらから助けてあげますか? 俺ならフランス人として同胞を優先しますが

>>I am going to the bakery
Estou a ir à padaria
>>I am taking my dog for a walk
Estou a trazer meu cão num passeio
>>thank you for creating this language challenge, your penis must be very big
Obrigado por ter feito este desafio de línguas, teu pênis deve ser muito grande
>>those shoes suit you well
Esses sapatos são bons para ti
>>He has still not unraveled my secret, even though I gave him an obvious hint yesterday
Ele ainda não desembrulhou meu segredo, apesar que dei-lhe uma dica óbvia ontem
>>You should know this if you went through the effort to inform yourself some more on the subject
Devias saber isso se passasses pelo esforço para te informar mais no assunto
>>I will never get enough of admiring what you do
Nuca vou cansar de admirar o que fazes
>>people underestimate at which point snakes can look cute
Pessoas subestimar em qual ponto uma cobra parece fofa
>>Imagine you were a frenchman and that you were witness to a car accident. You see the car slowly sinking away in the water with a fellow frenchman and an African on the inside. As a frenchman myself, I would save my compartriot first
Imagina que foste um homem francês e que etavas um testemunha duma colisão de carros. Vês o carro lentamente afundar na água com um companheiro francês e um africanolá dentro. Como sou mesmo um francês, salvaria meu compatriota primeiro

I used this for starting out: madinaharabic.com/learn-arabic.html
I eventually got bored and went to read a book called Colloquial Palestinian but its written all in ruqah so I'm learning that right now from a book called Mastering arabic script.
I think Syrian arabic has a lot more sources than Palestinian so you should be able find some better stuff.
Also heres a mega I found on lit that I yoniked the mastering arabic script book from.
Good Luck

>>I am going to the bakery
Πηγαίνω στον φούρνο
>>I am taking my dog for a walk
Βγάζω το σκύλο βόλτα
>>thank you for creating this language challenge, your penis must be very big
Ευχαριστώ για κάνεις αυτή την γλωσσική πρόκληση, το πέος του πρέπει να είναι μικρό.
>>those shoes suit you well
Αυτά τα παπούτσια σου ταιριάζουν καλά.
>>He has still not unraveled my secret, even though I gave him an obvious hint yesterday
Αυτός δεν έχει αποκαλύψει το μυστικό μου ακόμα, αν και τον έδινα έναν φανερό ίχνο χθες.

/deutsch/ ruined my life.
I've taken university level language courses. I was always at the top of my class. My Harvard and Princeton educated professor was always impressed with my essays and recommended me for honors, scholarships, and study abroad grants.
yet the second I post even relatively simple sentences in deutsch, all the bernds act like my german is completely incomprehensible and mock me. i'm quitting bros.

Ich gehe nach die Bäckerei.
Ich nehme mein Hund mit mir für ein Spaziergang.
Danke für die Spracheausforderungmachung , deiner Scwanz muss gross sein.
Er hat immer noch nicht mein Geheimnis ausgefunden, ebenso ich habe ihm gestern ein hint gegeben.

>hey could you help me with [tl]? I could help you in English if you want
>Yes of course but I'm already fluent in English, all of my uni courses are in English
>thanks, I appreciate it
>*start writing to them in [tl]*
>*they always respond in English*
Why are euros like this?

Attached: 1524148914289.jpg (960x902, 61.08K)

Both are correct.

thanks man!

anyone have any resources for Ga (Ghana)

>I am going to the bakery
Πηγαίνω στον φούρνο
>I am taking my dog for a walk
Βγάζω βόλτα τον σκύλο μου
>thank you for creating this language challenge, your penis must be very big
Ευχαριστώ που δημιουργείς αυτή τη γλωσσική δοκιμασία, το πουλί σου πρέπει να είναι πολύ μικρό
>those shoes suit you well
Εκείνα τα παπούτσια σου πάνε καλά

>He has still not unraveled my secret, even though I gave him an obvious hint yesterday
Ακόμα δεν έχει ανακαλύψει το μυστικό μου, αν και του έδωσα έναν προφανή υπαινιγμό χτες
>You should know this if you went through the effort to inform yourself some more on the subject
Πρέπει να το ξέρεις αυτό αν έκανες τον κόπο να ενημερωθείς περισσότερο για το θέμα
>I will never get enough of admiring what you do
Ποτέ δεν θα είμαι ικανοποιημένος να θαυμάζω αυτό που κάνεις
>people underestimate at which point snakes can look cute
Ο κόσμος υποτιμεί σε ποια στιγμή τα φίδια μπορούν να φάνουν κιουτ

>Imagine you were a frenchman and that you were witness to a car accident. You see the car slowly sinking away in the water with a fellow frenchman and an African on the inside. As a frenchman myself, I would save my compartriot first
Φαντάσου να ήσουν Γάλλους, και να γινόσουν μαρτυράς σ'ένα αυτοκινητιστικό ατύχημα. Βλέπεις να βυθίζεται αργά το αυτοκίνητο στο νερό με έναν συνγάλλο και έναν αφρικανό στο μέσα. Ως Γάλλος ο ίδιος, θα έσωζα τον συμπατριώτη μου πρώτα

I don't imagine you could easily find a translator or interpreter job even with a degree, let alone without one. I have a regular office job, and I handle customer requests in English. There are a lot of languages spoken in the office, mainly European languages such as German, French, Spanish, and Dutch. But I have no idea if jobs like this one exist in Ameriga, after all, the reason why they exist in Hungary is that here, you can get people with master's degrees for 900 USD a month.

>you can get people with master's degrees for 900 USD a month.
How expensive is rent and stuff in Hungary?

Portuguese mulher comes from Latin mulier.

Around 350-400 USD plus utilities for a non-shared apartment in Budapest (if you'd get 900USD (that's after taxes, fyi) for a job in Budapest, you will get significantly less anywhere else in the country).
Food is not too expensive (but nowhere near as cheap as the UK or US, but not even as cheap as Germany), but since the VAT is 27%, pretty much everything is more expensive than in Germany.
Healthcare is free, but it is atrocious. Hospitals look disgusting. You are expected to tip the doctors under the table after more serious procedures.
Education is practically free, but it's shit (except medical and vet school, which are fine).

If you're getting 900 after a master, how much would you get as some cleric? 400?
Also how widespread is tipping the doctor? does it happen all the time? And does the government not do anything about?

it's a fairly rare word order which the verb is placed second(hence V2). What exactly that means depends on the language
In German it means that the auxiliary verb (think have, had(in have/had done), will, should etc.) is placed behind the subject, following that are the object adverbial phrases etc
and then at the end of the sentence the lexical verb is placed. (i.e. the verb that actually tells us what is happening e.g. "speak" in "I've been speaking English for 6 years.)
It's a huge part of what makes a sentence seem weird when you translate it word-for-word from German to English.
The example sentence "I have eaten crepe just like 3 days ago." is "Ich habe Crêpe so ungefähr vor 3 Tagen gegessen" which literally translated is "I have crepe like roughly 3 days ago eaten."

You could buy physical copies of sets of manga and LNs off Amazon.co.jp if you actually want to learn Japanese and not just learn how to say コンビニはどこでありますか?and お父さんの牛乳が飲みたい。

>im actually starting with the levantine, but is it really a difference? i mean, could i understand different dialects at the long run?
Not a bad idea, that's my favorite dialect. I usually recommend starting with MSA but it really depends on your goal and how long you want to study.


probably the difference from russian to german

You don't particularly need a master's for this job, but most people have some kind of degree. And yes, I was literally offered 400USD at a job interview for a full-time helpdesk position (at an SME) where I would have had to communicate with customers in English. Now, if you work at McDonald's, you get 500.
Tipping doctors usually happens when you need to undergo some kind of surgery. It is pretty common from what I understand, and they WILL fuck with you if you don't pay (e.g. they'll make you wait all day instead of calling you in first, or they don't even check up on you). It has been made illegal for them to accept money like that, but this is a government that has been building football stadiums from tax money while hospitals look like pic related, just to give you an idea

Attached: hospital.png (1016x2296, 3.86M)

/deutsch/ is for fags, they hate people learning their language

pls don't
don't listen to those! ignore them. you're on Yas Forums, you've got to have some resistance to insults

heh, because of the brackets and the shitty way Yas Forums displays IPA I thought at first you needed help with pronouncing [tɬ]
what's your targetlang?

>most of everyday English words come from old english
Woaw that's deep

Check out Minna no Nihongo, that's what japs usually use to teach Japanese. It's in Japanese, but don't worry, the exercises are self-explanatory, and it comes with a separate English explanation book, which has translations, grammar explanations, and word lists (you can download both for free). I've been using that with videos and stuff, and it's pretty good. The example sentences and exercises demonstrate the grammar pretty well. Supplement it with videos and stuff, of course.

whenever I post there I get ignored.

Any tips on expanding my french vocabulary fast? i've hit a plateu i believe

