Are asian people persecuted in your cunt?

Are asian people persecuted in your cunt?

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Asian men are but Asian women aren’t.

This. The white male dominated media has had it out for asian males since forever. Asian males are designated for the roles of loser, nerd, joke of the show.

god i wish it was me

It's his fault
Asians who live in white nation are really cringe and need go back to their homeland

Yeah wait for Jomon NBA star. That will be a game changer at least for glorious Jomons and tall seasians

This is one of the most soy looking faces I've ever seen

>wait for this, wait for that

asians are truly pathetic

blacks, arabs, latinos are bad represented in media but they dont need a exscuse to whine like chinks
its because chinks are naturally low t like that

>Are asian people persecuted in your cunt?
No, but they should be

Why are Koreans always attention whoring everywhere on the internet? It's always Korean and Korean diaspora posting cringe shit. You rarely see Japs or other east Asians doing this embarrassing trash.

Jomons and seasians have more high T than Pinkoid nord cucks such as swedes

Black men have better representation in media than any other group. You are right about the others though.

Is this true? I am a woman, but I heard that Asian women are also being treated badly.

They are more slanted than actual chinese so they tend to get more racism. And they are everywhere on the internet especially on vidya

Why would Americans promote Asians in their media when there's only like 4 million of them in the US.

Yes you will be treated poorly. White male, asian female relationships aka WMAF have the highest rate of domestic violence. Because the white men view asian girl as subordinate sexdoll and abusing her.

BMWF have the highest rates of domestic violence m8. WMAF have lower rates of domestic violence than WMWF.

As they should be, and they enjoy it.

LMAO what a fucking Chad

i hate nordcucks a lot but i hate gooks more

a sweden nordcuck would be considered a god there in all part of asia

any race on the planet is more high t than asians
the only high t are mongols but they are not fully asian (scythian/indo european dna)

Black people in America
> Slaves for hundreds of years
> Went through rape torture and tough conditions
> Didn't get actual human rights till the late 1960s
> Incarcerated at a much higher rate than any race
> Face lynching even till this day
> Sometimes Live in extreme poverty
> Targeted by the police
> Stereotyped as thugs and a danger to society

Asians in America

Wahhhhhhh they make fun of my small penis

Wahhhhhhh I'm an incel

Why are Asian Americans treated so badly? The most polite and rich group.

nick cho more like nick achoo lmao

Comparatively, they aren't

Many asian peoples just coming here for the money. The risk vs pay factor is too high to ignore. Ideally get enough money and go back home....

What would happen if Asians in Asia learned about all this?

fucking this
asians are just low t crybabies
no wonder their women leave them for any man who isnt asian

blacks, arabs, latinos have a very bad reputations and they slay

asians have a good reputation (samurai, mangas, weaboos, k pop) but they manage to be cucked by everybody and to be the most incel race


Asians are also one of the most affluent minorities and have easy access to top careers and education opportunities and they still whine

Explain further

They are successful because they are smarter and more driven. They are also discriminated against.

government loves foreigners over citizens

gleeful. Those are the race traitors who bought and perpetuated the anti-China narrative.
Look at that guy's face in the OP. I bet he supported HK and "Taiwan."
You fuckers will never be white and will absolutely never be Han.

your social credit has increased by 1000
have nice day citizen

Your first three points are accurate but are not really relevant to people living today.
>> Slaves for hundreds of years
>> Went through rape torture and tough conditions
>> Didn't get actual human rights till the late 1960s
Your last 5 points are either incorrect or misleading.
>> Incarcerated at a much higher rate than any race
This is because they are far more likely to commit violent crimes than other races.
>> Face lynching even till this day
There aren't any lynchings. Idk where you got this from. Black Americans do murder and rape white Americans a lot just for being white though.
>> Sometimes Live in extreme poverty
True for every race.
>> Targeted by the police
Because they are much more violent. Do you think that people lie about race when reporting crimes to the police?
>> Stereotyped as thugs and a danger to society
Where do you see this? I see lots of real world examples of them being thugs and a danger to society in but in media they are always shown as being perfect.

that's because they work for less money innit. Next

Idk where those other guys live (us is a big place) but I've lived all over the country and I never saw much hostility toward Asians. Perhaps Chinese in places with alot of them, because Chinese immigrants don't assimilate well and have distasteful habits, but that's it.

actually my score will go down for that post. Xi is a cuck and is too soft.

the government would literally open its legs and give them everything if it meant more money for them

> Where do you see this? I see lots of real world examples of them being thugs and a danger to society in but in media they are always shown as being perfect.

I refuse to believe you are being serious

holy based

t. Tenda Spencer

Wheres the video evidence though?

Is there an Asian equivalence of pic related?

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Asians are in this position where they are considered a credible threat to social hierarchies so thus society has various checks and balances to keep East (and South Asians) in check for men and women.

>what about Blacks and Latinos?
One is subservient to the system an the other is sycophantic (in a different way) to it. They have been already taken care of so to speak.

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White JEW male dominated media

No, they fit in well desu.

So I guess you live in an area with basically zero black population and you believe the black oppression narrative that you are fed by media giants. If you saw what they are like in person then you would understand.

They're actually not. They're hired at more favorable rates than even whites in STEM fields. They're actually the most privileged race in the USA by every traditional metric.
You cannot say whenever a minority does well it's in spite of discrimination where when white people do well it's only because of discrimination. This kind of arbitrary fluid logic is why leftism is thriving. People say whatever they want because it's a create your own adventure ideology.

t. William Johnson who got into Ivy with daddy money. leaked google email literally told interviewers to drop asian males. or, you are a jew, which is more likely.

most people who don't live in national republics often don't give a fuck.In Russia it often happens that all is not of European appearance are called those words that are in Europe or in America would be offensive

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The "traditional metrics" are highly flawed. They start with the assumption that there is no difference in ability and motivation between races and that is very clearly false. Basically just take the idpol oppression hierarchy and reverse it to see who is actually oppressed by the system.

40% of google employees are asian you dumb mong. the entire thing is a publicity stunt because they publicly release their "diversity rates" so they need to save face somehow because they're so incredibly invested in leftist dogma

>They're hired at more favorable rates than even whites in STEM fields
Because they outperform them academically in those fields, badly. It's doublethink to accept that whites area hire more than blacks/latinos because they perform better but then cry that asians are privileged for being hired more for that same reason.

If you consider being fetishized by some boomer to be bad then yes.
Don’t listen to this clownhe is blatantly lying

says the eng teacher who thinks hes not on the same side of the coin

>They're hired at more favorable rates than even whites in STEM fields.
Because whites don't go into STEM that much.

>They're actually the most privileged race in the USA by every traditional metric
Not really since they have the achievements but none of the bonuses and benefits that come with it on top of several barriers.

only 40%

LOL the only people getting into Ivy schools via daddy’s money are chinks. That or Juan Lopez who gets in because the school needs more diversity

When I interviewed at Amazon for a software engineer job, one interviewer was white, 3 were Chinese and one was Indian

go back to your universe Bizzaro

*coof coof*

You are so delusional it’s funny. Why do you bugs want to be oppressed so bad?

The kikes run your media m8.

>Not really since they have the achievements but none of the bonuses and benefits that come with it on top of several barriers.
Yes they do. They make more money. They're more likely to go to college. They're more likely to be employed. They're more likely to stay out of prison. They're just as likely to be in management positions.
They have all the benefits of being a privileged race because they are.

>They're just as likely to be in management positions.

Fucking based