Tonight 8pm
Round of applause thanking Covid-19 giving neets a pay rise and forcing the gov to pay toilers to sit at home and do nothing edition
Tonight 8pm
Round of applause thanking Covid-19 giving neets a pay rise and forcing the gov to pay toilers to sit at home and do nothing edition
Crying out for a latina gf
janny should get a bonus for toiling so hard with the extra strain due to the lockdown
clap for bobo
clap for the crash
clap for the dip
Is there really going to be another round of clapping?
told the fwb that if she doesn't stop smoking I'm gonna just sleep with someone else
Funny how everyone in IT still has to work or their precious computers won't go anymore
My friends I hope you will all joining me in raising a glass
To Corona
only in your mum's bedroom
Getting scissors to cut open the packet of crisps to lick up the flavouring
*enters thread*
Coronavirus is based and redpilled.
Bought 3 bottles of wine but immediately poured out half of the 3rd one because I only want to limit myself to 2.5 bottles tonight and I know I'll drink all 3 otherwise.
I sometimes buy a bottle of gin and pour a quarter of it out so I dont drink it all
Anyone else do things like that?
Twenty years from now, will we remember what the daily clapping ceremony is for?
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood shall be tonights music
not only did they get angry they actually threatened to boycott yorkshire tea, kek
Fucking mong, learn some self control.
what was a good day has turned into the usual
"9/11 is nothing compared to this"
"Every hospital is flat out"
cleaning my keyboard and keycaps lads
visiting the local nonce lads
*sits perfectly still in own room*
Feel like I'm doing the wine a disservice by having more than a bottle a day.
is this confirmed?
Muslim friend said before that the virus is gods way of punishing all the bad people.
Would love to hear his thoughts now.
The fuck is that you gayboy
cant stop wanking to flat chested flat tummy corona-chan FUCK
why would you do such a thing lmao
Discontinued the brand when they were sold to Chrysler lad. It’s a shame
Now this is a puzzle.
well he still might not be wrong
sucking the poo out of a prawn to prove how cultured i am
the clapping thing, is it daily? is it a daily calp
made a list of over 150 games i want to play
fucking HATE this show
dont reckon there's one funny cunt's ever been on it
why do we have a breed of such limp wristed comedians - stephen fry, russel howard etc
>this is one of the most advanced medical systems in the world
stopped watching there
*enters /brit/*
peng peng peng
shall be shitting in my hands and then clapping tonight
based argos keeping non-essential staff in so junior can have his nintendo switch to keep quiet while mam does some DIY
you lads told me that blacks can't be eloquent
>DoMiNIc CuMMinGs?!
yeah okay its alright by me would happily see 18% of the population die if it wiped out a certain 4.5%
/gif/ has ruined you (and me)
what's so eloquent about that tweet
Are you the bent pink keyboard Aussie?
Post twinks
hes such a gimp lmao
love him
boris johnson 2 weeks ago
*shakes hands with all the patients inside the hospital hohoho look how based i am*
boris johnson today
*has corona virus*
boris johnson 2 weeks from now
even if you were in that 18%?
How long does it take to get breathing trouble once you have Corona? Not sure if I just have a cold or not
9 miles on todays daily walk
probably because that guy is even worse than andy parsons
Right time to hold cash?
a good 2 hours
Dump it all into chainlink
what the fuck is clapping going to achieve
cunts are dying
no nurse gives a shit about some retard clapping
Shagging, Drinking and eating my way thourgh this corona epidemic as any man should.
the read
dont think id give a flying fuck about any of this if i was so yeah worth the risk in it
freedom from all of life's worries or annihilation of one of the worst of them
Did the man catch the flu
There’s never a good time to hold cash
if you can't even spare a worthless platitude then you must really have it in for the guy
I understand not wanting him to be your prime minister, but wanting him dead?
what has he done to warrant that vitriol?
ana de armas
Wtf happened to /gif/ every thread is eithers trannies or bbcs
Xchange is based and I hope boris is serious about investing in it.
cheers lad
Doesn't sound very essential that