
Eagrán caithfidh an líne a bheith tarraingte anseo, chomh fada seo, ní níos fhada

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Picard finale was even more shite than the rest of the show

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Do you have to watch the original to understand it?

You should watch the original anyway, but don't bother with the new shite

It really was.
Anticlimactically abandoning the Mass Effect ripoff threat was bad enough, but everything else was silly too.
I did like the idea of him getting to say goodbye to Data, but the overall plot was nonsense.
Inverting the reapers into anti-organic synth-protectors may protect them from plagiarism lawsuits, but it makes them make no sense. Quasi-omnipotent time travelling dimension-hopping reapers who go around trying to save robots from getting shut down by their creators, apparently planted "beacons" telling robots to give them a call when they came under threat, but in the last episode they retcon the previous episode and make it a portal instead of beacon, meaning the reapers were able to travel through dimensions to leave the message in the first place, but when they want to come in to save the robots, they're powerless.

It's even stupider when you realise the only reason the anti-robot movement even existed in the first place was because the reaper message told the romulans the robots would kill them all. And the robots only found out because the romulans gave earth's leading robot-creator that information and sent her into contact with the robots.
The Romulans were even stupider than the time travelling troll reapers - just leaving the doomsday weapon intact because the federation showed up and threatened them, even though apparently Romulan society had been revolving around this ancient prophecy for thousands of years, and losing even the entire fleet would have been worth it to them. And the threat still remains, just now everybody knows about it.

It's a sequel of sorts to the last TNG movie, Nemesis (also shit). And the plot revolves around a single line in JJ Abrams reboot about what happened in the original timeline (which this is set in) that caused Spock and that film's bad guy to enter the reboot timeline. It made no sense then, so of course it makes no sense here either.

just remembered it should be *níos fuide

my other favourite lap

my other favourite lapses in logic were Riker going from years-long retirement in the middle of nowhere to captain of the flagship and admiral of the fleet in the span of two days
and the federation having two hundred ships within a day's travel of the super-secret robot planet
and Picard getting his mind copypasted into a robot body that was designed from the ground up as a decrepit old man with "roughly the same lifespan" as he would otherwise have - so the dramatic ending of the show was everyone bawling their eyes out that a 93 year old man died, then bringing him back from the dead, only to programme the technological marvel to fall apart and die in a few years anyway

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7 seasons, seems like a waste of time

All television is a waste of time.

True, as is Yas Forums


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Herd immunity
simple as

That news broke over 7 hours ago.

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News doesn't officially break until it's announced on /éire/.

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beidh sé ceart go leor....

Then /éire/ needs to get more up to speed with current events. There was a time when journalists browsed /éire/ for breaking news.

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Why do all junkies have the same haircut?

shuddup my haircut is unique

Reeling in the years, anybody?


Why do you have this?

Because if you don't know the mistakes of history you are doomed to repeat them.

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Based and Reeling-pilled.

Reeling in the Years is unironically the best content that RTÉ has ever produced.

This desu.

Viva el anime

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^undeniable proof that i am a trendsetter^

>McClean deleted his instagram

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Wish Ireland had control over this, the only new irish i'd want in the country en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Ireland_(island)

also Montserrat as they're our brothers in blood en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montserrat

we shall seize it one day inshallah

you know that lotto ad where it's like "buy an island for Ireland!", i'd say that's false advertising, the type of money you get from them wouldnt buy you an island at all.

>driving around with gf
>see group of youths, a lot cooler than I was at that age
>they look at me and wave at me as if they know who I am
Is this what being a chad feels like?

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they rode your gf lad


>A buch of 14 year old lads walking towards a secluded cliff, some with hoods up
Probably riding each other

yet more speechifying

mental how Vikings and normans stayed as distinct groups from eachother and other groups in Ireland for over a thousand years before they didn't join together but separately got totally subsumed into the anglo irish and indigenous gaelic irish respectively

Not replying.


Lads, we're really in lockdown now.

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>gender breakdown
>54% male 46% female

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>RTÉ has Bryan Dobson hosting a special edition of the news
That's how you know it's serious.

our wonderful new irish Igbo, Brazilian, arabs, poles and Chinese will get any boyfriend free native irish girl than you

get new material faggot

This lockdown is really fucking serious lads.

But on the plus side, the Gardaí will now have the power to disperse gangs of knackers.

>Sharon Ní Bheoláin
You have lied to me.

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He was hosting the special that delayed the news. But the two of them presenting news programmes back-to-back signifies the seriousness of the situation.

I think the bigger shock is Miriam presenting The Late Late. Did Tubridy get it?

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>Did Tubridy get it?
He's been off sick with a bad cough most of the week.

I knew I should have bought more home gym equipment.

Yeah but that's just recoil from that time he wiped out half of the studio audience.

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I like the show, whats wrong with me having it?

Im so fucking lonely. I just want a gf. Without the gym to distract me the thought of dying a khv with no girlfriend is crushing me.
Anyway how you all getting on?

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Nothing at all. I was just curious. Did you compile it?

you don't want a feminoid in your house spreading disease in this day and age user

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>Trump invoking the same piece of legislation used to compel car companies to produce tanks during WW2
>this time to make ventilators

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these ventilators also explode and start burning with just a single shot from a pak 40

You learn to live with the no gf feeling.

We live in aesthetic times.

When the fuck do we get the list of fucking essential work. I do shit for the fucking education sector and the cunts are still open because "muh leaving cert" so I need to know if I can say "no fuck off" for Monday

>invoking legislation to compel production by a company
>company said days ago they were going to make them

>destroy 1 ventilator
>3 more replace it

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tubridy is immune due to a thick protective layer of cocaine throughout his respiratory tract

same here m8, beach season ruined now

it needs constant replenishment however, and the darth vader chamber cocaine snowglobe in the RTE bunker is running out already

Will Domino's still be doing deliveries?

Takeaways are inherently Anglo, so hopefully not.

no you have to collect it from nobody because there will be nobody there to make it for you

>forgetting Fionn Mac Cumhaill bringing the old man's order of fried Salmon of Knowledge to him

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There was no payment involved there. It was part of his training.

>Buying Domino's
Rock bottom