Remember northern pigs

You might have more income per capita but you have been just useless during history compared to us. Also germans tried to exterminate half the world during last century, with fully established ethical-western thinking. How nice. What a mediocre degenerates cunts :-). Enjoy your boring and empty trashy country.

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Other urls found in this thread:

seethe, diego


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Long Life Mediterranean race

the harder the better

a qué quieres que te gane a ver

another day another butthurt medboi

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Remember southern bros,

we stand together against the g*rms and an*los

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like pottery
We are too based for u to handle

that's all you got, a big mount of blonde rubbish hehe

ngl kinda based

Have fun dying of the plague mednigger.


your grandpa was a nazi, so are you



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Another thread of mongrel complex

faltaba el tercmundista, tienes algo más de oro que te pueda robar semindio?

Aléjate moro, a toser a otro lado.

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med fembois were made for nordic cock

Nord femboys were made for med cock

>nord femboys
even they mog the southrons in height

Yeah you are med bros until a turk says hi and you treat him like shit

Pretty much 80% of humanity's scientific achievements are thanks to Denmark and Sweden.

Source: Dude just believe me.

>David Gansy wuz med n shiet
Fuck off dude. What next, is Ian Somerhalder, Henry Cavill, or any other nord/anglo who happens to have dark hair also meds?

>muh ancient history

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hahah yeah what about 99% for turk stockholm brother

>Carl Von Linnè
>Niels Bohr
>Alfred Nobel
>Tycho Brahe
I can go on if you'd like, Escobar

Lol Imagine getting BTFO by 140 cm manlets


Shut up.

Attached: sakisrouvas.jpg (866x1143, 94.14K)

>you have been just useless during history compared to us

lmao 200 years ago you were in Morocco raping a goat, you fucking brown bald manlet


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>all this panchi and n*ordo-g*rmoid seethe
keep on hating you keks, keep on hating...


Damn, that's a very handsome Turk

Med manlets so insecure they gotta make this threads

Handsome Turkroach
Mate you need help.

Coping once again.

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I know it's very contradicting, but in this case I have to admit when an inbred jihadist is good looking.

Nah he called Sakis Rouvas (a Greek) a Turk to diminish him. Nordcucks coping as usual.

Damn, what's his phenotype, Kurd-Albanian?

yes they are roman rapebabies

Are you refuting that greeks and Turks are pretty much entirely genetically identical? You're them, and they're you.

turks are greeks
not the other way around

why can't we all just be friends?

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Lol, so am I, my grandpa was Franco-med.


JVPITER created them to protect the NERO BOVEM in the mediterraenean from the b*rbarian scum . ROMANS are the attack force of the MED race. This is why ROMANS conquered Europe around the same time the MED KANGZ were attacked in the mediterraenean. They destroyed the b*rbarian kingdom of g*ul and replaced it with NARBVLLNENSIS, to honour our BLACK BVLL (NERO BOVEM) nature.

When the Med KANGZDOMS were destroyed ROME was the last NERO BOVEM country on earth. The b*rbarians subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest NERO BOVEM of them all, JVLIVS CAESAR, fought of the b*rbarian beasts and created a MED utopia in the meditteraenean. However the nefarious schemes of the b*rbarians continued, attempting to bring the NERO BOVEM ROMANS into the foedus where they would be overwhelmed by gayrmanic B*RBARIANS immigrants.

Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in The MED SEA, the PVRE ROMAN MED BLACK territory, a new NERO BOVEM rose for the first time since JULIUS CAESAR. IMPERATOR AUGUSTUS (OPTIMUS PRINCEPS) destroyed all b*rbarians corrupted devils and restored himself as the IMPERATOR of ROME. Now the BLACK NERO BOVEM ROMANS must struggle against the b*rbarians to end that accursed race once and for all.....

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>Southern Europe
I don't think Austrians look like that

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I for one am, I just like to bant. Greeks seethe when you mention how heavily related they are to Turks. Works both ways, you can say the opposite thing to a turk and he will call you a racist, islamophobic western crusader.

Nords and Meds are BOTH sub-human scum
The Atlantid RULES all

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They aren't genetically identical, but they are close.
You are the one who called that Greek man a "Turk" as an insult, not I.
That person is Greek.
As is Spaliaras, here

Genetically, yes. Turks are basically Greeks LARPing as Muslims, with some eastern influence.
It's a cultural/nationalistic divide, not a genetic one.

No not anymore you don't kek.

It strikes me as weird. Same deal with yugoslavs, genetically identical yet hate each other with burning intensity.

Nothing weird about it, the Ottoman empire integrated a lot of the indigenous population in its ranks.

come here little medboy and suckle on this dick

Yeah, same deal with Bulgarians. Take a look at Lazar Angelov as an example. Dude doesn't look slavic at all.

Both of them look ugly to me honestly

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why do you fucks keep bringing up the past like its going to change the fact that you're poor and your country is shit

Did she take a shit on Varg's chest? So germanics really are like that after all.