why cant europeans into creativity?
Why cant europeans into creativity?
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Holy shit, destroyed
>BASED Michigan flag
Thanks for reminding me....damn....I hope Michigan is still around post-Coronapocalypse
the one with the pine tree and moon is nice
california to
It would be nice if they removed the "California Republic" text.
also Michigan is very nice perhaps the nicest flag of all: It has an elk, a moose, an eagle, and a guy
>city flag
>copyright mark
Lmao only in poomerica
At least our flags don't look like a circus tent or an ice cream commercial.
being being so petty you have to cope by comparing state flags
for me? its maryland
>noooooo state flags don't count!
? Each one of them is pretty unique, it isn't just >muh logo on blue background
they look like ass
>literal fidget spinner flag
Educate yourself
doesnt make it look any less like ass LOL
The point was about creativity, not good looks
a logo is still more creative than literal recolors
Rep*blicanism destroys your history and culture.
You sure about that.
Not very when all the flags are just logos
thats still infinitely more creative than tricolor flags, I can rotate your flag 90 degrees and it becomes the hungarian flag
It's still perfectly recognisable on a battlefield, while small logos on the same background all look the same from afar
Rhode Island's flag is max soul
I thought the banner said: "circumsiced"
>moving goalposts
look at all those toothpastes lmao
That's why flags exist in the first place
But US flag also tricolored.
Any historical simbol would have fascist or monarchist references so they end up building bland inorganic flag yust like the EU itself
The hisyory of europe pre 1945 doent exist
Thanks jewmericans
Call the WHO, this mutt just got CORONA'D.
The tricolor is the symbol of the French revolution and the ideals of republicanism. So basically they copied us.
What are you trying to imply, lol?
Also, communists should've won in the US, these look vastly superiour to the shitfest that you have for state flags nowadays.
That's not even Pocatello's flag anymore.
Yes, this is real.
Imagine not being this based.
There also comes aspect of history. It was pretty difficult to create hundreds of flags with unique paterns in medieval ages. That's why they are simple. Also the reason for purple not being on any flag is that purple dye was considered luxury until they discovered easier way to make it.
Who came up with writing the region's name on the flag? It's fucking obnoxious
But Medieval flags were pretty complicated, weren't they? Spain's flag looked a lot more elegant and expensive than it does now.
arizona looks like the flag of a marxist guerilla army in south america
The tricolor flag had been invented by the Netherlands in the XVIth century with William of Orange and popularized by France with the French Revolution.
>fidget spinner on Lombardy
seething tri-stripes
>Constantly thinking about cocks
All still more creative than 3 colors in a line.
These flags were only used in important places. They didn't mass produce them.
>Constantly mutilating cocks
>tfw we also have a tricolor
At least it's a nice looking one. Also, I was told that it looks like some type of burger Halloween candy.
>Will more creative than European national flags
Have you ever thought about why the far west a flag is the more simplistic? Also, most of those flags bear what euros would usually call a "coat of arms", but you won't because you're trying to denigrate them.
>retard tier logic
>Constantly thinking about mutilated cocks
>Retard tier healthcare
>Constant need to justify it
>shit bantz
>going off topic
>Still @ing me
we have a coat of arms in our flag :)
>Can't handle truth
>Still butthurt
Is nobody gonna mention how Mississippi's looks like an act of treason?
>Still @ing me
>Still struggling to accept his love of mutilated cocks
The flag of Texas is literally a symbol of treason.
Isn't american flag a ripoff of a flag of an english company?
The fuck? No, its a 100% American design. That's why its our flag.
>Keep mutilating their cocks
>Project their love of mutilated cocks on the others to justify his retarded healthcare system
Mutts never change.
They're all horrible ngl, the only decent one are Sardinia and Sicily
Nobody uses them and you never see them hanging, except in the town hall
Those overly decorative ones usually contained the heraldry of the ruling royal dynasty or even of the current ruler, so they weren't national flags per se
Texas and PR are literally the only two there that have incorporated any principles of vexillology.
Elaborate the Hx of TX - I don't into burgerism very much (but I kinda wanna move to rural/sub-rural MA so enlighten me).
umm i dont think so
Looks like something you'd wrap sweets into
>He's STILL @ing me
>"bros I read it as circumcised", but I'm totally not thinking of cocks
Why does a bear hate science?
>rectangular flags
cracking post
>breaking an atom is not unscientific
quite the opposite, it's the bear of science
>African tier flag instead of kino pic related
At least the Lithuanian mint euro coin is pretty nice.
Rate (Jura is missing but it's a shit canton anyway)
When you want to take horizontal lines to a whole new level.