I fixed europe

i fixed europe

Attached: Best Europe.png (2100x1525, 68.58K)


You removed Europe's best male porn models, fuck off. Soulless.

Estonia is a highly-developed techno state of Europe

But you removed many of the best countries in it.

I see you haven't tried out Google Streetview yet

No i fixed Europe. Now they can thrive both economically and culturally

Oh look, its the self hating lithuanian again. Tell me, why havent you killed yourself yet?

>turkey exists
>f*nland exists
>sweden exists
>germany exists
>britain exists
>poland doesnt exist
>russia doesnt exist

>sl*vic countries
>the best
sl*v diaspora detected

>more sl*v diaspora
come on, you're not even hiding it
to make you seethe

don't they have high number of aids cases and violent crime rates like Russia?

The real fixed Europe
>EU's biggest economic drain solved
>Europe Corona free
>Asian and Black tourist in Europe halved
>Solves most of Europe's pedophilia problem
>An erased Italy means no more Italians going overseas fucking children and thus spreading diseases back to Europe
>Europe is now fully white

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>EU's biggest economic drain solved
what about the e*stern "european" leeches?

Correct. Slavs and Nordics are from the continent they didn't come over from the middle east.

>russia is apart of EU
kek, you did more harm than good to the EU moron since Russia supplies a great deal of energy to EU nations

>grouping sl*vs and Nordics together

there are 8 sl*vic leech countries in the EU

Shut up arab

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>implying arabs would even live in e*stern "europe"
i'm 100% Lithuanian and i hate it. I wish i were western

he's a medoid manlet diaspora

>using r*ssian data

why would a Med person live in this shithole, when
1. Their countries are richer and safer
2. There are way better alternatives than e*stern "europe"

negroid detected

>there countries are safer
>literally on nationwide lockdown right now due to their incompotence

Attached: coronavirus.png (1391x419, 48.35K)

Cope, sl*void

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Back to iraq with you

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NA education everyone:
>"I'll delete the third EU net contributor in order to delete the economic drain problem"
>"i'll leave poland and hungary for reasons"

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>implying meds don't have this skintone
lol post face

nice cope, sl*v
you will never be white

>you haven't grown for decades
>poland didn't bring a deadly virus into europe for the second time in history causing entire economies to shut down

it's because they want to believe that sl*vs are white, when in reality they're not better than black people, if not worse

depends on what you count as estonian

Attached: DESPITE.png (500x104, 78.15K)

sl*vs are the most violent group of people in the world and they commit most crimes out of all immigrant groups in western Europe

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it's no use posting your weird looking fingers
you have brown eyes

>statistic literally has more med groups lol
Europe is literally in the position it's in right now because of inbred dirty meds who can't wash their hands.

sl*vic countries receive most of the benefits from the EU while not giving anything back
They're nothing but leeches

Attached: 18794 (1).jpg (1200x2400, 710.88K)

This is epic

Most sl*vs have brown eyes, what's your point?
they are sl*vs in denial

I see one slavic nation, and meds on top of meds.

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>one slavic nation

you surely must be blind

ahahha, COPE, brownoid

this just proves my point, you moron.

That happened in Britain idiot lol

the only one who's coping here is you, sl*v.

show the full article, I bet they're sl*vic immigrants

no, they're literally admixed germans and cluster right next to germans, try again
Yes, but also mixed
Literally closer to Italians and meds than slav nations genetically
Same as above
LITERALLY their southern half overlaps with italians and meds

Basically you're just proving that med genes, are trash. Closer to med, shittier you are. And it makes sense. Italy literally has inbred levels that can be compared with Arab nations.

Attached: 1st-cousin-marriages-cavalli-sforza.jpg (406x1844, 201.31K)

sl*vs in denial
raped and assimilated by sl*vs

race=/= culture, you utter retard

>Butcher Joshua O’Leary
>Alfred Young
Just look at those super slavic names. Slavs have never had issues being white in the west. Infact in our American media we casted mostly slavic people in the show Vikings. Guess who we use to cast Italians? Arabs and Mexicans kek

I still see greece

Then you just show how much of a bigger idiot you are seeing as a country like Bulgaria has nothing culturally to do with Russia. You continue to prove you're a low IQ med.

then how come sl*vs are the most incarcerated people in the uk? 2 drunkards can't beat an entire region full of naturally born criminal trash

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>bulgaria is not sl*vic because they share a name with a long dead tribe that was fully assimilated by sl*vs
literally we wuz tier argument

granted, but this has more to do with the fact that a high proportion of their trash is immigrating to the UK. And also if you're going to make sweeping generalizations you must prove that it's a rule. Where are the Russian and other slavic immigrant groups on here? That's like saying all meds are criminal trash because the Italian-American immigrants were criminals. I guarantee the Irish are committing more crimes than the other Slavic immigrants

cope more, sl*void

romanians have been raped and assimilated by sl*vs
p*les are the s*viest of them all
lithuanians are balto-sl*vs

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it was a good start

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...fellow black

>czech and croatia gone

Sad day boys

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Imagine spending so much time replying to others in a thread LMAO. Just do it you shituanian, i know you want it, you pathetic incel

seethe more, poleshit