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post english slags


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Genghis Khan’s DNA has infected more people than swine flu and coronavirus lmao

Don't have a drop of Khan blood in me, muttoid.

Just heard about Boris. What a shame. He'll feel sick for a few days and recover. This virus is devastating.

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This aged well

>The last pandemic was a ‘quiet killer.’ Ten years after swine flu, no one can predict the next one
>June 11, 2019


If you think swine flu was a pandemic you're a child who wasn't alive then.

Lads what’s your conceiving plan to reunite the empire?

>The settlement may predate Anglo-Saxon times, as hinted at in a Welsh tradition of an earlier Brythonic name being Tig Guocobauc, meaning Place of Caves (known also as "City of Caves"). In modern Welsh it is known poetically as Y Ty Ogofog and Irish as Na Tithe Uaimh "The Cavey Dwelling". When it fell under the rule of a Saxon chieftain named Snot it became known as "Snotingaham"
>Saxon chieftain named Snot

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>fat old brit

theres a man lying down in a bed somewhere
with a different set of sex aspect
and i hate him

Blast from the past this


you will be missed mister johnson de phoreigner

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The Great Khan's blood isn't a infection, but the cure

get that glorious union jack off that blue shit rag with stars on for a start


>aussie who doesn't know there was a pandemic in 2009
>yank doesn't even know what a pandemic is
>nig with a a jap flag screaming dave
>brit flags screaming chink
>kraut flag sceaming paki bastard
Ah yes, /brit/

fuck off scum

false, i am indeed a paki

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To the retard in the last thread who said AIDS is a pandemic. AIDS is not a virus. It's called HIV. Read a book.


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remember being in secondary school during swine flu and we were all excited about school possibly getting closed down but it never even got close to that, whereas now with covid-19 the entire world as long past that point

Was in Year 11 and remember getting told that the school was going to close as we were getting off the bus back from Alton Towers. One of those weirdly vivid memories. Recall the Leaver's Do also went ahead without incident though

>To the retard in the last thread who said AIDS is a pandemic. AIDS is not a virus. It's called HIV. Read a book.

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>wasn't alive
>11 years ago

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>white english

is there any other kind of english?

>year 11 trip to alton towers
weird, did that when i was in year 8 or some shit
was you in the special class ?x

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>Alton Towers


Essential reading

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Black English, Asian English etc

>literally anyone can edit it

>arguing semantics
Fuck me. Who are you trying to impress on an anonymous board, Tyrone?

How's the lockdown going my overseas friends



Year 8 trip was to Camelot. Alton Towers was shite anyway.

>year 11 trip to alton towers

sounds like you're a spastic

how does that work lol


SARS-Cov 2 is to HIV what Covid-19 is to AIDS

No such thing

dumb phoneposter

awful accent
kill yourself

brown hands

*Slow, loud claps*

ah yes this is definitely a reliable and unbiased source

feeling very itchy for reason

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that's the label's channel, why would it be blocked

he sounds irish to me mate

how much wog could a clog wog wog if a clog wog could clog wog

We are English
Nous sommes anglais
हम अंग्रेजी हैं
ਅਸੀਂ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਹਾਂ
نحن انجليز
Jesteśmy Anglikami

More people died in the Hindenburg crash than H1N1 deaths in the entire US. That's not a "pandemic". You're all retarded. I don't know why I come here.

for me, it's the year 9 trip to drayton manor

Exponential numbers. There’s a dude from Scotland who’s in second place

> In 2005 a study by Professor of Human Genetics Bryan Sykes of Oxford University led to the conclusion that Somerled has possibly 500,000 living descendants — making him the second most common historical ancestor after Genghis Khan.[71] Sykes deduced that despite Somerled's reputation for having driven out the Vikings from Scotland, Somerled's own Y-DNA closely matched that of the Vikings he fought.

could go a pint and a fanny right now

clogwog and leftyank fuck off


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>I don't know why I come here.
you know what to do

and for me? it was a year 6 trip to chesington world of adventures

last thread was truly awful. stop that.

What's your English lads

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do a really good irish accent myself, when i was in dublin they all thought i was from old country itself


for me, it's the year 9 trip to draynor manor

BBC good

Once again a German uses logic and reason to call out the bullshit.

feeling rather kafkaesque lads

Is this the worst pandemic in human history?

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more than welcome to FOY

What have the Liberty groups had to say?

We're pretty based, yes

Taking samples from the corpses of Cecil Rhodes, Enoch Powell, General Sir Charles Napier, John Churchill, Horatio Nelson and Arthur Wellesley and splicing together a SuperANGLO

sort your fucking mic out

before if the government wanted you dead they'd have to orchestrate an "accident" or "suicide"
now they can just give you the bad version of "coronavirus" (the one that kills healthy people with no pre-existing conditions)
i bet they can even do it remotely
5G or directed energy weapons innit
so now they can basically kill as many dissidents and undesirables as they want
with this many cases and deaths you'd think SOME of them would be little kids but no
i think someone is deciding who survives and who doesn't

remember deano poisoned the piranha fountain exhibition loool he’s mental our deano

this yank is seething
deranged spastic

surprising amount of blacks in dublin

>Excuse me!
>Excuse me! I'm looking for my son!

Nu Penga Lipa just dropped, girls

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Interesting anecdote Michael, I’m only winding you up

But why do you have snot in your ham

Arey bhai bhai bhai

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right, which one of you is this?

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thinking about writing a book because if i were an author women would want to have sex with me

Ben Shapiro destroys China virus using FACTS and LOGIC

my mum keeps asking me if i'm looking for a job now is not the fucking time in fact i'm on the waiting list for the dole instead

>a SuperANGLO
That's me mate

None of those guys were Anglo

She left the web, she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalott.

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Remember all that happened with the swine flu was that the hand wash shite they stuck up all over the school ruined the floor. Bleached a load of spots on to it. We all used to just squirt them loads anyway and fuck them round the place.

When I was in school we watched bending it with Beckham in English class and when the paki girl got upset someone called her a paki and the Irish coach says “ofc I understand what it feels like I’m Irish” everyone in the class cracked up, because in no way can the Irish experience even come close to what pakis go through.

get them told mikey lad


>I also run the 'Celebrity Ballbusting' Twitter page.

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Xiaomi nigger

really want to tongue her arsehole after she's done a curry poo

name back on milky

>a pandemic is determined by the amount of people that die in burgerstan

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pakis deserve it though

Angloer than you, Seamus Hermannberg

wish i could be mates with some non-autistic irish lads
they seem alri

new skepta x chip x young adz joint album just dropped though

That would still be The Black Death, but in terms of economic impact this has been absolutely catastrophic. This may be the end of neoliberalism and globalisation.

Not by a long shot
But it's new and has the potential to stick around and cause lots of additional fatalities so the world is justified in panicking


>293 deaths overnight
>steeper curve than italy
>NHS is already at breaking point
>NHS staff can't get tested not even have masks
>PM lying to us about it
>PM is now deathly sick
>fake antibody tests will never be a thing

remember having an irish substitute teacher and we made her cry by saying "she's after our lucky charms"

imagine taking a mallet, right
and now imagine letting it bounce off your tender nads a couple times with a swinging whallop

thinking about all the extra neetbux i'm going to get and what i can spend it on
it's gonna be a non-stop prossie bonanza let me tell you

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He was a tome old feen. The same place was full of Irish.

We went through worse in England during the time of the IRA you ignoramus, a lot worse. Zoomers don’t remember this.

extra neetbucks? surely its just your normal neetbux only wagies get paid to be off work

I'm not talking about the coronavirus you twats look at the picture

I love you more than...
Circumsized American baby dicks

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What exaactly have pakis gone through? Nothing.

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>the Liberty groups
pretty sure such groups would be the first to be infiltrated and co-opted by the secretive Totalitarian groups
controlled opposition innit
like when the iraq war was kicking off
all the groups who should've been opposing it suddenly went quiet or even supported it, or at best were completely deplatformed into silence
when every (previously opposing) group is suddenly presenting the same narrative, in the same language, and supporting the same solutions, that's when i smell a rat

>1.2k people died from covid yesterday
>7k people die in the US every day on average anyway

I wish announcement comes soon for NEETbux for APLs(above poverty line)

barbaric titmogging that

Kick back with the victim complex no one is buying it

What's this mentally retarded yank (but I repeat myself) on about


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Left has it all really doesn't she

mog of a lifetime

Powell was Welsh, and Churchill was half American. Napier was part Irish, and so was Arthur Wellesley.

Besides, there hasn’t been any true Anglos in centuries

move to england to escape the rampant hibernian poverty
>worship murderers because of historical ignorance about the benefits of british rule for your nation
>devoutly anglophobic by nature

>noooo! you can't just refuse to serve me a pint o' de black stuff and call me a paddy cunt begorrah!
>we be huwite niggers an sheeeeeeeeiiitt

just exposed myself to a potential lethal corona strain

Honestly don't understand why most people want a public persona. I understand this guy's fetish (don't approve though)


pakis had “paki-bashing” and skinheads, irish got a few dirty looks in pubs

Uniorically would rather the right

>"You DO own an iPhone dont you user?"

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left reminds me of the proto gf

not quite. she doesn't have... you

absolutely retarded post
and I will make no comment on your ignorance of churchill

*leaves Britney alone*

I do. I also own a HAMMER
*bonks her head open*


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COVID-19 is an outbreak not a pandemic. The spanish flu was a pandemic. The black death was a pandemic. This is literally the yearly flu. More people will die from the flu this year than coronavirus.

Not that your little tale actually happened. What sort of a teacher would come out with a retort like that? Lol. What sort of a response did you want? I’m telling you we went through worse, pakis are a protected class nowadays in England. Irishmen were lifted and thrown in jail all over England in the 70s and 80s without any links to the IRA.


You don’t know what you’re on about, you’re the same Aussie who said Irish/English animosity was down to religion. You have a superficial understanding of what the real situation was.

His mom was born in the USA if I recall

*jabs a searing hot poker into your side*

leave Brittany alone

white people had "the knockout game" and niggerheads

the uk is the embarrassment of the world.

Left is ANGLO
Right is fr*Nch

stupid little worm
would love to wrestle you to the ground and make you submit

Most of these are shit 2bh

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I don't think she'd be able to adjust to the traveller life. She's brainwashed to the 99s most likely.

*Kisses Britney sensually and strokes her cheek*

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DONT hurt elcin sangu


hello chink

>most important people in the country get coronavirus
>181 dead today

We’re fuckeedddddd

That was Winston Churchill, a depressed warmongering alcoholic who put himself before his nation

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enough with the passive aggressive tone

Give are Madi back mate, it's gone on long enough

every day we above ground is a great day de lads

mad how i have the best music taste on brit

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have a half white half indian gf lads

antibiotics ripping and tearing my guts up
5 more days of this

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>recommending translations as literary staples
fucking off yourselves

Sure a few relatives of mine up in Scotland got jailed and their motors seized and took apart because they thought they were importing weapons. Just because they thought like. Pakis have always been protected.

vile creitnious whore

would not dare shag

gf ghosted me, feel so broken

nah everyone on centrelink is gonna get it
that's why you have ex-wagies lining up outside centrelink from 3am to midnight and crashing their website
should've got in on the ground floor like me! stupid wagies

you can expect to see me post this one as a reaction pic at some point in the future

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shit you just gave me flashbacks to year 9

we know something you don't know

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I love /brit/ because it makes me feel connected with my ancestral homeland. It’s like talking to family members from across the sea

need the right one to poo on my chest pronto

inb4 mutt's law.

any update on how rnhs is coping?

this swampnog has sensational taste in wenches

>WAAAAH WAAAH why didn't we copy south korea
>SK reported a shit load of false negatives and false positives
>real SK numbers are completely unknown unless they do another round of testing

>we oppressed n shiet muddafugga
convince me that the irish aren't niggers

yeah i have an iphone 11 pro but i dont use it

I plan on race-mixing to avoid having ugly children.

I love Americans because watching you lot go about your business makes me feel better about myself x

gimmick idea: follow up every posting of that pic with this pic
lads who are in on the gimmick will get it

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world on fire

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At precisely 5 pm I am going to have an espresso, a large glass of white wine and eat a weed brownie then I will tuck into some gran turismo 3 on the ps2



have become so disillusioned I'm joining the fight FOR covid19

Most people I meet say they don't like americans but I actually quite like them because they're real life cartoon characters to me

>t.Carlos Smith(Schmidt)

mums got coronavirus, have stacked a few chairs up against her bedroom door but she still wants to get out, have informed her i intend to use deadly force if she tries anything