But seriously, why do Americans allow their government, corporations and even landlords to fuck them so hard?

But seriously, why do Americans allow their government, corporations and even landlords to fuck them so hard?

The more I learn about America, the more I realize that even my own shithole is currently a better place to live. I can't fathom living under constant fear of medical bankruptcy, police randomly seizing my money for no reason (google 'civil forfeiture'), being evicted within days or eating food with traces of rat shit.

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Americans have no souls

>why do Americans

It's simple, first thing we oughta do, kill all the land lords

Genuine question

begauz regulation iz gommunism :DDDDDDD

neo-liberalism and social security don't go hand-in-hand

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I don't answer questions about america any more

this is the price of freedom, commie

>I don't answer questions about america any more

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>To the tenants that have been affected by the virus, please keep watch in the laundry room for postings for jobs and or assistance for rent
The fuck?
>If you you would like to discuss with us how any of this, or the spread of the cirus is our fault, please see us in the office.
To what, cough on them? What the fuck?

> I can't fathom living under constant fear of medical bankruptcy, police randomly seizing my money for no reason (google 'civil forfeiture'), being evicted within days or eating food with traces of rat shit.
I have never feared any of this not even once. Its called not being a giant coward baby. Bad shit happens sometimes. Also usually eviction takes way longer than "days" and "civil asset forfeiture" only applies when you are a drug dealer.

Things I am worried about are cancer, car accident, heart attack. Those actually kill people IRL.


Americans are probably the worst people in the world. Try naming one other country where something like this could happen.

The US is an absolute shithole.

Fucking moron. Why can't you just go live in a fucking favela if you're such a brave guy?

>The next morning, baby Maven Mia joined the Lyft family.
That's cultish. I wonder if the people working in HR or PR or whatever feel their humanity being drained away as they are forced to perform these genuinely cancerous social media advertising.

If I were a tenant there I'd stop paying immediately and would hole up in that apartment as long as possible. If you're going to be an ass I'm going to be a pain in your ass and force you to waste a lot of time and money to evict me.

Getting evicted for not paying rent? Probably most anywhere.

they have hit their limit on questions

They will keep asking dumb shit because they found something on reddit

We honestly need this virus to cleanse the sociopathy from our society. I think I'm starting to become a bit of a cultist and worshiping this thing now.

I'm not "such a brave guy" I'm just not an anxious batshit wreck in "constant fear" of "police seizing my money for no reason". Nobody I know is.

>live in a favela
Why would I? I can just live in a apartment in the suburbs and if one day I get evicted due to nonpayment then I deal with it when it comes. Wow almost like a normal person.

say bye bye to your credit rating and any hope of having a roof over your head ever again

>I wonder if the people working in HR or PR or whatever feel their humanity being drained away as they are forced to perform these genuinely cancerous social media advertising.

But they don't force themselves, that's how you roll in America. You have to show everyone that you love your shit ass job and that you're extremel thankful to your boss for allowing you to have your shit ass job.

I saw this on reddit too

every time

It's not really a problem. Our entire economy is debt based and banks and creditors are lending to riskier groups than ever before. Assuming you maintain a clean record after your eviction you should be able to repair most of the damage to your credit score within a few months. Within a year you'll be 700+.

>Getting evicted for not paying rent? Probably most anywhere.

nah man, everything is free in europe

Middle class latinx ponder the same all the time. Other than money, basically everything is subpar in the usa compared to what you can get here, or in Brazil, Argentina, Chile as a middle class citizen.

That being said, I guess it's preferable to be poor in the USA than in latam tho

>literal social credit score system

mmmmm yessss
credit score
Have your life and prospects evaluated 24/7 by glorified accountants

Paraguay > Brazil > Argentina = Chile > Colombia > Peru > Bolivia

Never said it was a good system, it's super exploitative of the poor but there's it's actually not in a sense. As banks need to lend to riskier and riskier groups to keep profits high it means they'll give anyone credit. A logical consequence of extending credit to literally anyone is the consequences for defaulting nearly evaporate. This isn't the olden days where your credit would be fucked for years if you defaulted. Now it's not even fucked for months. Even with bankruptcy which stays with you for 10 years you can still be extended credit cards (high interest/low max limit) and small loans. Really only locks you out of mortgages for a few years these days.

I don't get your post, but if you're ranking SA countries, Paraguay goes somewhere at the bottom. Chile on top > followed by Argentina > Colombia = Brazil (check hdi) > the rest

One thing to keep in mind is that every non-american in this thread is a life-long renter so this is outrageous sounding to you because to you the average, normal person rents. But here, only the destitute poor rent (outside of places like NYC).

Looking at the picture is gross, its exploitative and boomer-esque. But most people own land here. My bank already has a loan payment postponement policy if you catch corona or lose your job due to corona, as do all of my utilities like power and water.

Voter turnout is abysmal

>normal person
>only the destitute poor
>most people

nice attitude shithead

Most americans are awfull and cruel people.

Normie stupid opinion.
Bet you've never lived in these countries or you're some tranny cuck

>"civil asset forfeiture" only applies when you are a drug dealer.

This guy is nuts. No, most people do not own land here.

Never known anyone and I mean anyone who got "civil asset forfeiture". Literally drug dealer tier

>muh random cherrypicked horror story!!
who cares

How the FUCK is any of this shit legal???
What a fucking dystopian SHITHOLE

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Renters are only 37% of Americans, though it has become more popular in recent years I guess.

How is it legal to evict someone for not paying rent? What happens when you dont pay rent in Germany? Is it optional?

why mutts have laundry rooms for many people? Can't they just buy a washing machine. Even in my poor cunt everybody has a washing machine

>muh anecdotal evidence

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

You can buy a washing machine but having a washing machine included already is considered a benefit. Usually some kind of washer+dryer (in unit or out unit), stove, fridge, and bathroom is included with the unit. In fact I think the fridge etc is required by law.

Yes modern society is exactly like Nazi Germany. Gamers rise up


Im no lawyer, but missing rent once cant get you kicked out ,at a certain point you can go to court and get an action for eviction for a non-paying tenant.

Dunno about Germany, but over here the local government has to provide the roof for evicted people. It's obviously substandard and multifamily, but at least nobody in dire straits has to go to sleep on the streets.

Is it really so hard to imagine that there are countries in which law protects the weak?

>Police brutality? Doesn't affect me personally, don't care.
>Wha? I don't see svastika flags everywhere, therefire there is no connection between contemporary America and Weimar republic!

I checked it, depending on the tenant defence this action of eviction can take between 3 to 24 months.

Americans think God punish the weak. They also think that they're Christian and being something else is immoral.

All of these are wrong, ofc.

It'll fuck your SCHUFA though

Nah, the renting contract has to explicitly state that and it is almost never utilised by landlords.
Thats why "rent-nomads" are an issue.

So how many months do you have to miss before you go to court? You have to go to court in the US too.

I'm sure that other countries have homeless shelters and public housing, possibly with more accommodations than the US. I just don't believe you get to live rent-free against the owners wishes, which is what the pearl clutching seems to be about.

Yeah I'm sure. Gamers and NEETs rise up. Society must pay.

>is almost never utilised by landlords.

I was always asked for it plus last 3 payslips when renting in Germany. Also Mietschuldfreiheitsbescheinigung

You need to owe the landlord 2 months worth of rent, whatever the circumstances and he can start the process of eviction.

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a lot of apartments dont have gas/water hookups available for laundry so the landlord consolodates the utilities to an outbuilding or a basement. you pay a monthly fee or coins per load. a lot of poorfags go to laundromats as well.
>laundries in the north often split the rent with tanning salons
>laundries in the south often sell liquor and have gambling machines

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Yea they can ask it, but cannot give you a negative entry for having rent-debt.
Payslip? You mean they wanna see your wage?
I never heard of the latter, probably a letter from your previous landlord that you dont have rent-debt with him? Yea that is more common.

So instead of 1 month fail to pay (+grace period if applicable) then you get evicted, its a whole 2 month fail to pay, then you get evicted. Wow. Amazing. We really do live in a society.

>I'm sure that other countries have homeless shelters and public housing, possibly with more accommodations than the US. I just don't believe you get to live rent-free against the owners wishes, which is what the pearl clutching seems to be about.

Over here the law prescribes a default termination period of three months, though parties can shorten it and for example in Warsaw the de-facto standard is one month termination period. However, even if the tenant does not move out, the landlord cannot enter and kick him out. That would be home invasion, a felony. Instead, the landlord has to go through an eviction procedure which lasts about a year.

And guess what, bad tenant who abuse the system are extremely rare. Less predatory culture does wonders sometimes.

You can buy a washing machine but many times you are not permitted to install it since the landlords won't permit you to modify the building and you'd typically need to run plumbing to the unit. Even if you were willing to shoulder the expense it's pretty typical it'd be denied.

>Payslip? You mean they wanna see your wage?
I was often asked for that in Germany. For example when I rented an apartment in Prenzlauer Berg that cost I think something like 900 euro/month, they wanted me to prove that I had a salary over 1600/month, so I needed to show my income.

>I never heard of the latter, probably a letter from your previous landlord that you dont have rent-debt with him? Yea that is more common.

Yes, it's exactly that. It's funny you never heard of it lol. Where in Germany do you live?

>I was often asked for that in Germany. For example when I rented an apartment in Prenzlauer Berg that cost I think something like 900 euro/month, they wanted me to prove that I had a salary over 1600/month, so I needed to show my income.

Never heard about anything like this and I lived in a few European countries. Usually you pay one or two rents in advance or deposit such amount as a collateral.

Maybe it's because I'm a NON-EU citizen? I can't tell you.

But actually I don't think it's uncommon in Berlin and Hamburg where I lived the most. I'm actually surprised you guys never had to show that.

By current law you can still kick someone out who is not paying their rent. If that person has fixed-term contract for maximum of 10 years. If that person is renting for indefinite period of time you need to wait for government to provide shelter before that person gets evicted.

>wonder the property
Absolute state of burger education

Nah you can get a shitty washer/dryer without a hookup. I know because I have one.

>However, even if the tenant does not move out, the landlord cannot enter and kick him out. That would be home invasion, a felony. Instead, the landlord has to go through an eviction procedure which lasts about a year.
Same is true in USA and pretty much everywhere, though waits of a year are rare, usually it takes a few months. You need to go to court, which can take a while

>Still no mortgage/rent freeze

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Nobody uses fixed-term rents.

Southwest germany.
I saw on TV that it is a thing but never had it myself.

I think the issue here is mostly the tone of the letter. It shows a total lack of humanity that would be incongruous in any country but the USA. It's like a master talking to a slave instead of an equal contractual party talking to another contractual party.