>It's just a flu bro

This healthy, strong 23 year old guy from Turkey has died from COVID-19 complications this morning. You still think it's just a little flu who kills only boomers?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Obviously not if he fucking died lmao

No thats why i stay inside all day.

It's over for B*rkays hairline.

This lol

I am a healthy 22 year old Asian male. I flew to Japan about a week ago and am going out to crowded places every day. Am I making a huge mistake?

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looks like SS technology

H-He must've had an underlying condition. I-It's just a *cough cough* flu, b-bro.

inb4 raid or baygon


Must have been a weak cunt spamming antibiotics as soon as he get sick.
You need to have a weak immune system to not handle this.


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You shouldn't isolated for a minimum of 14 days.

>viral infection


Should have*

Nothing ONLY kill boomers. But it MOSTLY kill boomers and old people who were gonna die in another 10-20 years anyway. That is a fact.

>What are co-infections?
Wtf I thought swisses were smart?

dude wtf. Why you germans are so cruel

Corona virus has made me realize that the West as a whole is absolutely retarded compared to the East.

Dude. Don't be retarded.
If you don't train up your immune system to react to PAMP (pathogen associated molecular patterns), whether they're bacterial, fungal or viral mean that the day there's a pathogen without any way for you to use drugs, you'll be weakened and your immune system will be slower to react.

Not all of them.

It was actually a Japanese user who did it first. It got a ton of (yous) the kraut thought he could capitalize

what's with germans and forcing people to inhale lethal chemicals? probably some sick fetish embedded in your german DNA.

The FUCK? What the hell is wrong with you. This innocent man that you don't know just died and you make fun of him like this? What did he even do to you? I hope your kids born disabled.

>Not all of them
Yeah sure not all of them. But they are still going to nuke your body with antibiotics just in case. It's a matter of life and death if you are in a bad enough shape that you are on a hospital bed.

Looks like he has AIDS.

Orignal culprit

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16 yr old French girl just died

>why yes, I had pre-existing conditions, how could you tell?

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Japan is Germany's axis butt buddy. Not surprising.

fucking german psychopath once again
why is it always you sick cunts, what's your problem mates

>Germans hate Turks
why are you surprised?

At the number of infections there's still going to be a 2% of healthy young people who die, this fellow is just unlucky

Oh I missed the word "complications" which could mean anything from bacterial superinfection to a fuck up on the part of the docs

Yes. He looks soi as fuck. Boomer remover expands to exterminating soibois

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I remember people spamming this guys image all over this board couple years back, did he really die? Who even is he?

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ban all Germans from this board


Yeah yeah, you're all such comedians, faggots.

>look I'm being le edgy on le 4chanonymous :DDD

You're going to be lonely man with no friends when you grow up. You will end up hanging yourself. I can see it.

>1 non-boomer dead among 17.999 total deaths
wow it is fucking nothing

why yes i have asthma

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Im getting scared of this virus. My bad luck might get me killed too.

Keep Koksal Baba safe.

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I had corona 10 years ago and almost died of pnemonia, my fathers friend actually died, Id have traded places with him.

Was kept in a rat cage and test tubes up my ass and they didnt know wtf it was, finally diagnosed it on (((poultrine allergy)). Lol

Its true what they say, once you get it, it will keep coming back every year.

>the German
Of course it is

>Yas Forums usually:
>"Haha turkroach ebin"

>Yas Forums for this post:
>"Haha turkro-"
>*sees flag*
>"Gentlemen, what should we do about the German question?"
I'm completely fine with that btw

>k-kara b-boga in-incels!!
shut up wh*toid

I remember last time I was sick, they let me be I don't know how kek.
>Was teenage me, ten years ago
>Had a ski camp with high school
>pretty noobish but whatever
>Some lads got sick and had fever
>No nurse in the camp, the teacher preferred to ski and party hard in the evening to take care of the students
>Took care of them two evenings
>Got sick myself
>Symptoms even more intense, had a 40°C fever and hallucinations
>Teachers came panicking and wanted to call an helicopter to send me to hospital
>in the Mist of my delirious mind, my inner jew awoke
>"No, no, my insurance doesn't take helicopter"
>Fortunately they could hear it and then tried to call an ambulance to go and fetch me
>Still refused, for same reason
>They tried to see if they were any doctors in the village
>There was one
>Technically a veterinarian
> Guy didn't understand why they called him, said whatever and gave me horse treatment (for free!)
> Woke up next morning completely fine but without any memories of last night

For my defense, ambulance are pretty expensive. Count 1k for a 5min travel.
Whenever I'm sick, I always have more intense symptoms but for a shorter amount of time, don't know why.

Original devido kun is funny
But it doesn't become a joke for German to do it

Holy fuck

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put me in the screencap fellas

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shadow legends

One day, when you're all alone in your room, wondering why you still have no friends or gf at 35, I hope it struck in you that it's because you're just a fucking shitty person.

Yes, you little nigger, you're the reason why Japan has seen a surge in new cases in the last few days. You should self-isolate primarily for the safety of others and not your own. Where did you come from anyway?


Gonna be as bad as america with these nutters

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I was thinking that this seemed lije a repost from some old thread. Ebik troles all around huh.

doesnt affect me bcause i have a big dick :)
also who cares if that dude died, today a kid in africa just killed his parents with an ak and turned into a kid soldier, and i dont care
stop being a faggot wh*toid

>that pic
>that flag
KEK, just like in the 'ol days

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>You still think it's just a little flu who kills only boomers?

Hahahaha such edge, you sir just won 4chinz xD Try being a human for once and get out of your basement, you pathetic dweeb NEET. You disgrace not only to your parents but also the whole humanity.

he dies every morning?

A 16 years old qt in France died
It's not funny anymore guys

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that's some worrysome projection

Oh shit Hans and they say g*rmans have no sense of humor.

Shiat myself

Lmao sure you thing you basement dweller. Have you finished slurping off your Mt Dew too faggot? I wish I could see your home address so I could teach some manners that your neglectful parents failed to teach. I'll be your daddy that you never had before.

Fuck, a funny German.
Gonna buy a lotery ticket brb.

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what you spect faggot, you want us to cry for that faggot? you posted a fucking photo of a ded dude in an anonymous taiwanese glue sniffing forum and spect that people feel sorry for that fag? honestly you WANTED people to make fun of it and you WANTED also that people post that raid edit, think again before posting that photo again dicklet

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give source

Why would you get a co-infection? That's incredibly rare and that's not how the majority of corona patients die. They die because of an overactive immune reaction in the lungs.
>If you don't train up your immune system to react to PAMP (pathogen associated molecular patterns), whether they're bacterial, fungal or viral mean that the day there's a pathogen without any way for you to use drugs
Oh so you meant that he used too many antibiotics in the past? Should have learned how to express yourself better. And no, that's also irrelevant since you cant train the innate part of you immune system against COVID-19. Most people die of an overactive immune response to the virus.


>Not all of them.
Kek I love how you both continued to pretend to know what you were talking about even when it turned out that you meant something else entirely

Original was fixed by devido kun