
Apologise edition

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Sorry Bro!

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negative canthal tilt on his left eye


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sorry for what?

What is a FOY?

Hey tsk tsk. Cut it short.

Claire Foy, she played the Queen in Netflix's The Crown

most people's eyes aren't completely symmetrical

"I was denounced as somebody that wanted to spend more money than we could possibly afford"

Outgoing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says the government's coronavirus response proves he was "right" about public spending at the 2019 election


dont gt it

Absolute pointless lockdown

Haha got corona lads wheyy

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friend of yours
if someone replies to you with it it means they're in agreement with you

Wish this cretin would just shuffle off this mortal coil already.

remember a few months or so ago someone claimed they had monis address (something about him doxxing himself). Anyway i sent an 02 free sim card to the house addressed to a Mrs Amer Monica Hussain. Wonder if it ever got to him or his dad

/brit/ is for the British Isles. The English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. Not for american clowns. Get fucked

Makes him sound very bitter
Really shouldn’t have made this statement

Cut it short


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Fucking Obese Yankee

nice watch lad, really like that

>implying spending all our money on a life sized train set is the same as spending all our money on saving millions of lives

poo willards in my little arsehole

thanks mate


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he's a very bitter and angry man and we've seen it time and time again when he was challenged
that neil interview pre 2019 election was prime for this the guy is about to explode about the jews

>The heckin map is being painted!!

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uploading this straight to twitter and the gram

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trump level of idiocy

In the old days, people had names and appreciated the name for what it was, as it stood, in all it's nameness. Nowadays, when people see your name they think "hmmm that appears to be of saxon origin with norman twist and a hebrew spelling and blah blah blah"
Do you see what I'm getting at? it's not just names but other things as well.


Imagine the smell

HER dad*




I wish it was still painted to be fair as I am a British citizen. Imagine lording over the africans and indians lmao

I genuinely don’t think people, especially the left, realise just how popular the Tories are going to be with the electorate once all this is over.

For me, I unironically think Boris has shown great leadership through all of this. I genuinely can't imagine Corbyn leading us through this.

if corbyn was an anti semite for the right reasons instead of muh palestine he would be based

(8) boys will be boys but girls will be women (8)
dua laying truth

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A thousand years of Tory rule

Pretty damming isn't it

Go to bed, Boris. You should be resting.

>quarantine niggas b like

/brit/ hierarchy goes:
>White english
>white Scottish
>white Welsh
>white Americans
>white dominions
>north Ireland
>former French possessions
>Scandinavian territories owned by Cnut
Getting to you don’t worry
>General Protestants
>General Irish
>Gypsies (this is you)
>Monkeys using a computer

what a complete joke of a pm you lads elected no offense but it is quite comedical at this point

Dire gimmick amer

John Lennon beat his wife.

going doopin' mental

I am the walrus


Americans are at the bottom pal

dumb and dumber

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the rents enjoying distancing

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he's actually based

I'm NOT her you FREAK

It would take an american to make this post. Absolute cringe. You haven't lived in England, Scotland or Wales. What makes you think you're in a position to say who does and doesn't belong, cody. Fucking mutt subhuman freak. Fuck off you wog cunt.


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alright then lads
here's a piccy of my pet cat niggerman

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fuck off juvenile frog?

Racist prick

>You haven't lived in England, Scotland or Wales.
How do you know that?

Your tears are delicious

rgb keeps you khv

Fresh start in Wareham coming on strong
Volunteer work de lads

Monica’s address is so 2016

She was literally posting her address years ago you absolute newfag

bros irl too
i see YANKS have still not tweeted this sympathies

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hahahahah gamers are such virgs at least he's got twitter notoriety now

Yoko ono deserved it

says the rubber membrane tard. fuck outta here, pleblet.


Ah yes now begins the insufferable delaying tactics and feet dragging before the inevitable shutdown. Just get on with it you workaholic mongs.

/brit/ hierarchy goes
the lads
the assorted masses of undesirables such as pakis and yanks

don't like that angle one bit

Apparently they're rebooting Reno 911 this year.
The actors have aged pretty well. 11 years since it ended, 17 since it began. Compare it to Trailer Park Boys, they look like actual trailer park residents now.

Fuck off Amer

taking caffeine pills is terrible. you get a very uncomfortable aftertaste in your throat. if only making coffee wasn't so annoying

? i have mechanical

We’re actually in a separate ranking where we exist as both british and subhumans at the same time depending on the mood of other posters

you know you can get mechanical switches without rgb

It's such a bad move, a remote little bungalow to a shitty pokey flat where he's already been told he cannot play any loud music at any time.

dear oh dear

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My neighbour has started painting his side of the brand new fence i had to buy.

The missus is currently moaning that it best not drip through the gaps and ruin her side.

I think the first week is signs of whats to come, she’s currently moved her laptop into my room so she can watch. 6 days indoors and this is what i have to deal with.

On another note, i have the TV to myself so thats great.

vocaroo it

Why would we care about the dopey, dimwitted, and now DISEASED Boring Johnson

He didn’t take the right precautions and probably inspired many people to not take them either

To be truthful it wouldn't matter up or down. You haven't been born and bred in this culture. You're a foreigner trying to tell people in a different country what's what. Do you have no self awareness at all, you autistic freak.

are you actually japanese or are you an expat?

I beat my wife today oh boy

it's true

>the unironic homosexual bootlicker

What colour is he painting it

Thinking about Emma Watson’s bumhole lads.

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They did this to Charles too. Leftypol really believes they've got a zinger in this one, "but are NHS"

good post i agree
you guys are both the closest to us culturally and filthy potatofamined subhumans haha

irony isn't your strongest asset

what you got

dear oh dear PJW doesn't realise that we live in a egalitarian society where we are all equal and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Leftypol sinking society into anarchy

just got called an absolute spoon in greggs

I like how chavs. not only ride no-handie, but stuff their hands down their pants whilst doing it. Crazy bastards.


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Who wrote better music? Paul or Faul?

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reckon its over for the d*tchos

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Just got told to keep my filthy brown fingers off the yum yums in greggs

>Sexually frustrated Paki bloke
>Obsess over female flatmate
>She rejected his advances
>He violated her privacy by installing a hidden camera in the bathroom
>He uploaded screenshots of the secret recordings to Yas Forums
>He got caught and she filed a restraining order on him
>He had a psychotic breakdown and decided that if he can't have her, he would BECOME her
>He renames himself Monica, the name of the poor girl he violated
>He starts dressing as a woman

In a way it's fortunate that he took the tranny route because any other psychopath like that would have killed the poor girl and worn her skin to become her. Still it's an outright disgrace that this man is allowed to freely roam amongst the public.

hello tim I see you got your citizenship sorted then

Masturbated three times today; living the high life

if i had twitter id reply : you don't have to sign your tweet.
bet id get mad mad likes and whatnot

Heath Secretary: Matt Hancock now positive for Corona too, oh the Ironing

Boris Johnson got JUST’d.

do sex virgin

we're a gray country (lots of very old people)
so it's not really a surprise

hope the ultimate conclusion to this is mikey puts ribena in intensive care. the media gets hold of the story and the whole arc is revealed to the world in some low budget channel 5 documentary.

just got called an utter gregg in 'spoons

This isn't a corona crisis, it's an open border crisis. The vast majority of the worst affected countries are part of Schengen i.e. they had no borders to speak of until it was too late. Everyone would do well to remember that.

Surprised his internet ban was so temporary. honestly the whole thing was such a slight tap on the wrist.

Sounds like if I want to be a sexual deviant pervert I should move to the UK

Donny, pls

0 (zero) wanks today, but where's my round of applause?

the ironing is plateable

This fucking asshole hacked into my ceiling fan goys. I can hear his fucking voice in it. He is trying to rape me and saying he'll kill my family. What the fuck do I do

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this is ALL LIES, delete this post RIGHT FUCKING NOW or i will SUE you for SLANDER YOU FUCKING SHITBAG

leopold fc980c

>You haven't been born and bred in this culture.
How do you know that? Potato-brained larping goof.

Now BACK UP. An American is Talking.

Imagine misgendering someone online purely with the intent of upsetting them and being transphobic.


be quiet retard
viruses travel with anything
as long as you ship things back and forth, you'll have viruses spreading

Wow great banter

it's not slander you fucking freak you literally posted about touching up kids yourself

Anyone else wank for hours but not cum? Love building up a nice edge for days.

DOne it so long before that my stomach starting hurting and my balls were incredibly sore

How will the government be dealing with the plaguebearers that are Mikey's sort? Slashing their caravan's tyres for 2 weeks?

not allowed to visit my three fwbs. that'll have to stay on hold for a while

Oh fuck off you tea wankers

Expat. Getting the Japs to even consider not going to work is like pulling teeth. Isn't helped by the delusion many of them have that they've somehow beaten the virus and they're all immune.

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

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Is he even on the sex offenders register?

*sniff* *sniff*
I smell... A paki...

mmm goleslaw

Because it's evident in your posts you larping freak. You're just another know it all yank know nothing gimp.

Druggy mong. Sort yourself you solvent huffing wastrel.

>go to the shop
>have to queue outside as they only allow 6 customers in at a time
>no milk, no bread, no sliced meats, no cheeses, no pasta, no rice. nothing else i need either
>end up buying mutlipacks of kitkats, curry sauces, vegan pies and fucking waffles
Hate this shit now, lads.

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Only just reading up on Moni are we? But yes, I agree, he's an absolute specimen of the worst kind.

I'm NOT her you FREAK and you have NO proof

that's still a rubber, mate. the 'c' at the end stands for capacitive. there are no mechanical switches in that. you have expensive (read: overpriced) rubber domes (topre)! thought you of all people would know better

everything is logged on this site or in the archive
plenty of proof

How is it slander? There are literal criminal records

police will do nuttin
tbf if I was a knacker I would be doing that horse + cart racing they love right now. The motorways are as empty as they will ever be.

ah yes.......... the greatest minds........ our country has known............ so logical....... so factual....

Imagine noncing kids
Oh wait you dont need to

no mate this is real . CIA nigger rapist bastards. I am a based yank poster qt femboy

Spyware lads.. help

He says he killed my brother who died in a wreck a few years ago all day long. Seriously. It's real, if only you knew how bad things really are

NOT schizo haha

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Okay. *pushes you aside* oughta my way. I got more important people to reply to.

One time paid moni not to kill herself. Glad she didn't.

forgot to change your trip poley (officially confirmed lisicki is poley)

damn, it really makes you think

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